There's stuff blown all over the yard - the pool and spa are a mess. And it's still blowing and gusting and raining off and on. So the boys and I (J. is playing bass at church today) have started a fire in the family room and are just hanging out. B. is getting ready to go to work. H. is playing video games. Both were planning to spend the day snowboarding with friends, but that plan got scrapped around 5AM this now B. will head to work and H. will just hang out.
I woke up at 7:30, sat up in bed and felt 'ugh' I went back to sleep. I would have probably slept until at least 9ish but there were some really loud noises - musics, bangs, etc. I couldn't figure out where they were coming from (since I was expecting everyone to be gone). H. was watching Oceans Eleven (he loves the three Oceans movies almost as much as I do!) in the family room, where the surround sound was booming...under the bed I was sleeping in. Oh well. Probably better to get up - there's plenty to do. There's always plenty to do.
Our Valentine's Day celebration was quiet - we bought Rib Eye steaks and had salad to go with - and I made brownies. With hot fudge sauce. And as many maraschino cherries as you wanted on top. I ate 10 (cherries, not brownies). And 1/2 a steak. There's plenty of leftovers for tonight.
We will try to brave the weather to make a Costco run today. Out of staples like apples and bananas and I can't bring myself to buy them at the grocery store - so much more expensive and not nearly as good.
I am heading into a three week marathon of work....big report due and it's a doozy. All the budget reductions, budget cuts, etc. have to be incorporated into this massive document....and it all rests firmly on my shoulders. It will get done but working weekends is highly likely for the next couple weeks. So I'm trying to just enjoy what might be my last weekend off for some time.
Still working on making over the study. Getting back to it shortly - much progress has been made. The housecleaning crew will be surprised on Tuesday. There's a lot less 'stuff' in here then there was last time they were here (two weeks ago).
I leave you with this: the simple reminders you find of love in your everyday life - none of these pictures were staged. They just happened and I've been saving them for the right occasion. In my morning coffee one day not too long ago - and in my makeup that I use daily. Sometimes, hearts appear. I love it when that happens.
Hoping your Valentine's Day was the sweetest!

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