He now has a fever. Poor baby. Sent him back to bed with Tylenol. It looks like he won't be going to school tomorrow. He sounds stuffy. Probably just a bad cold - the fever isn't very high but I know he felt glad to have something to 'show' how bad he feels. Poor guy. He'll miss school and work again tomorrow - I hope he doesn't lose his job. He was sick a week ago, too. And I'm resisting the urge to compare this week's 'I feel terrible' with last week's 'I don't feel very well' - 'cuz I suspect his illness last week was more tired than anything else. And I won't point out that staying up until 11 or midnight every night of the week is not a wise idea. Murphy's Law: stay home when you just don't feel 'good' and you will soon wake up feeling truly HORRIBLE and have to attempt to drag yourself to where you need to be anyway 'cuz you can't keep taking too many sick days. I won't say it. No, I won't.
But I WILL be thinking it. Oh, yes I will.
I'm the mom.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Throwing caution to the wind as I watch our economy unravel before my very eyes - and heading to Subway to pick up sandwiches for dinner. Our entire financial future is hanging on by a prayer - so what's another $20 down the drain for food? It's hot. I don't feel like cooking. I have a lot on my mind...like the state of our retirement plans; a possible new job that I'm likely applying for; etc. Added to all that is a list a mile long of THINGS I MUST DO and sadly, I feel like doing absolutely NONE OF THEM. NONE. NEVER. But I must, therefore, I will. Argh. So Subway it is. Makes the kids happy - at least for a moment, anyway.
Son #1 has been sick in bed all day. He has absolutely no fever - but his throat hurts, his head aches and his stomach is 'a mess'. I have no idea what to make of it. I don't doubt he feels crummy - he doesn't sleep all day, ever. But he is working out like a maniac, watching what he eats very carefully. I want to lecture him on the basics: eat enough to sustain your energy level and eat healthily. Get enough sleep. Etc. But he won't listen to me anyway so I save it. He'll have to learn the hard way that working out a lot combined with changing your eating habits significantly will throw your body into a tailspin of major proportion. He missed work 'cuz if he's too sick to go to school, then he's going to have to give up the $$ he loses by missing work. Oh well.
Son #2 is attempting to clean his room - which when I last checked, involved tossing all the stuff that's on his floor into his closet and closing the doors. No, I'm not kidding. He said 'I'll get it later'. I said 'why have to do it all TWICE? If it's dirty laundry, bring it downstairs NOW and sort it into the laundry hampers and you're done. Now, you'll have to do that - and do it NOW.
Fun times.
I don't know what to make of the bail out bill not passing. Part of me wants to applaud that someone out there is thinking 'hey, is this a wise idea'? And there must be a reason it didn't pass. They must realize it's a bad thing....so they stopped it. Way to go, government! The other part of me wants to scream 'hello - this is now a WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS, you morons! Are you trying to crumble the entire world economy as we know it 'cuz if you are, you're doing a mighty fine job of it....if you're not, then figure out a way to SAY YES'. I can't believe the DOW is down over seven hundred points. Wow - that's a jolt. J. text-ed me in my budget workshop to say 'it's only down 500 something now - it was down 700 at one point'. And by the time I got to my car and headed home, it was officially down over 700. For the day.
I honestly think it's representative of where the legislature is at: if the President thinks it's a good idea and insists it's the right thing to do, it's probably the wrong thing to do. And for that, I DO wholeheartedly applaud them. It's about time! So I wait to see what they work out - I know they will work something out. They have to. There's truly no other option, as we all witnessed in today's tumble.
I know we're not alone in this. I know it's freaking out scary time right now for many Americans. I feel a sense of 'we have to DO something' - but I have no idea what that something is. Do we move everything we have in the stock market out as soon as possible? That's what everyone appears to be doing - hence the free fall - so is that the safest thing to do? And if this were 10 or 20 years ago, I wouldn't think twice about any of it - but it's not. My hubby is due to retire in less than a decade. Will that still happen? Will I end up working into my 80's because of this free fall? That's how it feels.
And then, I beat myself up because I am blessed. I have a roof over my head (a generously sized, good quality beautiful roof that I can still afford to make the payment on every month), food in the fridge, $20 to go to Subway and still have money in the bank. Still have good jobs. With good health insurance. Still have savings. So it could be worse and I know for many Americans - out of work and struggling - it is worse. Far worse. So I stop worrying so much and figure it will be what it will be. Maybe we won't retire when we thought we would. Maybe we will retire but move somewhere far less expensive to live. The market will bounce back. It always does. And we are buying low. Really low. So that's a 'good thing'.
Is it wrong to add 'our country's economy' to my list of nightly prayers? And I pray for change. Change in leadership. In every facet of my life - I pray for leadership.
Son #1 has been sick in bed all day. He has absolutely no fever - but his throat hurts, his head aches and his stomach is 'a mess'. I have no idea what to make of it. I don't doubt he feels crummy - he doesn't sleep all day, ever. But he is working out like a maniac, watching what he eats very carefully. I want to lecture him on the basics: eat enough to sustain your energy level and eat healthily. Get enough sleep. Etc. But he won't listen to me anyway so I save it. He'll have to learn the hard way that working out a lot combined with changing your eating habits significantly will throw your body into a tailspin of major proportion. He missed work 'cuz if he's too sick to go to school, then he's going to have to give up the $$ he loses by missing work. Oh well.
Son #2 is attempting to clean his room - which when I last checked, involved tossing all the stuff that's on his floor into his closet and closing the doors. No, I'm not kidding. He said 'I'll get it later'. I said 'why have to do it all TWICE? If it's dirty laundry, bring it downstairs NOW and sort it into the laundry hampers and you're done. Now, you'll have to do that - and do it NOW.
Fun times.
I don't know what to make of the bail out bill not passing. Part of me wants to applaud that someone out there is thinking 'hey, is this a wise idea'? And there must be a reason it didn't pass. They must realize it's a bad thing....so they stopped it. Way to go, government! The other part of me wants to scream 'hello - this is now a WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS, you morons! Are you trying to crumble the entire world economy as we know it 'cuz if you are, you're doing a mighty fine job of it....if you're not, then figure out a way to SAY YES'. I can't believe the DOW is down over seven hundred points. Wow - that's a jolt. J. text-ed me in my budget workshop to say 'it's only down 500 something now - it was down 700 at one point'. And by the time I got to my car and headed home, it was officially down over 700. For the day.
I honestly think it's representative of where the legislature is at: if the President thinks it's a good idea and insists it's the right thing to do, it's probably the wrong thing to do. And for that, I DO wholeheartedly applaud them. It's about time! So I wait to see what they work out - I know they will work something out. They have to. There's truly no other option, as we all witnessed in today's tumble.
I know we're not alone in this. I know it's freaking out scary time right now for many Americans. I feel a sense of 'we have to DO something' - but I have no idea what that something is. Do we move everything we have in the stock market out as soon as possible? That's what everyone appears to be doing - hence the free fall - so is that the safest thing to do? And if this were 10 or 20 years ago, I wouldn't think twice about any of it - but it's not. My hubby is due to retire in less than a decade. Will that still happen? Will I end up working into my 80's because of this free fall? That's how it feels.
And then, I beat myself up because I am blessed. I have a roof over my head (a generously sized, good quality beautiful roof that I can still afford to make the payment on every month), food in the fridge, $20 to go to Subway and still have money in the bank. Still have good jobs. With good health insurance. Still have savings. So it could be worse and I know for many Americans - out of work and struggling - it is worse. Far worse. So I stop worrying so much and figure it will be what it will be. Maybe we won't retire when we thought we would. Maybe we will retire but move somewhere far less expensive to live. The market will bounce back. It always does. And we are buying low. Really low. So that's a 'good thing'.
Is it wrong to add 'our country's economy' to my list of nightly prayers? And I pray for change. Change in leadership. In every facet of my life - I pray for leadership.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I spent all summer cleaning off the Tivo [it's not really a 'Tivo' - it's the satellite cable's Digital Video Recorder - but Tivo takes less typing] in my room - I watched and/or erased about 40-60 hours of shows. It's been nice and 'clean' - not too much on in the summer to tape. I got to watch a bunch of 'older' Law & Orders that I keep on there as 'standby' - for the 30 minutes a day you CAN'T find a L&O episode on somewhere. They're on pretty much 24/7 - but I tape the really good ones so I can watch them again.
Good thing, 'cuz it's been one show after the next all week. Lipstick Jungle, One Tree Hill, Heroes, and this week, Dirty, Sexy Money. Grey's Anatomy and Ugly Betty. Pushing Daisies & Brothers and Sisters. And Ace of Cakes. Added to that is a new Survivor - and then tonight, as we're getting ready to eat dinner, we hear a promo for a new Amazing Race. YIPEE - it's one of our all time FAVORITE reality shows and we're never sure it's been renewed or not - we hit the jackpot! So now, there's too much to watch - and the Tivos are filling up really fast, already.
Soon, I'll be having trouble keeping up with watching all those shows and some will fall by the way side. Heroes is pretty close to being off my list - it's honestly just too brain taxing to try to keep up with what's happened and what's happening. Truly, I have no clue what's happened - I haven't been able to figure it out for some time - and it's probably time to move on and just acknowledge that when something takes that much concentration to watch, it's time to move on. Admittedly, I watch it while doing other stuff - so maybe I'll try just sitting on the couch and watching it. Maybe that will help.
Also, I didn't watch much Grey's Anatomy last season - just got tired of it. I watched the Season Premiere this past Thursday and it was OK - but I'm not finding the characters as compelling as I did in the first few seasons. I don't know if I'll stick with watching it or not. Time will tell. My Lion's meetings are on Thursdays (every other) and that's part of the issue - I'm not home in time to watch. Or I am home but am too tired to watch a show that goes until 10 or 11.
I just re-read my list and thought 'Holy Cow - that's way too much TV'. I'm going to have to start giving some up. "Lost" will return soon, too - it's a bit like Heroes - it may be too late for me to catch up on it but I'll try. The thing about Lost is: I know it has a defined ending. The show will only be a five year show - at least that's what they said. So at least I feel like I have a finite number of episodes to concentrate through. Heroes may go on forever - and I just can't invest that time. It's bouncing back and forth between good guys and bad guys - I can't keep up with who's on what side. 'Lost' is hard but a teeny bit easier to follow - and I really care about those characters. I don't care about any of the Heroes people.
This is an incredibly boring post - but I've been wanting to list the stuff I'm watching. Now that I have, I think it's time to limit it a bit. Hard to narrow those shows down 'cuz they are all great. I'll try to tape as much as I can and re-watch them during the summer or reruns during the holidays.
Good thing, 'cuz it's been one show after the next all week. Lipstick Jungle, One Tree Hill, Heroes, and this week, Dirty, Sexy Money. Grey's Anatomy and Ugly Betty. Pushing Daisies & Brothers and Sisters. And Ace of Cakes. Added to that is a new Survivor - and then tonight, as we're getting ready to eat dinner, we hear a promo for a new Amazing Race. YIPEE - it's one of our all time FAVORITE reality shows and we're never sure it's been renewed or not - we hit the jackpot! So now, there's too much to watch - and the Tivos are filling up really fast, already.
Soon, I'll be having trouble keeping up with watching all those shows and some will fall by the way side. Heroes is pretty close to being off my list - it's honestly just too brain taxing to try to keep up with what's happened and what's happening. Truly, I have no clue what's happened - I haven't been able to figure it out for some time - and it's probably time to move on and just acknowledge that when something takes that much concentration to watch, it's time to move on. Admittedly, I watch it while doing other stuff - so maybe I'll try just sitting on the couch and watching it. Maybe that will help.
Also, I didn't watch much Grey's Anatomy last season - just got tired of it. I watched the Season Premiere this past Thursday and it was OK - but I'm not finding the characters as compelling as I did in the first few seasons. I don't know if I'll stick with watching it or not. Time will tell. My Lion's meetings are on Thursdays (every other) and that's part of the issue - I'm not home in time to watch. Or I am home but am too tired to watch a show that goes until 10 or 11.
I just re-read my list and thought 'Holy Cow - that's way too much TV'. I'm going to have to start giving some up. "Lost" will return soon, too - it's a bit like Heroes - it may be too late for me to catch up on it but I'll try. The thing about Lost is: I know it has a defined ending. The show will only be a five year show - at least that's what they said. So at least I feel like I have a finite number of episodes to concentrate through. Heroes may go on forever - and I just can't invest that time. It's bouncing back and forth between good guys and bad guys - I can't keep up with who's on what side. 'Lost' is hard but a teeny bit easier to follow - and I really care about those characters. I don't care about any of the Heroes people.
This is an incredibly boring post - but I've been wanting to list the stuff I'm watching. Now that I have, I think it's time to limit it a bit. Hard to narrow those shows down 'cuz they are all great. I'll try to tape as much as I can and re-watch them during the summer or reruns during the holidays.
I worked this weekend - I know, I know. But I couldn't help it - the last big fall hurdle starts tomorrow - auditors here. And since I'm attending a budget conference in Sacto all day tomorrow (postponed some five or six times - I lost count), I had some stuff to take care of. I got a lot done - and brought some stuff home to work on this evening and tomorrow evening. It will be a busy week.
I was in my office yesterday - and see a kid outside my window - on the parking lot side of the fence. The gate is locked. I think 'oh, he couldn't possibly be so stupid'. I went outside, stood at the end of the ramp up to my building, as I watched one of FIVE kids climb over the fence. As he landed, I said 'now you can climb right back over'. His friends (and he) were totally shocked. I said 'the car in the parking lot wasn't a 'clue' to you that climbing over THIS FENCE was a bad idea?'. They shrugged their shoulders. Kids with absolutely no analytical skills: 'there's a car in the parking lot = someone is here. Perhaps we should not climb over the fence' never seemed to enter their mind.
I gave them my usual 'when you climb over a fence to enter the school grounds, you are trespassing' and 'when the gates are locked, the campus is closed and you should not enter the premises' speech and sent them on their merry way. They skated in the parking lot for a bit and finally moved on. They shouldn't be skating there, either, but I knew they were just doing it to irritate me. It doesn't have anywhere near the great skate locations as the inside of the grounds does - and as expected, they headed down the street shortly. I fully expected to have to chase them off the school side of the property (the district offices are on one side of the grounds and the school is on the other) but thankfully, they didn't do that.
J. worked in the yard a lot today while I worked at work. He planted the flowers I bought last week to replace those we lost - and pruned and weeded a lot. He also went to Target yesterday and bought the last two 'deck boxes' they had in stock - the huge pool cover is now stored in those bins in the side yard. The garage is looking like we might actually get a car in their shortly. H. used the shop vac to vacuum and it's looking pretty good. J. also made a trip to Goodwill and recycling on Friday (he took 1/2 day off) and that helped the garage's condition immensely. AND, he's been doing massive amounts of laundry. Oh, and right this minute, he's cooking dinner!! Isn't he the BEST?
I don't know what to say about the economic bail out package. I'm not sure it's the right thing to do - I'm not sure we should be rewarding Wall Street and those that profited from the debacle by buying those bad loans. But I guess it's the right thing to do because we are headed for a free fall. I was rereading old blog posts - and in August, 2007, I commented on how a bank had required an influx of cash - and I thought that was odd. I think we've been on the brink of collapse all this time - and it's finally imminent. I certainly want to protect our retirement savings - we're too old to be starting over. So I hope the bail out does that. I really do. I don't want to work into my 80's.
We watched the Presidential debate and felt Obama 'won'. But we admit we're biased - so who knows. I don't like McCain - I think he came across as 'gruff' and disrespectful - and he was spinning the same spin he always spins. The reuse of his previous speeches really bugs me - the bracelet story comes up at virtually any opportunity he can think of to bring it up - and I just get tired of hearing him 'spin in the wind'. And we loved the Saturday Night Live opening sketch of the Palin/Couric interview. It was 'spot on' in content and Couric's response to Palin's ridiculous responses to the questions. Tina Fey has Palin DOWN - it was amazing to me how the speech patterns, inflections, tone, etc. are SPOT ON for Palin. I was out of the room when J. started playing it (it was on You Tube well before the show aired out our way) and asked him 'is that Palin?' And he said 'no, it's Tina Fey doing Palin'. It was a great sketch.
That's it for this weekend. I worked but did get some 'home time' in, which is nice. I did nap yesterday, which I needed. And I 'slept in' until 7 both days - which is actually hard for me 'cuz I'm wired to wake up at 5...and I did but went back to sleep. The little bit of extra sleep helps a lot and I feel 'better' - ready for a busy week.
I was in my office yesterday - and see a kid outside my window - on the parking lot side of the fence. The gate is locked. I think 'oh, he couldn't possibly be so stupid'. I went outside, stood at the end of the ramp up to my building, as I watched one of FIVE kids climb over the fence. As he landed, I said 'now you can climb right back over'. His friends (and he) were totally shocked. I said 'the car in the parking lot wasn't a 'clue' to you that climbing over THIS FENCE was a bad idea?'. They shrugged their shoulders. Kids with absolutely no analytical skills: 'there's a car in the parking lot = someone is here. Perhaps we should not climb over the fence' never seemed to enter their mind.
I gave them my usual 'when you climb over a fence to enter the school grounds, you are trespassing' and 'when the gates are locked, the campus is closed and you should not enter the premises' speech and sent them on their merry way. They skated in the parking lot for a bit and finally moved on. They shouldn't be skating there, either, but I knew they were just doing it to irritate me. It doesn't have anywhere near the great skate locations as the inside of the grounds does - and as expected, they headed down the street shortly. I fully expected to have to chase them off the school side of the property (the district offices are on one side of the grounds and the school is on the other) but thankfully, they didn't do that.
J. worked in the yard a lot today while I worked at work. He planted the flowers I bought last week to replace those we lost - and pruned and weeded a lot. He also went to Target yesterday and bought the last two 'deck boxes' they had in stock - the huge pool cover is now stored in those bins in the side yard. The garage is looking like we might actually get a car in their shortly. H. used the shop vac to vacuum and it's looking pretty good. J. also made a trip to Goodwill and recycling on Friday (he took 1/2 day off) and that helped the garage's condition immensely. AND, he's been doing massive amounts of laundry. Oh, and right this minute, he's cooking dinner!! Isn't he the BEST?
I don't know what to say about the economic bail out package. I'm not sure it's the right thing to do - I'm not sure we should be rewarding Wall Street and those that profited from the debacle by buying those bad loans. But I guess it's the right thing to do because we are headed for a free fall. I was rereading old blog posts - and in August, 2007, I commented on how a bank had required an influx of cash - and I thought that was odd. I think we've been on the brink of collapse all this time - and it's finally imminent. I certainly want to protect our retirement savings - we're too old to be starting over. So I hope the bail out does that. I really do. I don't want to work into my 80's.
We watched the Presidential debate and felt Obama 'won'. But we admit we're biased - so who knows. I don't like McCain - I think he came across as 'gruff' and disrespectful - and he was spinning the same spin he always spins. The reuse of his previous speeches really bugs me - the bracelet story comes up at virtually any opportunity he can think of to bring it up - and I just get tired of hearing him 'spin in the wind'. And we loved the Saturday Night Live opening sketch of the Palin/Couric interview. It was 'spot on' in content and Couric's response to Palin's ridiculous responses to the questions. Tina Fey has Palin DOWN - it was amazing to me how the speech patterns, inflections, tone, etc. are SPOT ON for Palin. I was out of the room when J. started playing it (it was on You Tube well before the show aired out our way) and asked him 'is that Palin?' And he said 'no, it's Tina Fey doing Palin'. It was a great sketch.
That's it for this weekend. I worked but did get some 'home time' in, which is nice. I did nap yesterday, which I needed. And I 'slept in' until 7 both days - which is actually hard for me 'cuz I'm wired to wake up at 5...and I did but went back to sleep. The little bit of extra sleep helps a lot and I feel 'better' - ready for a busy week.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
My sons are going to be the 'acting DJs' at my sister's upcoming nuptials (only three weeks away)! J. and I are working on creating 'mix' CDs and play lists for our iPods (yes, K., we think we would also like to have an MP3 hookup - hoping that isn't going to be the 'final straw' in your long list of things to do to prepare for that event) to play during the reception.
My husband is a decade older than I am and it is our respective tastes in music that highlight the age difference more than any other area. He is sitting behind me right this minute, creating play lists - and I am amazed at how much music he has on his iTunes list. It's a pretty broad, eclectic mix and much of it is PERFECT for a party. We are also purchasing a few standards - to ensure we have the 'classic' dance songs (like YMCA, Celebration, etc. ).
My husband's teen years were in the 60's - and sadly, that is the decade where I lost my father (I was six) and so that decade is not a 'happy memory' time for me. It is a sad, "life changed FOREVER" decade...and the music of that time holds 'bad feelings' for me that are impossible to put into words. When certain songs come on the radio, I cringe. Have a sick feeling in my stomach. J. has learned to 'know' this about me - and I rarely have to say the 'code word' ('bad memories') before he changes the station.
The mix we are creating for the party will have some of 'those' songs - a few scattered in here and there among lots of other good dance tunes.
It's going to be a great time. And while the 'bad memory' songs play, I can work on overwriting hard, uneasy memories with new, happy memories. I'll be with the three men in my life, and lots of other family to celebrate a very happy occasion. AND, God willing, I will be on vacation for a week after the event - spending time piddling around my home, which is a favorite activity. The boys are excited to be 'out of school' for an extended weekend. And B. is taking a long weekend off work as well, and he's glad for that break.
Good times, happiness all around. I can't wait. And the music (based on what I'm hearing behind me) is going to be GREAT!
My husband is a decade older than I am and it is our respective tastes in music that highlight the age difference more than any other area. He is sitting behind me right this minute, creating play lists - and I am amazed at how much music he has on his iTunes list. It's a pretty broad, eclectic mix and much of it is PERFECT for a party. We are also purchasing a few standards - to ensure we have the 'classic' dance songs (like YMCA, Celebration, etc. ).
My husband's teen years were in the 60's - and sadly, that is the decade where I lost my father (I was six) and so that decade is not a 'happy memory' time for me. It is a sad, "life changed FOREVER" decade...and the music of that time holds 'bad feelings' for me that are impossible to put into words. When certain songs come on the radio, I cringe. Have a sick feeling in my stomach. J. has learned to 'know' this about me - and I rarely have to say the 'code word' ('bad memories') before he changes the station.
The mix we are creating for the party will have some of 'those' songs - a few scattered in here and there among lots of other good dance tunes.
It's going to be a great time. And while the 'bad memory' songs play, I can work on overwriting hard, uneasy memories with new, happy memories. I'll be with the three men in my life, and lots of other family to celebrate a very happy occasion. AND, God willing, I will be on vacation for a week after the event - spending time piddling around my home, which is a favorite activity. The boys are excited to be 'out of school' for an extended weekend. And B. is taking a long weekend off work as well, and he's glad for that break.
Good times, happiness all around. I can't wait. And the music (based on what I'm hearing behind me) is going to be GREAT!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Phone Call
20 years ago today, I returned a call from a message left on my answering machine.
20 years ago tonight, I stepped out of my comfort zone and met a man for a drink. At a bar. On a Sunday. A 'work night' which would normally have me curled up with a book around 9 and asleep by 10. And would never, EVER have me going out - for a drink - on a Sunday - with a man I'd never met before.
20 years ago today, my life changed forever. I didn't know it for sure at the time, but I suspected, that I had just met the man I would be spending my life with. From the minute I saw him, I just knew. Suspected. Hoped and prayed.
20 years ago tonight, I realized that God does answer prayers. He does have a plan for us. All the things that conspired to bring us together were most certainly arranged by God. There's no other logical explanation for it. None.
The rest is history.
20 years ago, I met my future husband on a blind date. And I was forever changed in that simple action - returning a phone call and agreeing to meet a blind date for a drink.
Happy Anniversary, J. Of all the anniversaries we celebrate together, this one is my favorite. This is the day I knew life was going to work out just fine.
I love you with all my heart.
20 years ago tonight, I stepped out of my comfort zone and met a man for a drink. At a bar. On a Sunday. A 'work night' which would normally have me curled up with a book around 9 and asleep by 10. And would never, EVER have me going out - for a drink - on a Sunday - with a man I'd never met before.
20 years ago today, my life changed forever. I didn't know it for sure at the time, but I suspected, that I had just met the man I would be spending my life with. From the minute I saw him, I just knew. Suspected. Hoped and prayed.
20 years ago tonight, I realized that God does answer prayers. He does have a plan for us. All the things that conspired to bring us together were most certainly arranged by God. There's no other logical explanation for it. None.
The rest is history.
20 years ago, I met my future husband on a blind date. And I was forever changed in that simple action - returning a phone call and agreeing to meet a blind date for a drink.
Happy Anniversary, J. Of all the anniversaries we celebrate together, this one is my favorite. This is the day I knew life was going to work out just fine.
I love you with all my heart.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
We spent WAY more than my previously mentioned 'target' on family pics. Here's a link to an 'animoto' of some of the pics. The photographer took over 100 pictures - it was really hard to narrow it down. We placed an order for a lot of pictures. Good thing we don't do this very often.
I'm not sure how long I'll leave this link up - and the photographer is (hopefully, since I just emailed her asking her to) updating the animoto with more pictures. It was a fun photo shoot and I think this illustrates that well. And I have really great looking kids and a fantastically photogenic husband!
I'm not sure how long I'll leave this link up - and the photographer is (hopefully, since I just emailed her asking her to) updating the animoto with more pictures. It was a fun photo shoot and I think this illustrates that well. And I have really great looking kids and a fantastically photogenic husband!
SCC Rocks!
The Steven Curtis Chapman concert last night was FANTASTIC! My friend J. and I arrived around 2PM - we were not the only people 'camping out' there. We were about 20 people back in one of two lines. It was a pleasant afternoon - we played some backgammon (which we both played in our younger years but had to relearn and refresh ourselves). I won once. She won once. It was too windy for cards. We just chatted with each other and the people around us. The weather cooperated with moderate temps and a nice, cooling breeze. They opened the doors at 6:30 and the show started just after 7. It was just SO GREAT! There was laughter, tears, joy, sorrow, great music and wonderful faith-filled fellowship. A success all around. It was great. I was so wound up when I got home that I couldn't fall asleep until well after 2AM. It was THAT good.
Thanks to J. going out and getting us Baja Fresh for dinner around 5, we moved our cars to FANTASTIC parking spaces. Backed in and were able to easily exit the parking lot - I was home by just before 10.
AND, I increased my 'tank average' in my car from 27.2 gallons average MPG to 27.6!! Probably because my route home was 'backroads' and I drove very carefully - increasing my MPG is a 'theme' lately - my husband's is hovering around 37MPG since he bought his hybrid - so you can see I have a ways to go.
Yesterday was my husband's 59th birthday. It was wonderful of him to let me spend HIS birthday elsewhere. Tonight, we are feasting on massive amount of Chinese food at his favorite Chinese place here in town. I will be leaving shortly for a bit of shopping - since I never actually got to that during the week. AND because he won't usually say anything he 'wants' and we have a strict rule that we don't just buy 'stuff' just to buy. We have to WANT something.
I bought a bunch of souvenirs last night - a couple t-shirts, a necklace that I'm wearing as a bracelet, etc. I don't know WHY I buy this stuff - and my friend J. said 'now I'll have to read about your clutter on your blog'. No, you won't - 'cuz you don't HAVE to read if you don't want to. :-) But, I decided to use the necklace as my new 'hanging from my rear view mirror' decoration for the car...and the wristband will also be covering the strange 'cord like' thing that goes from the glass to the mirror. SO, that may be a good purchase after all - though it's still ridiculous to buy a little sweatband for my wrist with SCC's likeness. THAT was a stupid purchase - but I'll make the best of it! And the CD is GREAT!
J., my friend - thank you for going with me. For spending an afternoon chatting and sharing. It was great fun - and the concert, though amazingly fantastic - was really second to the great time with you. Our friendship means the world to me and you have always been such a blessing in my life. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
SCC, you are so amazing. I just can't thank you enough for sharing so much of your life with us last night. You warmed our hearts and reminded us of the promise we all have in Jesus. You are witnessing that promise for all of us everyday, in every concert, every song. I was deeply touched by your honesty and most importantly, your faith. I would have never imagined someone who lost their young daughter only 4 months ago could do what you did last night - but you DID. And those of us blessed to be there will never forget that experience.
Thanks to J. going out and getting us Baja Fresh for dinner around 5, we moved our cars to FANTASTIC parking spaces. Backed in and were able to easily exit the parking lot - I was home by just before 10.
AND, I increased my 'tank average' in my car from 27.2 gallons average MPG to 27.6!! Probably because my route home was 'backroads' and I drove very carefully - increasing my MPG is a 'theme' lately - my husband's is hovering around 37MPG since he bought his hybrid - so you can see I have a ways to go.
Yesterday was my husband's 59th birthday. It was wonderful of him to let me spend HIS birthday elsewhere. Tonight, we are feasting on massive amount of Chinese food at his favorite Chinese place here in town. I will be leaving shortly for a bit of shopping - since I never actually got to that during the week. AND because he won't usually say anything he 'wants' and we have a strict rule that we don't just buy 'stuff' just to buy. We have to WANT something.
I bought a bunch of souvenirs last night - a couple t-shirts, a necklace that I'm wearing as a bracelet, etc. I don't know WHY I buy this stuff - and my friend J. said 'now I'll have to read about your clutter on your blog'. No, you won't - 'cuz you don't HAVE to read if you don't want to. :-) But, I decided to use the necklace as my new 'hanging from my rear view mirror' decoration for the car...and the wristband will also be covering the strange 'cord like' thing that goes from the glass to the mirror. SO, that may be a good purchase after all - though it's still ridiculous to buy a little sweatband for my wrist with SCC's likeness. THAT was a stupid purchase - but I'll make the best of it! And the CD is GREAT!
J., my friend - thank you for going with me. For spending an afternoon chatting and sharing. It was great fun - and the concert, though amazingly fantastic - was really second to the great time with you. Our friendship means the world to me and you have always been such a blessing in my life. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
SCC, you are so amazing. I just can't thank you enough for sharing so much of your life with us last night. You warmed our hearts and reminded us of the promise we all have in Jesus. You are witnessing that promise for all of us everyday, in every concert, every song. I was deeply touched by your honesty and most importantly, your faith. I would have never imagined someone who lost their young daughter only 4 months ago could do what you did last night - but you DID. And those of us blessed to be there will never forget that experience.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It's been a lovely five day weekend. I don't have massive lists of accomplishments to report - and yet, I did get 'stuff' done and was not too sloth-like. A bit of sloth..but I did manage to be 'productive'.
Yesterday, after lunching in Livermore with a friend, I made a trip to Home Depot to procure more 'grass patch mix'. We still have a few spots that need fixing. I also did a mini-Costco shop, picking up the couple things we forgot on Sunday - and pizza and salads for dinner.
Today, I resisted the urge to go to Jackson - mainly just trying to be frugal - what I would (most likely) lose combined with the gas to get there - and added to that, my somewhat 'sloth like' feeling today that I just didn't want to spend an hour and a half each way in the car. So I went to OSH to look around and found grass patch mix for A THIRD of what I paid yesterday - it's not the same brand, but it's the same 'mix' of seeds - and it was only $5 per bag for three times the amount. I bought 3 bags. Then I had to return the purchase from yesterday, so back to Home Depot. Thankfully, HD is near a drive thru you-know-where, so I procured my daily ration of caffeine.
While the cleaning ladies were doing their thing, I ran my errands. When they finally made it into the study, I took Chloe outside with me and worked out there a bit. It was HOT but I cleaned up some 'stuff' in the little space between the walkway and the fence - some plant stuff, a bit of recycling that's made it's way out of the trash can. It looks tidier. I also cleared out the patio planters where our plants died - I got a little too wrapped up in year-end and didn't water everyday - during the hottest part of our summer so far - and I lost quite a few plants. Since I'd also procured some plants at HD yesterday, I cleared out the dead plants, and readied the pots for fresh potting soil (put the old soil in a section of the flower bed that I've named 'the soil depository'). It now needs to be 'raked' into the existing soil and I'll get to that this weekend, hopefully.
It's funny how 'good' I feel that the trash bin is overflowing (just stuff we've tossed that needed tossing - mostly from the garage) and the recycle bin is full. And the lawn trimming bin is also not too empty - all those things are signs of 'progress'. I've recycled papers from last year's school binders; tossed things that we don't need and can't donate (little things the kids bring home that sit around cluttering up the place for no apparent reason); trimmed, weeded some, etc. It's a good feeling to have overflowing waste receptacles. It's strange to me - but I might make that a 'goal' - try to fill the waste cans 'cuz that's a sign you've done stuff around the house that needs doing. And the added benefit of a continually expanding visible concrete floor in the garage is an added highlight.
Of course, there are zillions of things I didn't get to - and I need to. But hopefully, the three days of work this week won't shatter my motivation and I can continue working on stuff this weekend. That would be nice.
We had the 'chip repair' guys come and patch the chips in the van window. I don't commute over the Altamont anymore - and it seemed pointless to repair them when I was likely to get another one (or two or dozen) imminently - but since we're trying to sell it, we got them fixed - 100% covered by our insurance. J. also went to the DMV today to get 'new' plates for the van so we can save my 'personalized' plates for the Mariner. They say [heart symbol]MI2SNS - Love my two sons. I sort of considered letting that plate go - sometimes, I think people read it as 'Love my two sins'. And since the outer frame says 'Teedle and Boo' (the nicknames for the kids when they were babies), I think people are looking at me trying to figure out exactly what two 'sins' are metaphorically being called 'Teedle and Boo'. I'll leave it to YOUR imagination. Go ahead. You know you will.....anyhoo - so I considered letting them go and just getting 'regular' plates. But I do love my two sons, so I'm keeping them. Thanks to J. for helping with that. Now, we wait for the Mariner 'regular' plates to arrive and then take them back to the DMV, with the personalized plates we have in the garage (safely stored) and put the Mariner's ID # on the personalized plate. It's a complicated process - but thankfully, J. already blazed the trail a couple years ago when he bought his new car. So that 'to do' is off the list.
We are sitting on the edge of our seats watching the stock market's crazy ride this week. The government bailing out AIG is not a good thing. How many bail-outs can the government keep doing? And while I realize there must be very serious reasons for doing that, I still don't feel good/comfortable with it. It will affect consumers either way - if they fail, it will have repercussions. But the government spending BILLIONS of $$ to shore them up - wow. I just can't wrap my head around that.
J. got a call today from a person asking if they should put their money in gold. His advice? No advice. We don't give advice to people. And just the fact that they're calling and asking should be their first (OF MANY) clues that they have no idea what they're doing and would be better to just keep their money in a bank somewhere. WE are less than 10 years from retirement (for J. at least - it now officially looks like I'll be working for the rest of my life) - and we're still holding tight. You have to invest for the long term. You can't have knee-jerk reactions that lead you to make bad decisions. Truth is the stock market is a relatively 'safe' place - sure, it has volatile times (as evidenced by NOW) but by and large, it is a good place to keep investments. And I look at it this way: we both work. We have good jobs. We can conceivably work for another 20 years if we had to - not that we want to - J. certainly doesn't - but we could if we have to. So if we lose absolutely everything (which isn't likely), we could rebuild. And we will probably be fine - the economy will turn around. Not sure when. Not sure how. But it will....so we, like many Americans, wait it out. Trying not to bite our nails, spend extravagantly, panic. We just hold tight and wait. And pray we don't have 8 more years of the current party in the Office of the President.
I did not check emails much - primarily because my mailbox is so blooming full that I didn't want to frustrate myself with trying to clean it out. I'm sure emails are bouncing back to people - and I'm fine with that. I will move stuff to folders in the morning, first thing, which at least clears the in basket enough to allow new emails to come in. I did pop in the office last night to get my laptop - thinking I would work on emails today - but I didn't open it once. I did check my voice mails and returned a couple calls - but that's it. I have done NO work for five days. At least not any work worth calling 'work'. I have a pensive feeling that I'll be paying for that shortly - there's always so much to do - but I really needed the break and I'm grateful I took it.
OK - back at it shortly.
Yesterday, after lunching in Livermore with a friend, I made a trip to Home Depot to procure more 'grass patch mix'. We still have a few spots that need fixing. I also did a mini-Costco shop, picking up the couple things we forgot on Sunday - and pizza and salads for dinner.
Today, I resisted the urge to go to Jackson - mainly just trying to be frugal - what I would (most likely) lose combined with the gas to get there - and added to that, my somewhat 'sloth like' feeling today that I just didn't want to spend an hour and a half each way in the car. So I went to OSH to look around and found grass patch mix for A THIRD of what I paid yesterday - it's not the same brand, but it's the same 'mix' of seeds - and it was only $5 per bag for three times the amount. I bought 3 bags. Then I had to return the purchase from yesterday, so back to Home Depot. Thankfully, HD is near a drive thru you-know-where, so I procured my daily ration of caffeine.
While the cleaning ladies were doing their thing, I ran my errands. When they finally made it into the study, I took Chloe outside with me and worked out there a bit. It was HOT but I cleaned up some 'stuff' in the little space between the walkway and the fence - some plant stuff, a bit of recycling that's made it's way out of the trash can. It looks tidier. I also cleared out the patio planters where our plants died - I got a little too wrapped up in year-end and didn't water everyday - during the hottest part of our summer so far - and I lost quite a few plants. Since I'd also procured some plants at HD yesterday, I cleared out the dead plants, and readied the pots for fresh potting soil (put the old soil in a section of the flower bed that I've named 'the soil depository'). It now needs to be 'raked' into the existing soil and I'll get to that this weekend, hopefully.
It's funny how 'good' I feel that the trash bin is overflowing (just stuff we've tossed that needed tossing - mostly from the garage) and the recycle bin is full. And the lawn trimming bin is also not too empty - all those things are signs of 'progress'. I've recycled papers from last year's school binders; tossed things that we don't need and can't donate (little things the kids bring home that sit around cluttering up the place for no apparent reason); trimmed, weeded some, etc. It's a good feeling to have overflowing waste receptacles. It's strange to me - but I might make that a 'goal' - try to fill the waste cans 'cuz that's a sign you've done stuff around the house that needs doing. And the added benefit of a continually expanding visible concrete floor in the garage is an added highlight.
Of course, there are zillions of things I didn't get to - and I need to. But hopefully, the three days of work this week won't shatter my motivation and I can continue working on stuff this weekend. That would be nice.
We had the 'chip repair' guys come and patch the chips in the van window. I don't commute over the Altamont anymore - and it seemed pointless to repair them when I was likely to get another one (or two or dozen) imminently - but since we're trying to sell it, we got them fixed - 100% covered by our insurance. J. also went to the DMV today to get 'new' plates for the van so we can save my 'personalized' plates for the Mariner. They say [heart symbol]MI2SNS - Love my two sons. I sort of considered letting that plate go - sometimes, I think people read it as 'Love my two sins'. And since the outer frame says 'Teedle and Boo' (the nicknames for the kids when they were babies), I think people are looking at me trying to figure out exactly what two 'sins' are metaphorically being called 'Teedle and Boo'. I'll leave it to YOUR imagination. Go ahead. You know you will.....anyhoo - so I considered letting them go and just getting 'regular' plates. But I do love my two sons, so I'm keeping them. Thanks to J. for helping with that. Now, we wait for the Mariner 'regular' plates to arrive and then take them back to the DMV, with the personalized plates we have in the garage (safely stored) and put the Mariner's ID # on the personalized plate. It's a complicated process - but thankfully, J. already blazed the trail a couple years ago when he bought his new car. So that 'to do' is off the list.
We are sitting on the edge of our seats watching the stock market's crazy ride this week. The government bailing out AIG is not a good thing. How many bail-outs can the government keep doing? And while I realize there must be very serious reasons for doing that, I still don't feel good/comfortable with it. It will affect consumers either way - if they fail, it will have repercussions. But the government spending BILLIONS of $$ to shore them up - wow. I just can't wrap my head around that.
J. got a call today from a person asking if they should put their money in gold. His advice? No advice. We don't give advice to people. And just the fact that they're calling and asking should be their first (OF MANY) clues that they have no idea what they're doing and would be better to just keep their money in a bank somewhere. WE are less than 10 years from retirement (for J. at least - it now officially looks like I'll be working for the rest of my life) - and we're still holding tight. You have to invest for the long term. You can't have knee-jerk reactions that lead you to make bad decisions. Truth is the stock market is a relatively 'safe' place - sure, it has volatile times (as evidenced by NOW) but by and large, it is a good place to keep investments. And I look at it this way: we both work. We have good jobs. We can conceivably work for another 20 years if we had to - not that we want to - J. certainly doesn't - but we could if we have to. So if we lose absolutely everything (which isn't likely), we could rebuild. And we will probably be fine - the economy will turn around. Not sure when. Not sure how. But it will....so we, like many Americans, wait it out. Trying not to bite our nails, spend extravagantly, panic. We just hold tight and wait. And pray we don't have 8 more years of the current party in the Office of the President.
I did not check emails much - primarily because my mailbox is so blooming full that I didn't want to frustrate myself with trying to clean it out. I'm sure emails are bouncing back to people - and I'm fine with that. I will move stuff to folders in the morning, first thing, which at least clears the in basket enough to allow new emails to come in. I did pop in the office last night to get my laptop - thinking I would work on emails today - but I didn't open it once. I did check my voice mails and returned a couple calls - but that's it. I have done NO work for five days. At least not any work worth calling 'work'. I have a pensive feeling that I'll be paying for that shortly - there's always so much to do - but I really needed the break and I'm grateful I took it.
OK - back at it shortly.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
We had a very productive day today. J. and I worked hard on the garage. Tidied, culled, swept, etc. Still lots to do but we made progress and the swept concrete floor pleases me for reasons I can't explain. J. inventoried several bags of Goodwill and he will (I hope) drop it off at our local charity on Tuesday this week, or next. Once those bags are out of there, and the recycling is taken to the recycling center, we'll have some clearer space. Still so much out there that is 'garage sale' ready. We just need to actually have the sale. Soon, I hope.
We also worked in the backyard - used the Scott's Patch Mix to try to fill in some spots in the yard that have been suffering all summer. Not sure if we're having sprinkler problems, dog problems or both - but we had a lot of patches that needed reseeding. A friend of ours told us about the patch mix - looks like mulched paper that has seed in it - and we put it down on top of some new top soil (after breaking up the surface a bit with the weed tiller), water and wait. It should show new grass growth in a few days. I'm going to go get some more patch mix tomorrow to finish the back and also do a couple (much smaller) places in the front that need attention.
We all slept in this morning and skipped church. I know - but I just needed a 'commitment free' day and that included no church. J. and I headed to Costco around 1ish and did a fairly large shop. Then we worked out back.
I'm lunching with a friend in Livermore tomorrow. Tuesday has no firm plans, though the cleaning crew comes and I like to get out of the house when they're here. Still, I'm not likely to go anywhere 'cuz I don't want to spend any money. Maybe a movie? I'll see. Not sure. Am 'in the mood' to continue working on various projects - like the garage - and may just work along side the cleaning crew, trying to stay out of their way.
The van has For Sale signs. We drove it to Costco today and J. will drive it to BART tomorrow. He'll try to drive it a bit over the hill and hope we get a call. If we get desperate to sell it, we'll drive it up to CarMax in Sacto and see what they offer. It looks terrific and has been well maintained - so it should sell quickly. But, in this economy, nothing sells quickly. So we wait.
We got a letter from our attorney reminding us that we should update our estate documents - which we do need to do. The arrangements that currently exist are not what we want anymore - and yet we hold off 'cuz we're not sure what to do, exactly. B. will be 18 in 4 months. It's not that he would be ready to assume responsibility for himself - nor his brother - but it's hard to re-do guardianship arrangements for a kid who's legally going to be an adult in 4 months. And what about his brother? Still, we have to do something - we don't want them to go where our current arrangements say we do - and ultimately, we want them to stay in this town. So we have to think about this and try to figure out what we can put in writing. Thinking about all this makes me uneasy. It was hard enough to put it all in writing 2 years ago - and now it's going to be hard to re-do everything. We need to make the appointment with the attorney, talk through the things that have changed and see what he suggests. I know we need to do it. I'll feel a lot better once it's done. But honestly, when I'll really feel better is when H. turns 18 in 2.5 years and we won't have to worry about guardianship arrangements anymore.
The news is full of bank failures, insurance firms selling off assets, etc. It's a scary time in our economy. My nerves are frayed. I dreamed last night that gasoline was approaching $10/gallon - some futuristic dream. We all seemed 'fine' with it - like it was the norm. And it may be....things are getting a bit crazy, don't you think?
We also worked in the backyard - used the Scott's Patch Mix to try to fill in some spots in the yard that have been suffering all summer. Not sure if we're having sprinkler problems, dog problems or both - but we had a lot of patches that needed reseeding. A friend of ours told us about the patch mix - looks like mulched paper that has seed in it - and we put it down on top of some new top soil (after breaking up the surface a bit with the weed tiller), water and wait. It should show new grass growth in a few days. I'm going to go get some more patch mix tomorrow to finish the back and also do a couple (much smaller) places in the front that need attention.
We all slept in this morning and skipped church. I know - but I just needed a 'commitment free' day and that included no church. J. and I headed to Costco around 1ish and did a fairly large shop. Then we worked out back.
I'm lunching with a friend in Livermore tomorrow. Tuesday has no firm plans, though the cleaning crew comes and I like to get out of the house when they're here. Still, I'm not likely to go anywhere 'cuz I don't want to spend any money. Maybe a movie? I'll see. Not sure. Am 'in the mood' to continue working on various projects - like the garage - and may just work along side the cleaning crew, trying to stay out of their way.
The van has For Sale signs. We drove it to Costco today and J. will drive it to BART tomorrow. He'll try to drive it a bit over the hill and hope we get a call. If we get desperate to sell it, we'll drive it up to CarMax in Sacto and see what they offer. It looks terrific and has been well maintained - so it should sell quickly. But, in this economy, nothing sells quickly. So we wait.
We got a letter from our attorney reminding us that we should update our estate documents - which we do need to do. The arrangements that currently exist are not what we want anymore - and yet we hold off 'cuz we're not sure what to do, exactly. B. will be 18 in 4 months. It's not that he would be ready to assume responsibility for himself - nor his brother - but it's hard to re-do guardianship arrangements for a kid who's legally going to be an adult in 4 months. And what about his brother? Still, we have to do something - we don't want them to go where our current arrangements say we do - and ultimately, we want them to stay in this town. So we have to think about this and try to figure out what we can put in writing. Thinking about all this makes me uneasy. It was hard enough to put it all in writing 2 years ago - and now it's going to be hard to re-do everything. We need to make the appointment with the attorney, talk through the things that have changed and see what he suggests. I know we need to do it. I'll feel a lot better once it's done. But honestly, when I'll really feel better is when H. turns 18 in 2.5 years and we won't have to worry about guardianship arrangements anymore.
The news is full of bank failures, insurance firms selling off assets, etc. It's a scary time in our economy. My nerves are frayed. I dreamed last night that gasoline was approaching $10/gallon - some futuristic dream. We all seemed 'fine' with it - like it was the norm. And it may be....things are getting a bit crazy, don't you think?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
One of my favorite pictures of H. is him in a metal washtub, complete with rubber ducky. He was about 8 months old. His shirt is off and he's sitting in the washtub, smiling his sweet smile. I took him to the Sears portrait studio, and promised, PROMISED myself and J. that I would buy the 'basic' package. I don't remember the exact cost - but I was trying to keep it down to whatever the 'minimum' package was. We were trying so hard to save money. Only the darn photographer took that washtub photo, and a couple others....and the next thing I knew, I'd left the shop with a lot of pictures...spending far more than I intended. I felt a bit mad at myself for doing that - but one look at that picture, and I quickly forgave myself. I mean, the grandparents needed it. We needed it. Aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, strangers on the street needed it. I couldn't help myself. I bought the full package....all sizes, various poses. They were incredibly cute pictures.
That's sort of what happened today - B.'s Senior pictures came out wonderfully - and we picked 3 poses. 2 with cap and gown and one without. Bought lots of the year book pose (in a tux) and then couldn't decide between two of the cap and gowns - one smiley, one serious - so I bought a small package of one and a medium package of the other. I bought the 'deluxe' package of the yearbook pose, including plenty of wallets to include in the graduation announcements we'll send out in the Spring. I just couldn't help it...and the prices weren't outrageous. It's not that it's expensive by pose - it's just that there are so many darn poses to choose from...and it's hard to narrow it down.
The photo shoot was tons of fun and I'm sure we got some good pictures. The photographer was nice and fun - and we took poses of me and the kids, J. and the kids, all of us together, me and J. together, the two boys together, and the boys separately. Yikes. Can you see how many possible 'packages' will result from this session? It's going to be hard....and expensive. We also got a shot outside of H. from his orthodontist - they will post it in their office for awhile and then we'll get to keep it - it was a gift from the ortho. And we also took one family shot outside, which will be nice.
I'm so glad we did it - it was fun and the kids were in good spirits. I thanked the boys profusely for humoring me and agreeing to do this - and I know we're going to end up spending a fortune. But I'm fine with that.
We went out to brunch after - there's no place downtown that serves breakfast so we settled for a lunch place that opened right at 11, just when we'd finished (that was a full hour of photo taking). Then J. quickly got H. to the soccer field where he was able to ref one game. B. left for work at 12:40.
We have the picture selection appointment next Saturday at 4PM. My goal is to get out of there for under $300.
That's sort of what happened today - B.'s Senior pictures came out wonderfully - and we picked 3 poses. 2 with cap and gown and one without. Bought lots of the year book pose (in a tux) and then couldn't decide between two of the cap and gowns - one smiley, one serious - so I bought a small package of one and a medium package of the other. I bought the 'deluxe' package of the yearbook pose, including plenty of wallets to include in the graduation announcements we'll send out in the Spring. I just couldn't help it...and the prices weren't outrageous. It's not that it's expensive by pose - it's just that there are so many darn poses to choose from...and it's hard to narrow it down.
The photo shoot was tons of fun and I'm sure we got some good pictures. The photographer was nice and fun - and we took poses of me and the kids, J. and the kids, all of us together, me and J. together, the two boys together, and the boys separately. Yikes. Can you see how many possible 'packages' will result from this session? It's going to be hard....and expensive. We also got a shot outside of H. from his orthodontist - they will post it in their office for awhile and then we'll get to keep it - it was a gift from the ortho. And we also took one family shot outside, which will be nice.
I'm so glad we did it - it was fun and the kids were in good spirits. I thanked the boys profusely for humoring me and agreeing to do this - and I know we're going to end up spending a fortune. But I'm fine with that.
We went out to brunch after - there's no place downtown that serves breakfast so we settled for a lunch place that opened right at 11, just when we'd finished (that was a full hour of photo taking). Then J. quickly got H. to the soccer field where he was able to ref one game. B. left for work at 12:40.
We have the picture selection appointment next Saturday at 4PM. My goal is to get out of there for under $300.
In just under two hours, we will be implementing a Saturday morning torture session known as 'Family Portrait'. B. getting his Senior portraits done prompted me to schedule a sitting as a family for a group photo. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
I've seen family portraits in other people's home with dozens of people in them. I don't know how they do that - 'cuz trying to get the four of us scheduled to be in the same place at the same time has been an all consuming ordeal. Add to that the question of 'what will we wear?' and you have a drama unfolding into it's own little five-act show.
We think we are wearing jeans and white t-shirts. That's what I suggested - which I thought would be an easily accepted, casual look. WRONG. H. came downstairs night before last in a white button down dress shirt. Not suggesting that he wanted to wear a tie - but suggesting that white dress shirts and jeans would look nice. Except we don't all have white dress shirts (specifically me). And, H. doesn't wear jeans. The kid would wear shorts in a blizzard if I let him. So just mentioning the word 'jeans' is a red flag to him.
The photographic studio we're going to is pretty established and professional - and the scheduler told me they have black t-shirts, and other 'tops' we can wear - so we don't have to go out and buy anything.
I know the picture will turn out well - and I really don't care what we all wear. We haven't had a family portrait done in years - the last one was taken at Disneyland at Christmas 3 years ago. And it's a nice picture, but it's 'seasonal' [the 25 foot Christmas tree in the background is pretty hard to miss] and I want a nice, professional portrait of all of us before the boys head away to school.
We're also looking at B.'s Senior portraits today to decide which one will go in the yearbook and what package we would like to purchase. Cha-ching, cha-ching.
The van was detailed yesterday and looks brand new. The guy even buffed out the rear bumper - the only real 'body' damage there was from when I bumped into the parked car across the street one foggy, cold morning. It looks great. We're taking it to the soccer field to park for the day and hoping a soccer family sees it and has to have it! I sure hope it sells quickly so we can put that money back into savings.
OK - gotta get going - putting on makeup on a Saturday morning is an adjustment for me and I'd better get to it.
I've seen family portraits in other people's home with dozens of people in them. I don't know how they do that - 'cuz trying to get the four of us scheduled to be in the same place at the same time has been an all consuming ordeal. Add to that the question of 'what will we wear?' and you have a drama unfolding into it's own little five-act show.
We think we are wearing jeans and white t-shirts. That's what I suggested - which I thought would be an easily accepted, casual look. WRONG. H. came downstairs night before last in a white button down dress shirt. Not suggesting that he wanted to wear a tie - but suggesting that white dress shirts and jeans would look nice. Except we don't all have white dress shirts (specifically me). And, H. doesn't wear jeans. The kid would wear shorts in a blizzard if I let him. So just mentioning the word 'jeans' is a red flag to him.
The photographic studio we're going to is pretty established and professional - and the scheduler told me they have black t-shirts, and other 'tops' we can wear - so we don't have to go out and buy anything.
I know the picture will turn out well - and I really don't care what we all wear. We haven't had a family portrait done in years - the last one was taken at Disneyland at Christmas 3 years ago. And it's a nice picture, but it's 'seasonal' [the 25 foot Christmas tree in the background is pretty hard to miss] and I want a nice, professional portrait of all of us before the boys head away to school.
We're also looking at B.'s Senior portraits today to decide which one will go in the yearbook and what package we would like to purchase. Cha-ching, cha-ching.
The van was detailed yesterday and looks brand new. The guy even buffed out the rear bumper - the only real 'body' damage there was from when I bumped into the parked car across the street one foggy, cold morning. It looks great. We're taking it to the soccer field to park for the day and hoping a soccer family sees it and has to have it! I sure hope it sells quickly so we can put that money back into savings.
OK - gotta get going - putting on makeup on a Saturday morning is an adjustment for me and I'd better get to it.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
We're Going!
I got the concert tickets! I paid a fair price for them - far above what the 'retail' price was, but a number I won't lose any sleep over (and I am thankful for my many blessings that make that statement easy to make). I rationalized that I won't go to Jackson during my days off and that right there will save a chunk of $$. And yet, I may go ahead and go and just take 1/3 of what I usually take. Play for a bit, have a nice lunch and come home. Or just stay home - I'll see what I think on Tuesday when I wake up. Motivated (and wanting to vacate the house 'cuz the cleaning crew will be here)? Jackson. Not motivated? Stay home in the morning and head out for a movie when they get here to clean. We'll see. That's the really great thing about a few days off - loads of possibilities with no 'have to's'. It will be a nice break from jammed schedules, never-ending to do lists, etc.
So, my friend J. and I are spending next Friday night with Steven Curtis Chapman in Brentwood, CA. The venue is a church and I'm sure it's going to be an amazing night. We can't wait. We're meeting for dinner at 3:30 - plenty early but we want to get there and be ready to get in the door and get good seats when they open the doors at 6:00 (I think it's 6 - better check on that). I'm driving out to Brentwood tomorrow to pick up the tickets 'cuz I'm nervous about them being sent US mail - and the new car hasn't done much highway driving so a small 'road trip' would be a good thing. And then, I'll head into Livermore for lunch with a friend (also initial J.) and cruise by Mervyn's to look for shoes and socks. I need some.
Time for sleep. I will try to get some writing in this weekend 'cuz I have some posts mulling around in my brain.
So, my friend J. and I are spending next Friday night with Steven Curtis Chapman in Brentwood, CA. The venue is a church and I'm sure it's going to be an amazing night. We can't wait. We're meeting for dinner at 3:30 - plenty early but we want to get there and be ready to get in the door and get good seats when they open the doors at 6:00 (I think it's 6 - better check on that). I'm driving out to Brentwood tomorrow to pick up the tickets 'cuz I'm nervous about them being sent US mail - and the new car hasn't done much highway driving so a small 'road trip' would be a good thing. And then, I'll head into Livermore for lunch with a friend (also initial J.) and cruise by Mervyn's to look for shoes and socks. I need some.
Time for sleep. I will try to get some writing in this weekend 'cuz I have some posts mulling around in my brain.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Well, to my friend J. - I tried. Really, I did. I even exceeded my maximum by 60% [I always set a maximum in my mind when bidding on eBay - but then, my OCD sets in and I get pulled into the auction mode and find it hard to 'let go'] - putting the bid price at close to what I paid for my first car (many, many, MANY years ago so it's not like I was getting insane and spending thousands of $$ for tickets)...but it was getting to a number that I would have felt 'buyers remorse' (cognitive dissonance is the marketing term for it - one of the few things I remember from that class) and I didn't want to feel badly about the event. So I stopped updating and stopped bidding. We will do a nice dinner the night before the concert (which we'd already booked as a backup plan in case I couldn't get the tickets) and enjoy catching up over chips and salsa and possibly a margarita or two!
I barely see my kids these days - and I'm torn between being thrilled that I rarely see them (and therefore the angst quotient I feel towards them is significantly reduced) and feeling 'lost' because I haven't seen them. I don't have much to say to them - everything I do say leads to a 'discussion' that I end up wishing we'd never had. But at the same time, they're my kids. I sort of miss seeing them. Maybe it's God's way of preparing me for what is to come when B. leaves for college.
Speaking of which - he is supposed to get scheduled for his 2nd taking of the SAT. I'm pretty much leaving it up to him to 'drive' the process. True, he needs me around for the credit card to pay for the online registration. But I'm HERE most evenings and if I'm not, his dad is - so he needs to get his plans in order and get us to help him take care of it. I'm getting a bit tired of trying to 'drive' all these things that need to be done - and only getting a lot of grief for my efforts. So I told J. this evening 'I'm backing off. You need to let him know that he is expected to take care of this himself - and if he blows it, and misses the deadline, he'll be 'late' in applying to schools and 'late' in getting in and 'late' in getting housing. And if he doesn't get student housing, he's staying home for his first year of college 'cuz we are positively NOT renting an apartment for him.'
This college stuff is making me crazy. He wants to apply to a lot of schools, all across the state. Applying costs money. And he has to DECIDE - if/when he gets accepted, he has to make a decision. And then we have to figure out how/if we can pay for it. All this stuff gives me indigestion. Scares the crap out of me. How in the world are we going to do this? It's not the 'letting him go' part. I'm over that. Maybe God invented the teen years to help mom's let go, 'cuz honestly, I'd help him pack RIGHT THIS MINUTE if he had a place to go to. It's just the $$ part. We should have thought this through 18 years ago when we got pregnant. We DID think it through - but we went ahead anyway - and here we are - right where we knew we'd be. On the cusp of retiring with two kids going into college.
And even worse, we're at that cusp in a failing, scary economy, watching our retirement savings dwindle - there are only so many times you can say to yourself 'we're buying low' - at some point, the decline in the total amount just scares the crap out of you. Thankfully, we both have good jobs and could conceivably work as long as we want - BUT I DON'T WANNA, I DON'T WANNA! And neither does J.
It'll work out. There's a plan. There's a way. We'll manage.
I barely see my kids these days - and I'm torn between being thrilled that I rarely see them (and therefore the angst quotient I feel towards them is significantly reduced) and feeling 'lost' because I haven't seen them. I don't have much to say to them - everything I do say leads to a 'discussion' that I end up wishing we'd never had. But at the same time, they're my kids. I sort of miss seeing them. Maybe it's God's way of preparing me for what is to come when B. leaves for college.
Speaking of which - he is supposed to get scheduled for his 2nd taking of the SAT. I'm pretty much leaving it up to him to 'drive' the process. True, he needs me around for the credit card to pay for the online registration. But I'm HERE most evenings and if I'm not, his dad is - so he needs to get his plans in order and get us to help him take care of it. I'm getting a bit tired of trying to 'drive' all these things that need to be done - and only getting a lot of grief for my efforts. So I told J. this evening 'I'm backing off. You need to let him know that he is expected to take care of this himself - and if he blows it, and misses the deadline, he'll be 'late' in applying to schools and 'late' in getting in and 'late' in getting housing. And if he doesn't get student housing, he's staying home for his first year of college 'cuz we are positively NOT renting an apartment for him.'
This college stuff is making me crazy. He wants to apply to a lot of schools, all across the state. Applying costs money. And he has to DECIDE - if/when he gets accepted, he has to make a decision. And then we have to figure out how/if we can pay for it. All this stuff gives me indigestion. Scares the crap out of me. How in the world are we going to do this? It's not the 'letting him go' part. I'm over that. Maybe God invented the teen years to help mom's let go, 'cuz honestly, I'd help him pack RIGHT THIS MINUTE if he had a place to go to. It's just the $$ part. We should have thought this through 18 years ago when we got pregnant. We DID think it through - but we went ahead anyway - and here we are - right where we knew we'd be. On the cusp of retiring with two kids going into college.
And even worse, we're at that cusp in a failing, scary economy, watching our retirement savings dwindle - there are only so many times you can say to yourself 'we're buying low' - at some point, the decline in the total amount just scares the crap out of you. Thankfully, we both have good jobs and could conceivably work as long as we want - BUT I DON'T WANNA, I DON'T WANNA! And neither does J.
It'll work out. There's a plan. There's a way. We'll manage.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
A quick post Board meeting update. J. apparently forgot I had a meeting so he called around 6ish to ask what time I'd be home. I said 'hopefully by 8:30'. Long pause. Then he said 'I'm fixing talapia for dinner'. I said 'sounds great, but we just ate'. It hit him 'oh, you have a Board meeting tonight, right?'. 'Uh, yeah, I do - and I have a couple things I need to do to prepare for it so what's up'? One of those typical husband/wife conversations.
The really odd thing is: I came home around noon [he worked at home today]. Did some personal computer stuff until around 1. Then announced I was going to go lie down on the family room couch for a bit. THAT should have been his hint that this was NOT a typical day. First, I don't take two+ hour lunches as a normal part of my day. AND I most definitely do not sleep during lunch. AND if I am sleeping, I also rarely ever sleep on the couch - I only do that if I'm tired and I can't risk getting into a really good sleep (ala taking a nap in my comfy bed). I can doze on the couch and not get into a deep sleep - and it was enough of a nap to get me over the 'why, oh why did I get up at 3:30AM this morning' slump I was struggling to navigate.
I did fall asleep and was awakened around 2 by the dog at my feet jumping (really - jumping!) to try to catch a fly. Crazy dog. Good thing she woke me up 'cuz J. probably wouldn't have (rule #1 in this house: do not wake up the female unit when she is sleeping unless there is danger afoot and she needs to vacate the premises). I went back to work and finished the day.
I confirmed I'm taking off a few days (Friday, Monday and Tuesday) and am so looking forward to five days in a row of sleeping in. There's plenty to do - around the house, some work stuff I will cart home. But I plan to sleep a lot! including plenty of naps.
I may go to Jackson for an afternoon - BUT, I'm trying to win (on eBay) tickets to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert next Friday - and if I win those tickets, I'll be using my 'fun money' to pay for them. It's a fair trade - and evening concert with a dear friend sharing our faith and friendship surrounded by other Christians. And it's right in our backyard practically - Brentwood. Rare appearance in our neck of the woods. So I'm going to try to win them tomorrow. Unless they go too much over where they are now - in which case, we'll have to just have dinner and listen to CD's or something.
The really odd thing is: I came home around noon [he worked at home today]. Did some personal computer stuff until around 1. Then announced I was going to go lie down on the family room couch for a bit. THAT should have been his hint that this was NOT a typical day. First, I don't take two+ hour lunches as a normal part of my day. AND I most definitely do not sleep during lunch. AND if I am sleeping, I also rarely ever sleep on the couch - I only do that if I'm tired and I can't risk getting into a really good sleep (ala taking a nap in my comfy bed). I can doze on the couch and not get into a deep sleep - and it was enough of a nap to get me over the 'why, oh why did I get up at 3:30AM this morning' slump I was struggling to navigate.
I did fall asleep and was awakened around 2 by the dog at my feet jumping (really - jumping!) to try to catch a fly. Crazy dog. Good thing she woke me up 'cuz J. probably wouldn't have (rule #1 in this house: do not wake up the female unit when she is sleeping unless there is danger afoot and she needs to vacate the premises). I went back to work and finished the day.
I confirmed I'm taking off a few days (Friday, Monday and Tuesday) and am so looking forward to five days in a row of sleeping in. There's plenty to do - around the house, some work stuff I will cart home. But I plan to sleep a lot! including plenty of naps.
I may go to Jackson for an afternoon - BUT, I'm trying to win (on eBay) tickets to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert next Friday - and if I win those tickets, I'll be using my 'fun money' to pay for them. It's a fair trade - and evening concert with a dear friend sharing our faith and friendship surrounded by other Christians. And it's right in our backyard practically - Brentwood. Rare appearance in our neck of the woods. So I'm going to try to win them tomorrow. Unless they go too much over where they are now - in which case, we'll have to just have dinner and listen to CD's or something.
I am here at 5AMish, alternating between chilly (and grateful there's a 12 pound warm dog snuggling on my lap, getting as close as she possibly can to me - curving herself to fit onto my lap and keep her body next to mine) and freakishly hot (because the aforementioned dog is like a heater). It's 58 degrees outside and I left the back door open, screen door closed and am trying to conserve energy by letting cool morning air in. Since I'm wearing a tank top and pajama bottoms, it's a bit cool at times. But I'll survive.
I have been awake since 3:30, which I will undoubtedly regret later today - it's a Board meeting day and I will be exhausted this evening. But I was wide awake and even though I tried several times to go back to sleep, I gave up and just got up. Lattes at 3:35 in the morning don't taste the same as lattes when everyone else in the neighborhood is waking up.
Time to head upstairs to shower and get dressed. Will seize the opportunity to go into work early and have some 'quiet time'.
I am thrilled to have the Mariner back in the driveway - it spent the weekend at the dealer getting it's alarm system installed and having the inside detailed, scotch guarded, etc. I missed it. Though the PT Cruiser rental car we had was fun to drive - but the van (which is what I drove most of the weekend) wasn't. We have the pink slip and we're getting it detailed this week so we can put it up for sale.
Have a great day - see you on the flip side of what will be a long Tuesday.
I have been awake since 3:30, which I will undoubtedly regret later today - it's a Board meeting day and I will be exhausted this evening. But I was wide awake and even though I tried several times to go back to sleep, I gave up and just got up. Lattes at 3:35 in the morning don't taste the same as lattes when everyone else in the neighborhood is waking up.
Time to head upstairs to shower and get dressed. Will seize the opportunity to go into work early and have some 'quiet time'.
I am thrilled to have the Mariner back in the driveway - it spent the weekend at the dealer getting it's alarm system installed and having the inside detailed, scotch guarded, etc. I missed it. Though the PT Cruiser rental car we had was fun to drive - but the van (which is what I drove most of the weekend) wasn't. We have the pink slip and we're getting it detailed this week so we can put it up for sale.
Have a great day - see you on the flip side of what will be a long Tuesday.
Monday, September 08, 2008
B. joined a gym awhile back. It started with him joining the 'little' gym - the downtown gym that has workout equipment. It was 'enough'. He paid for 1/2 the monthly fee - we paid the other half. Not sure (in hindsight) why we agreed to pay for 1/2 - but we did. Probably 'cuz it's only $10 and that seemed 'reasonable' to give him a place to go to workout.
Soon - very soon - the 'little' gym wasn't good enough. All his friends were going to the 'big' gym
(which is also closer to our house). It's the same chain - but the 'big' gym is recently remodeled, with two swimming pools (indoor and outdoor), racquetball and tennis courts, etc. He pleaded with us to change to the bigger gym - he wanted to go with his friends. Which I KNEW would happen -
He is paying for all but $10 of the 'big' gym (so we're still paying what we would have paid if we'd stayed at the little gym) and they didn't charge us anything to switch to the other location.
I really can't begrudge him the membership - he is making good use of it. He's down 50 pounds from this time last year - and he's starting to look pretty darn good (which feels as weird to type as it does for you to read - not meant in any creepy way - just a mom noticing that her son is getting kind of 'muscly' and since that's what he's going for, I'm glad it's working!).
He was out of school at 1:30 today and when I called him around 2, he was already at the gym. I reminded him (twice) to unload the dishwasher before he left for work.
Of course, he didn't unload the dishwasher. He was 'late' getting back from the gym. And he called to let us know that he was going to the gym AGAIN after work - to do cardio. And we started to protest - loudly - 'cuz school work comes FIRST and he shouldn't even be going to the gym AT ALL until his homework is done. He assured us he doesn't have much. And said 'check my grades' as proof that he was doing fine.
So we did check his grades - expecting to be vindicated. And wouldn't you know, that blasted kid is pulling straight A's - which I had predicted. I said to J. at the start of this year 'mark my words. It would be just like B. to pull straight A's out of his ass' in this, his final year of high school. And that appears to be exactly what he's doing.
And I hope he keeps doing it! A year of A's would raise his GPA considerably - it's just at a B average (which in itself is a miracle - thank goodness for IB classes, which count more in his GPA).
He is one determined kid. He wanted to lose weight and get in better shape. He has. He wanted to eat better - he is. He wants better grades - he's getting them. Now if he'd only embrace unloading the dishwasher with as much fervor as he's done/is doing these other things, we'd have it made.
Hope he keeps it up - as glad as I am to see all those 90+ grades, I realize we're only one month into the school year and a lot can happen in the next 8 months. A lot....
Soon - very soon - the 'little' gym wasn't good enough. All his friends were going to the 'big' gym
(which is also closer to our house). It's the same chain - but the 'big' gym is recently remodeled, with two swimming pools (indoor and outdoor), racquetball and tennis courts, etc. He pleaded with us to change to the bigger gym - he wanted to go with his friends. Which I KNEW would happen -
He is paying for all but $10 of the 'big' gym (so we're still paying what we would have paid if we'd stayed at the little gym) and they didn't charge us anything to switch to the other location.
I really can't begrudge him the membership - he is making good use of it. He's down 50 pounds from this time last year - and he's starting to look pretty darn good (which feels as weird to type as it does for you to read - not meant in any creepy way - just a mom noticing that her son is getting kind of 'muscly' and since that's what he's going for, I'm glad it's working!).
He was out of school at 1:30 today and when I called him around 2, he was already at the gym. I reminded him (twice) to unload the dishwasher before he left for work.
Of course, he didn't unload the dishwasher. He was 'late' getting back from the gym. And he called to let us know that he was going to the gym AGAIN after work - to do cardio. And we started to protest - loudly - 'cuz school work comes FIRST and he shouldn't even be going to the gym AT ALL until his homework is done. He assured us he doesn't have much. And said 'check my grades' as proof that he was doing fine.
So we did check his grades - expecting to be vindicated. And wouldn't you know, that blasted kid is pulling straight A's - which I had predicted. I said to J. at the start of this year 'mark my words. It would be just like B. to pull straight A's out of his ass' in this, his final year of high school. And that appears to be exactly what he's doing.
And I hope he keeps doing it! A year of A's would raise his GPA considerably - it's just at a B average (which in itself is a miracle - thank goodness for IB classes, which count more in his GPA).
He is one determined kid. He wanted to lose weight and get in better shape. He has. He wanted to eat better - he is. He wants better grades - he's getting them. Now if he'd only embrace unloading the dishwasher with as much fervor as he's done/is doing these other things, we'd have it made.
Hope he keeps it up - as glad as I am to see all those 90+ grades, I realize we're only one month into the school year and a lot can happen in the next 8 months. A lot....
Sunday, September 07, 2008
B. gets paid every Friday. He cashes his check at the store and our 'new' approach is that he decides how much will go into savings. We I decided this was the best method after ending up in arguments with him when the 'formula' was applied. He keeps ~$50 per week plus he pays for his own lunches (at school). He is FINALLY getting the concept that from that $50, he is expected to 'save' for things he wants. The money that he puts into savings each week is NOT considered part of his 'discretionary' money - it is for college, and (technically) to offset the car expenses which we foot the bill for. Though I haven't taken any of it for gas money yet, and don't plan to.
Yesterday, he announced 'I'm going to start packing my lunch - making myself a sandwich, wrapped in foil, grab a Gatorade from the garage and that will save me $3 per day!'. He said it like it was the most brilliant idea on the planet - and yet, when I suggested it some time ago, to save money, you would have thought I had just proposed pulling off his fingernails one by one, without anesthetic. Isn't it amazing how when it's HIS money, he suddenly decides that being more frugal is a wise idea? I think it's a great idea and agreed to always have bread, lunch meat, Gatorade and chips available. Which isn't hard since we always do - two teen boys in the house requires 'staples' and those things are on my weekly Costco list. Whether he actually ends up motivated enough to pack his lunch is another matter entirely - and I won't be bringing it up. 'Cuz it's HIS money he's spending so I don't care one way or the other!
I love that he has his own money. He went to the mall to buy a birthday gift for a friend - paid for it himself. Had been playing jazz at the Bean Festival before that and was hungry, so grabbed a sandwich - paid for it himself. Gone are the days when he was asking for money constantly. He now has his own. It's great!
AND, he gives me the savings $$ in cash, which I put in our cash drawer. Then I go online (right away, so I won't forget) and transfer the amount he gave me from our checking account into his savings account. It's great - I haven't had to get cash at the bank in weeks!
H. had his first round of reffing yesterday and he will get a check later this week. He's keeping 1/2 and giving us the other half - to finish paying off his debt for the school books and then to pay us back for his job equipment and training. The class was $45 (we'll probably pay that for him) then he needed a special shirt, shoes, stop watch, flags, etc. And $$ for lunch since he was there all day. Once he's caught up with that stuff, and assuming he gets weekend work all season, he'll have his own money, too. At least during soccer season. He's been without cash for so long, he can't remember what it's like. He'll catch up, soon, though...
We had a quiet weekend. Had lists of things to do - mainly outside. But it was hotter than blazes this weekend so we all stayed inside pretty much. Sadly, I've been so busy the past few days (and lazy this weekend) that I didn't water my potted plants and I think I lost a couple. Some will come back. I'll give them extra TLC this week and see how they do. We have so much pruning and weeding, etc. to do - and I still haven't ordered the raised beds. The places we cleared for them are now grass/weed infested so I need to do some work out there before ordering.
I'm hoping to take a long weekend next week - Friday, Monday and Tuesday off, I hope. Just to piddle around the house and try to get stuff done. I hope the weather cooperates. We could use a cooling off period.
Yesterday, he announced 'I'm going to start packing my lunch - making myself a sandwich, wrapped in foil, grab a Gatorade from the garage and that will save me $3 per day!'. He said it like it was the most brilliant idea on the planet - and yet, when I suggested it some time ago, to save money, you would have thought I had just proposed pulling off his fingernails one by one, without anesthetic. Isn't it amazing how when it's HIS money, he suddenly decides that being more frugal is a wise idea? I think it's a great idea and agreed to always have bread, lunch meat, Gatorade and chips available. Which isn't hard since we always do - two teen boys in the house requires 'staples' and those things are on my weekly Costco list. Whether he actually ends up motivated enough to pack his lunch is another matter entirely - and I won't be bringing it up. 'Cuz it's HIS money he's spending so I don't care one way or the other!
I love that he has his own money. He went to the mall to buy a birthday gift for a friend - paid for it himself. Had been playing jazz at the Bean Festival before that and was hungry, so grabbed a sandwich - paid for it himself. Gone are the days when he was asking for money constantly. He now has his own. It's great!
AND, he gives me the savings $$ in cash, which I put in our cash drawer. Then I go online (right away, so I won't forget) and transfer the amount he gave me from our checking account into his savings account. It's great - I haven't had to get cash at the bank in weeks!
H. had his first round of reffing yesterday and he will get a check later this week. He's keeping 1/2 and giving us the other half - to finish paying off his debt for the school books and then to pay us back for his job equipment and training. The class was $45 (we'll probably pay that for him) then he needed a special shirt, shoes, stop watch, flags, etc. And $$ for lunch since he was there all day. Once he's caught up with that stuff, and assuming he gets weekend work all season, he'll have his own money, too. At least during soccer season. He's been without cash for so long, he can't remember what it's like. He'll catch up, soon, though...
We had a quiet weekend. Had lists of things to do - mainly outside. But it was hotter than blazes this weekend so we all stayed inside pretty much. Sadly, I've been so busy the past few days (and lazy this weekend) that I didn't water my potted plants and I think I lost a couple. Some will come back. I'll give them extra TLC this week and see how they do. We have so much pruning and weeding, etc. to do - and I still haven't ordered the raised beds. The places we cleared for them are now grass/weed infested so I need to do some work out there before ordering.
I'm hoping to take a long weekend next week - Friday, Monday and Tuesday off, I hope. Just to piddle around the house and try to get stuff done. I hope the weather cooperates. We could use a cooling off period.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
My last big summer project (called closing the books) is DONE - Board meeting on Tuesday and from there, it's a nice, relatively slow downhill slide into fall and holidays.
It is Saturday morning and I'M NOT WORKING THIS WEEKEND! Yeah, ME! It's a first in months, really - and I'm glad for the freedom of having 'nothing to do'. Or at least having 'nothing that absolutely has to be done right now' for a day or two. There's always plenty to do and my to-do list is sitting on my desk at work and I will make notes here at home to add to it. Still plenty to do - there always is.
H. is refereeing his first soccer matches today. They promised him at least 4 games of the 6-8 age group. He doesn't get paid as much for those lower ages - and it is all about the money, to him. But he's learning that you have to work to get experience. And the more you work, the better you get and then you can 'move up'. He should make at least $40 today - the games are 40 minutes long and he gets $10 per game - it's about $10/hour, roughly. That's actually more than B. makes per hour. But B. gets far more hours than H. will - and B. can work year round. H.'s 'job' will end when soccer ends.
West High in Tracy finally has a new football field and stadium. My Lion's group has the concession contract for football games, so I spent last night (from 4 until 8:30) taking orders, filling sodas, making change, etc. It was a 'scrimmage' - not league play - just fun play. And we had a surprisingly large crowd. We sold out of Gatorade, almost sold out of bottled water and sold tons of hot dogs, nachos, Pepsi fountain products and candy. It went well. I arrived home around 9 and was just exhausted. My feet ached and I had an abrasion on my right elbow from leaning down on the counter to take orders. The windows are so low that the only way you can see the person who's ordering is to lean down...and hope they do the same 'cuz if they don't, they're speaking their order into glass and you can't see or hear them. The design of that building is odd - something about ADA compliance. It is the perfect height for someone in a wheelchair to pull up and order - they will be completely at window height. But the people on the other side of the window will have to bend down to see/hear them. And the other 99.9% of the people placing orders who are standing cannot be seen or heard without bending down. Ridiculous.
Today is the Bean Festival. B. is playing jazz at noon and Megan Slankard is playing at 5. So we'll have lunch and dinner downtown today. B. has the entire weekend off - which is a first since he started his job. He's looking forward to some down time with friends and he needs it. He's been working really hard at keeping up at school. It's good for him to have a weekend to be a teenager.
My car is in the shop getting detailed and having an alarm system installed. We will pick it up this morning. I drove the van to the football game and it felt strange. We should have the pink slip shortly - and then we'll get it detailed and put ads in the paper and signs in the window and pray she sells soon. Four cars is expensive to insure and it looks like a used car lot has sprung up at our end of the street!
Oh, one more 'something about nothing' - we FINALLY have GREAT Indian food here in Tracy. A little restuarant called Dhaba opened up and it's FANTASTIC. J. and I have gone for lunch on a few Fridays, now, and it's terrific. Reasonably priced, terrific food. We love it. We just wish we could get the kids to at least try it. The Butter Chicken is my absolute favorite and I know the boys would love it - but the refuse to even consider trying it.
It is Saturday morning and I'M NOT WORKING THIS WEEKEND! Yeah, ME! It's a first in months, really - and I'm glad for the freedom of having 'nothing to do'. Or at least having 'nothing that absolutely has to be done right now' for a day or two. There's always plenty to do and my to-do list is sitting on my desk at work and I will make notes here at home to add to it. Still plenty to do - there always is.
H. is refereeing his first soccer matches today. They promised him at least 4 games of the 6-8 age group. He doesn't get paid as much for those lower ages - and it is all about the money, to him. But he's learning that you have to work to get experience. And the more you work, the better you get and then you can 'move up'. He should make at least $40 today - the games are 40 minutes long and he gets $10 per game - it's about $10/hour, roughly. That's actually more than B. makes per hour. But B. gets far more hours than H. will - and B. can work year round. H.'s 'job' will end when soccer ends.
West High in Tracy finally has a new football field and stadium. My Lion's group has the concession contract for football games, so I spent last night (from 4 until 8:30) taking orders, filling sodas, making change, etc. It was a 'scrimmage' - not league play - just fun play. And we had a surprisingly large crowd. We sold out of Gatorade, almost sold out of bottled water and sold tons of hot dogs, nachos, Pepsi fountain products and candy. It went well. I arrived home around 9 and was just exhausted. My feet ached and I had an abrasion on my right elbow from leaning down on the counter to take orders. The windows are so low that the only way you can see the person who's ordering is to lean down...and hope they do the same 'cuz if they don't, they're speaking their order into glass and you can't see or hear them. The design of that building is odd - something about ADA compliance. It is the perfect height for someone in a wheelchair to pull up and order - they will be completely at window height. But the people on the other side of the window will have to bend down to see/hear them. And the other 99.9% of the people placing orders who are standing cannot be seen or heard without bending down. Ridiculous.
Today is the Bean Festival. B. is playing jazz at noon and Megan Slankard is playing at 5. So we'll have lunch and dinner downtown today. B. has the entire weekend off - which is a first since he started his job. He's looking forward to some down time with friends and he needs it. He's been working really hard at keeping up at school. It's good for him to have a weekend to be a teenager.
My car is in the shop getting detailed and having an alarm system installed. We will pick it up this morning. I drove the van to the football game and it felt strange. We should have the pink slip shortly - and then we'll get it detailed and put ads in the paper and signs in the window and pray she sells soon. Four cars is expensive to insure and it looks like a used car lot has sprung up at our end of the street!
Oh, one more 'something about nothing' - we FINALLY have GREAT Indian food here in Tracy. A little restuarant called Dhaba opened up and it's FANTASTIC. J. and I have gone for lunch on a few Fridays, now, and it's terrific. Reasonably priced, terrific food. We love it. We just wish we could get the kids to at least try it. The Butter Chicken is my absolute favorite and I know the boys would love it - but the refuse to even consider trying it.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Geek Squad
My computer has been acting up lately. It freezes periodically, usually in the middle of a game. I've had to just shut 'er down and restart, which (as anyone will tell you) is a horrible thing to do. So far, my repeated hard reboots have not created any issues - but I've been fearing starting her up again (I don't know why she's a she to me, but she is), being certain the blue screen of death cannot be far behind.
We realized that the computer memory is not all that 'large' - and considering my computer is primarily for 'gaming' (I play a lot of online and downloaded games), it seemed that more memory was a good idea.
So this afternoon, after I returned from working for a bit, we headed to Best Buy, seeking the advice and counsel of the geek squad. We procured the memory - 2GBs - for only $57.10 plus tax. The guy assured J. he could easily install it himself, and he has - and it's working so much better now! Yipee!!
We were reminiscing on the way to and from - about the early days of our marriage, when money was really tight. And we scraped and saved to buy our first computer - and then we had to keep buying more memory. In those days, not quite 20 years ago, the memory we just purchased for $57 and some change would have cost over $2,000. And I reminded J. that in those days, he'd buy more memory and assure me 'this will be enough for forever' - and sure enough, 3-6 months later, the computer would be crawling along and we'd have to buy more. It was a constant source of irritation. We were just so incredibly money tight in those days - two babies in daycare, huge mortgage (our mortgage back then was $250 more per month than we pay now - only we were making 1/2 what we're making now AND we had daycare for two infants/toddlers back then to boot!) etc.
B. loved the Richard Scary Busy Town games - and he played them everyday. I was grateful for something that kept him occupied and busy - and out of my hair while I cared for his brother and/or prepared dinner, etc. So B.'s been a 'gamer' since he was old enough to sit upright in a computer chair - he loved those games. Takes after his mom. Though these days, I'm more into a variety of 'farming/ranching' games than building things.
When B. gets ready to go to college (in less than a year!), we'll give him this laptop and I'll order a really souped up, high end gaming computer! Until then, though, the newly installed memory has restored my computer to it's previously fast response, good machine-ness!
Thanks to my favorite Geek guy - J.!
We realized that the computer memory is not all that 'large' - and considering my computer is primarily for 'gaming' (I play a lot of online and downloaded games), it seemed that more memory was a good idea.
So this afternoon, after I returned from working for a bit, we headed to Best Buy, seeking the advice and counsel of the geek squad. We procured the memory - 2GBs - for only $57.10 plus tax. The guy assured J. he could easily install it himself, and he has - and it's working so much better now! Yipee!!
We were reminiscing on the way to and from - about the early days of our marriage, when money was really tight. And we scraped and saved to buy our first computer - and then we had to keep buying more memory. In those days, not quite 20 years ago, the memory we just purchased for $57 and some change would have cost over $2,000. And I reminded J. that in those days, he'd buy more memory and assure me 'this will be enough for forever' - and sure enough, 3-6 months later, the computer would be crawling along and we'd have to buy more. It was a constant source of irritation. We were just so incredibly money tight in those days - two babies in daycare, huge mortgage (our mortgage back then was $250 more per month than we pay now - only we were making 1/2 what we're making now AND we had daycare for two infants/toddlers back then to boot!) etc.
B. loved the Richard Scary Busy Town games - and he played them everyday. I was grateful for something that kept him occupied and busy - and out of my hair while I cared for his brother and/or prepared dinner, etc. So B.'s been a 'gamer' since he was old enough to sit upright in a computer chair - he loved those games. Takes after his mom. Though these days, I'm more into a variety of 'farming/ranching' games than building things.
When B. gets ready to go to college (in less than a year!), we'll give him this laptop and I'll order a really souped up, high end gaming computer! Until then, though, the newly installed memory has restored my computer to it's previously fast response, good machine-ness!
Thanks to my favorite Geek guy - J.!
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Tales of Helpers
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