There are some 'rules' about blogging...and I'm not following many of them.
Labels: I've often wondered why some blogs label their posts. Those are those 'words' you see at the bottom - things like 'family' or 'angst'. You try to categorize your posts. I never really understood the reasoning behind that until lately. Because, I've posted 430 posts before this one - spanning a few years. And I live in fear that I'm repeating myself. Labels help you categorize things so you can a) find a post you know you wrote and b) hopefully let you query to be sure you haven't written it BEFORE you make a giant ass of yourself by writing about the same thing over and over. Not that I've done that. Well, I might have. I don't know if I did or didn't 'cuz I haven't been labeling my posts!
Browser: Blogger does have some helpful tools - for example, when I enter my 'title', it shows me the titles I've entered already that start with the same first letter. Handy. Except, I realized tonight: this is not a Blogger feature. This is a browser feature. Which I realized when I was in Mozilla instead of Explorer and my previous titles didn't appear. TERROR reigned for a moment until I realized 'hey, you need to (apparently) go back to Explorer for all those helpful hints to appear'. So I did. In spite of the fact that Explorer has been hanging up my computer big time the past few days...I have no idea why. So don't ask me. It's a 'computer thing'. (I spilled a liquid on my keyboard the other day - thankfully, it was rubbing alcohol which dries in an instant - shhh. Don't tell J. - and ever since then, it's been acting a bit 'tense'. The computer is tense. Not J.)
Names: One of the words you should NOT use in the name of your blog is 'musings'. EVERYONE uses 'musings' in their blog title. But I think I'm 'saved' by using Majah, which is fairly unique - so I'm stuck with it and not changing. But one of the tips I've read is skipping words that are used a lot - who knew? There could have been a zillion other different options - but the blog title sort of picked me. So it sticks, even if it does break the rules a bit. I'll never be vastly popular, however, because everyone and their brother have a blog with the word 'musings' (or derivative) in the title. Oh well. I'm good at not being popular.
How To: There's no wrong way to blog. You simply write. Some people enjoy writing. Some don't. If you don't, I suggest you don't blog - you won't enjoy it, and your readers won't either. Likewise - some people enjoy reading blogs (I'm one of them and if you ever see my bookmark file you'll be amazed at the sheer volume and variety of the blogs I frequent) and some don't. If you don't like reading blogs, then why are you? Seriously - do you read to torture yourself? 'Cuz there are a zillion other things you could be doing with your time. Though if you do like my writing (whether you know me or not), then I'm glad you're here, and I'm glad you're reading. There is no greater 'yippee!' for me then getting a comment. (come on all you lurkers out there - you know who you are, J., Bug, etc.). Get a Blogger log on and leave a comment now and then. I miss ya'll and it would be great to know you're out there somewhere in the blogosphere.
I read blogs that make me laugh out loud. I read blogs that make me cry. Some blogs make me angry - and usually have something to do with our President and what I like to call the 'dumbing of America'. (another post for another time....). All of them make me think and give me 'friends' to visit when I have a moment. I love blogging. And as long as I live, I'm going to keep writing. And hope people are and/or will keep reading.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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