Now that I have your attention.....
I made it to the 3:10 showing of Sex and the City - and it was fantastic! I loved every single minute of it - and it's long at 148 minutes. I won't spill any secrets except this one - and I tell you this only because it doesn't affect the story and it might help you enjoy the movie more: no one dies.
I spent most of the movie waiting for the 'sad' part - the one that's been hinted about in the press. But I can assure you there is no death. So just sit back and enjoy the movie. It was terrific. I know I loved it so much because I love Sarah Jessica Parker and I love the show. If you've never watched the show, I don't think you'll be as 'invested' in the characters - and loving them is why it's so great. But it's an enjoyable story even if you have never seen the show.
I am officially graduated from my CBO class and have my certificate of completion. 206 hours of instruction over 18 months. It was a great program and I was very, VERY fortunate to be in the first cohort group. Our group was fantastic! and I've made friends and a lot of contacts that have already helped me so much.
I am working all weekend and while I am completely fine with it, it's Friday evening, I'm tired and wishing I didn't 'have to'. But, I do. So I'm not going to complain about it - I'm going to sleep in until I wake up on my own and get up and go in. Won't linger too long at home 'cuz that just makes 'working on the weekend' that much harder. Another couple weeks of this and we'll I'll be on the down hill slope towards a couple weeks off. I am looking forward to those weeks a lot.
The kids are officially out of school - they are out and about, celebrating the end. H. survived his freshman year and B. is now officially a senior. Yikes. We have no plans - just enjoying the pool and staying home. Gas is over $4/gallon now and even with the hybrid, we're not doing a lot of driving unless we have to.
This is a short, boring post but I'm tired and don't have much new to report. I hope you have a great weekend. I'll be working non-stop. Back next week with an update on how far I got on the giant things I have to get ready for our next Board meeting.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Defined as: confused.
I arrive home with a quandary. It's a silly thing. And end of the day 'light bulb' thing - and it is so small and inconsequential, it's ridiculous for me to give it any thought. Allow it to impact my day in any way. And yet, it has flummoxed me. Completely. For how it affects me. For why it exists. It continues, and continues, and continues - and I think 'it will never end'. And I don't want it to 'never end'. It has to end.
People are so strange. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?
OK - on to more interesting things.
Our modem broke yesterday and we had no internet for an evening. It was actually a good thing because I got a couple 'chore' things off my list - FINALLY sewed my Lions patch on my vest. It's been 5 months. Made a club visit in Liver more today to finish my Proud Lion requirements so getting that vest 'wearable' was important. Nothing like last minute.
We were worried because the kids use the internet a lot for homework, studying, etc. - and it's finals week. One of H's finals was ONLY an internet assignment to research some things. But thankfully, they didn't need it. So we told them it was broken and we ordered a new modem - which is true. But we didn't tell them that J. got out the really old, non-wireless modem and it works. So he and I have internet. The kids still think it's broken. And the really 'funny' part of this is (and to me, this illustrates their lack of attention to detail perfectly) is that B. just sat here with me for a bit, while I went from page to page on the internet and he never figured out 'hey, why is the internet working for Mom but not for us'? Never mentioned it. Doesn't get it. [And when he reads this at some point in the future, we apologize. But it's finals week and a little less time on My Space is good for your grades. So forgive us. The new modem will be here shortly and as soon as it's here, we'll install it and you'll be back up and running.]
I rescued two small plants from my office that people had tossed in the trash. They are still 'alive' though they need re-potting and a steady supply of water and food. I just planted them in two patio pots with other 'stuff'. Just found room and stuck them in. If they survive, great. If they don't, that's OK too. But I hope they will make it. They were both still completely 'green' - just dead blossoms. The pitiful pots they were in didn't allow for any water to be absorbed - so just getting them into real dirt is half the battle.
My last CBO class is Friday morning and I'm taking part of the afternoon 'off' to go see the Sex and the City movie. Can't wait! I love that show and have really been looking forward to a bucket of popcorn, some Milk Duds and Carrie Bradshaw and her friends. Since I'm working both days of the weekend, I could use a little R&R.
That's it for now. Need to get moving a bit with my 'evening routine' (such as it is) and then head up to bed. Need to be in as early as humanly possible tomorrow - aiming for 5. Will be happy with 5:30 or 6. Have meetings throughout the day and have a gazillion things to do to prepare for them - plus the never ending to-do list.
On a good note, I have the weeks of June 23rd and June 30th blocked off as vacation. I'm determined those dates will 'stick' and I'll just be home for some R&R. Maybe go to Jackson for a day. Might head to Monterey or Santa Cruz for a couple days with (or without) kids - haven't decided on that. It will be great to just sleep in and veg for a bit - spend some time in the pool, take the kids to the big mall in Modesto, etc. for a change of pace. Meet some friends for lunch (hint, hint).
To my friend J., thanks for listening. I miss you more than words can say but it's so great how I can reach you by phone and you listen and advise and laugh. I needed it. Thanks loads.
To my friend Bug, you'll do great. I know you will. It'll be terrific. Be yourself. And double check your work on the 'exercise'. But it's all going to be fine. I know it.
To my hubby, hang in their, babe. We're on the downhill side to retirement and while it seems like it will be forever, we know from the two boys that have grown up seemingly overnight that it will all go by very quickly. So we just have to hang in by day. Sometimes hour by hour. It'll all be worth it someday when we're spending 3 weeks at the Louvre.
And, finally, to Steven Curtis Chapman and his family - you have been constantly in my prayers all week. There are no words for how deeply sorry I am about Maria. No words. Just know that you are in the thoughts of hundreds of thousands of KLOVE listeners and we all know (and we know you know) that if God brings you to it, He will get you through it. It doesn't change that she is not on this earth anymore - but knowing you are not alone in your grief will hopefully be some comfort.
I arrive home with a quandary. It's a silly thing. And end of the day 'light bulb' thing - and it is so small and inconsequential, it's ridiculous for me to give it any thought. Allow it to impact my day in any way. And yet, it has flummoxed me. Completely. For how it affects me. For why it exists. It continues, and continues, and continues - and I think 'it will never end'. And I don't want it to 'never end'. It has to end.
People are so strange. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?
OK - on to more interesting things.
Our modem broke yesterday and we had no internet for an evening. It was actually a good thing because I got a couple 'chore' things off my list - FINALLY sewed my Lions patch on my vest. It's been 5 months. Made a club visit in Liver more today to finish my Proud Lion requirements so getting that vest 'wearable' was important. Nothing like last minute.
We were worried because the kids use the internet a lot for homework, studying, etc. - and it's finals week. One of H's finals was ONLY an internet assignment to research some things. But thankfully, they didn't need it. So we told them it was broken and we ordered a new modem - which is true. But we didn't tell them that J. got out the really old, non-wireless modem and it works. So he and I have internet. The kids still think it's broken. And the really 'funny' part of this is (and to me, this illustrates their lack of attention to detail perfectly) is that B. just sat here with me for a bit, while I went from page to page on the internet and he never figured out 'hey, why is the internet working for Mom but not for us'? Never mentioned it. Doesn't get it. [And when he reads this at some point in the future, we apologize. But it's finals week and a little less time on My Space is good for your grades. So forgive us. The new modem will be here shortly and as soon as it's here, we'll install it and you'll be back up and running.]
I rescued two small plants from my office that people had tossed in the trash. They are still 'alive' though they need re-potting and a steady supply of water and food. I just planted them in two patio pots with other 'stuff'. Just found room and stuck them in. If they survive, great. If they don't, that's OK too. But I hope they will make it. They were both still completely 'green' - just dead blossoms. The pitiful pots they were in didn't allow for any water to be absorbed - so just getting them into real dirt is half the battle.
My last CBO class is Friday morning and I'm taking part of the afternoon 'off' to go see the Sex and the City movie. Can't wait! I love that show and have really been looking forward to a bucket of popcorn, some Milk Duds and Carrie Bradshaw and her friends. Since I'm working both days of the weekend, I could use a little R&R.
That's it for now. Need to get moving a bit with my 'evening routine' (such as it is) and then head up to bed. Need to be in as early as humanly possible tomorrow - aiming for 5. Will be happy with 5:30 or 6. Have meetings throughout the day and have a gazillion things to do to prepare for them - plus the never ending to-do list.
On a good note, I have the weeks of June 23rd and June 30th blocked off as vacation. I'm determined those dates will 'stick' and I'll just be home for some R&R. Maybe go to Jackson for a day. Might head to Monterey or Santa Cruz for a couple days with (or without) kids - haven't decided on that. It will be great to just sleep in and veg for a bit - spend some time in the pool, take the kids to the big mall in Modesto, etc. for a change of pace. Meet some friends for lunch (hint, hint).
To my friend J., thanks for listening. I miss you more than words can say but it's so great how I can reach you by phone and you listen and advise and laugh. I needed it. Thanks loads.
To my friend Bug, you'll do great. I know you will. It'll be terrific. Be yourself. And double check your work on the 'exercise'. But it's all going to be fine. I know it.
To my hubby, hang in their, babe. We're on the downhill side to retirement and while it seems like it will be forever, we know from the two boys that have grown up seemingly overnight that it will all go by very quickly. So we just have to hang in by day. Sometimes hour by hour. It'll all be worth it someday when we're spending 3 weeks at the Louvre.
And, finally, to Steven Curtis Chapman and his family - you have been constantly in my prayers all week. There are no words for how deeply sorry I am about Maria. No words. Just know that you are in the thoughts of hundreds of thousands of KLOVE listeners and we all know (and we know you know) that if God brings you to it, He will get you through it. It doesn't change that she is not on this earth anymore - but knowing you are not alone in your grief will hopefully be some comfort.
Monday, May 26, 2008
J. took H. to our mall for a shopping expedition.
H. returned with a pair of bright PURPLE shoes - tennis shoes. Purple with black laces. And two new t-shirts, also with purple in them. J. said 'purple is the new black'. Uh, OK. H. used his gift card for the shoes, suspecting that I might not be so willing to consider those shoes we would pay for. I actually don't care who pays for them as long as they get worn. I'll see how it goes this week - if he wears them. He thinks he's confident enough to ignore comments - and I guess it's possible that they are really cool shoes and friends will be envious.
But it's also possible he's going to get a couple comments and they'll be retired in to the back of the closet - in which case H. will have to pay for the shoes. If he wears them daily as one of his two pairs of shoes, fine, and we'll buy. But if he stops wearing them before they're worn out, they're on him. That's the rule.
He doesn't like the rule - he doesn't like that I monitor and 'keep track' of expenditures and if the usage doesn't justify the expense, it's on him. I've had to do this because HE WILL BUY PURPLE SHOES and then not wear them. He will think he's going to wear them a lot - and we'll see.
The odds are pretty good it'll be OK because there's only five days left of school - and then he'll wear them over the summer. And by the time school starts again in mid-August, it'll be time for new shoes again anyway - he wears them out pretty quickly.
OH, and BIG NEWS FLASH! H. is officially taller than B. It's not something that B. wants to talk about, but it's the truth. H. is taller by a few inches. And he's only 15 and still growing. We noticed yesterday at the party and J. and I both mentioned it yesterday evening. B. said 'yeah, I know'. Guess it's best to leave it at that.
And while I love three day weekends (though this one wasn't, technically, since I worked Saturday and today), I don't like how I'm confused all week. I think tonight is Sunday. It's not, it's Monday. I'm off by a day in my entire 'schedule' - thinking 'oh, I still have five more days to work on [fill in the blank]'. No, I only have four days - some of which are filled up with various meetings. I plan to arrive early and stay late - or at least until they lock the gate - all week. And work next weekend. And the weekend after that. It's just that time of year. Can't be helped. Comes with the job.
I just wish I could keep the days straight after a three day weekend. It's time for 60 Minutes - but it's MONDAY not SUNDAY. Oh, I'm so confused. And, the cleaning ladies come TOMORROW since it's MONDAY, not SUNDAY.
Gotta run! Have a great week, everybody!
H. returned with a pair of bright PURPLE shoes - tennis shoes. Purple with black laces. And two new t-shirts, also with purple in them. J. said 'purple is the new black'. Uh, OK. H. used his gift card for the shoes, suspecting that I might not be so willing to consider those shoes we would pay for. I actually don't care who pays for them as long as they get worn. I'll see how it goes this week - if he wears them. He thinks he's confident enough to ignore comments - and I guess it's possible that they are really cool shoes and friends will be envious.
But it's also possible he's going to get a couple comments and they'll be retired in to the back of the closet - in which case H. will have to pay for the shoes. If he wears them daily as one of his two pairs of shoes, fine, and we'll buy. But if he stops wearing them before they're worn out, they're on him. That's the rule.
He doesn't like the rule - he doesn't like that I monitor and 'keep track' of expenditures and if the usage doesn't justify the expense, it's on him. I've had to do this because HE WILL BUY PURPLE SHOES and then not wear them. He will think he's going to wear them a lot - and we'll see.
The odds are pretty good it'll be OK because there's only five days left of school - and then he'll wear them over the summer. And by the time school starts again in mid-August, it'll be time for new shoes again anyway - he wears them out pretty quickly.
OH, and BIG NEWS FLASH! H. is officially taller than B. It's not something that B. wants to talk about, but it's the truth. H. is taller by a few inches. And he's only 15 and still growing. We noticed yesterday at the party and J. and I both mentioned it yesterday evening. B. said 'yeah, I know'. Guess it's best to leave it at that.
And while I love three day weekends (though this one wasn't, technically, since I worked Saturday and today), I don't like how I'm confused all week. I think tonight is Sunday. It's not, it's Monday. I'm off by a day in my entire 'schedule' - thinking 'oh, I still have five more days to work on [fill in the blank]'. No, I only have four days - some of which are filled up with various meetings. I plan to arrive early and stay late - or at least until they lock the gate - all week. And work next weekend. And the weekend after that. It's just that time of year. Can't be helped. Comes with the job.
I just wish I could keep the days straight after a three day weekend. It's time for 60 Minutes - but it's MONDAY not SUNDAY. Oh, I'm so confused. And, the cleaning ladies come TOMORROW since it's MONDAY, not SUNDAY.
Gotta run! Have a great week, everybody!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
It's only 7:46PM and I'm fighting falling asleep right here in my chair. Busy, busy day.
We spent the morning celebrating H's birthday - he had a perfect birthday breakfast - home made chocolate chip cookies and milk. We piddled around the house - realized around 11 AM that Costco isn't open tomorrow so J. made a very quick trip for our weekly rations. And to gas up the van. $4.01 per gallon. Oh my gosh. I can't get over it. It was $60. Thankfully, my last CBO class is this coming Friday which will drastically reduce the number of days my commute is more than 4 miles round trip. Glad for that. Good thing we're looking at buying another hybrid. More about that in a future post.
Anyway, we headed to Alameda for the party - it was fun. Though a bit awkward. We don't see these people much anymore - though there was a time in my life when I was there everyday, when the kids we were celebrating graduating from college were 20 years younger. It was great to see them and we enjoyed the visit. We went for a walk to the apartment I used to live in. A brief stroll down memory lane. My feet were killing me since I didn't exactly wear walking shoes.
I lived in Alameda from 1985 until 1989. These friends were like my family - they had 2 young children when I met them (the husband was a coworker of mine at Mervyn's). I would babysit for them a lot and I refused to let them pay me. They were good friends and I spent many, many evenings at their home, enjoying family dinners. Their third child, a daughter, was a 'surprise' - and I was honored to be present at her birth. Every Friday night, we'd spend the evening together watching Dallas and Falcon Crest. We'd get the kids in bed and then the three adults would pop popcorn, open some sodas and watch 2 hours of great TV. We did that FOR YEARS and to this day, whenever I see or hear the Dallas theme, I think of M. and S. and the great times I had with them.
The two daughters graduated from college - one from Cal State East Bay and the other from Cal Berkeley. They are all grown up - one of them has a 3 1/2 year old son that she's raised alone, while going to school full time and working. They are good kids. Nice family. Their mom, S., was my matron of honor. Hard to believe that was over 18 years ago. Their oldest child, a son, is getting married in a month. It was a bit hard to realize that we weren't invited to the wedding - but it's a son's wedding and that means the bride's parents are footing most of the bill, most likely, so guess that's to be expected. Still, it made me sad since seeing these kids get married is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Hopefully, we can be there when the daughters get married.
We left the party about 2 hours after we arrived and headed back home. Stopped at Stoneridge Mall for H. to spend some of his birthday money and gift cards. Sadly, he only found one pair of shorts. He wanted shirts and shoes. Guess we'll be shopping more tomorrow.
I will be working tomorrow, all day. At least 6 hours and quite possibly 8. Much to do. Have several things I really need to make progress on so I'll hopefully sleep better.
I did manage to sleep until around 7:35 this morning. I woke up at 6:30 and just forced myself to go back to sleep. Which wasn't too hard. The weather has taken an odd turn towards 'cooler' so I pulled the covers up and snuggled in for a little more sleep. Would have really loved to sleep until 9 - just roll over and go back to sleep - but had a cake and cookies to bake. Maybe tomorrow will be a 9AM morning. THAT will be great.
It's been a Law and Order marathon day today! Oh, and I discovered - so many TV shows you can watch right on your computer. It's great - Mary Tyler Moore, Lou Grant, Dick Van Dyke, etc. It's GREAT. J. discovered it a few weeks ago and looped me in. AND Law and Order is on as well, so now I really CAN watch it 24/7 (which J. swears I do anyway).
Don't forget at 3PM tomorrow to stop whatever you are doing and take a moment of silence for those who have given their lives fighting for our freedom. I don't think our current war has anything to do with a fight for freedom, but I still want to acknowledge and thank those who are serving. To think that 'doing my job' would involve fighting in a war - I can't really fathom that level of commitment. I can't imagine it.
The letters from every branch of the armed forces continue to arrive weekly for B. Camouflage on the envelopes is a dead giveaway. I'm filing them. Somewhere.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone. Pray for our country and for those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and all our men and women in the Armed Forces.
We spent the morning celebrating H's birthday - he had a perfect birthday breakfast - home made chocolate chip cookies and milk. We piddled around the house - realized around 11 AM that Costco isn't open tomorrow so J. made a very quick trip for our weekly rations. And to gas up the van. $4.01 per gallon. Oh my gosh. I can't get over it. It was $60. Thankfully, my last CBO class is this coming Friday which will drastically reduce the number of days my commute is more than 4 miles round trip. Glad for that. Good thing we're looking at buying another hybrid. More about that in a future post.
Anyway, we headed to Alameda for the party - it was fun. Though a bit awkward. We don't see these people much anymore - though there was a time in my life when I was there everyday, when the kids we were celebrating graduating from college were 20 years younger. It was great to see them and we enjoyed the visit. We went for a walk to the apartment I used to live in. A brief stroll down memory lane. My feet were killing me since I didn't exactly wear walking shoes.
I lived in Alameda from 1985 until 1989. These friends were like my family - they had 2 young children when I met them (the husband was a coworker of mine at Mervyn's). I would babysit for them a lot and I refused to let them pay me. They were good friends and I spent many, many evenings at their home, enjoying family dinners. Their third child, a daughter, was a 'surprise' - and I was honored to be present at her birth. Every Friday night, we'd spend the evening together watching Dallas and Falcon Crest. We'd get the kids in bed and then the three adults would pop popcorn, open some sodas and watch 2 hours of great TV. We did that FOR YEARS and to this day, whenever I see or hear the Dallas theme, I think of M. and S. and the great times I had with them.
The two daughters graduated from college - one from Cal State East Bay and the other from Cal Berkeley. They are all grown up - one of them has a 3 1/2 year old son that she's raised alone, while going to school full time and working. They are good kids. Nice family. Their mom, S., was my matron of honor. Hard to believe that was over 18 years ago. Their oldest child, a son, is getting married in a month. It was a bit hard to realize that we weren't invited to the wedding - but it's a son's wedding and that means the bride's parents are footing most of the bill, most likely, so guess that's to be expected. Still, it made me sad since seeing these kids get married is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Hopefully, we can be there when the daughters get married.
We left the party about 2 hours after we arrived and headed back home. Stopped at Stoneridge Mall for H. to spend some of his birthday money and gift cards. Sadly, he only found one pair of shorts. He wanted shirts and shoes. Guess we'll be shopping more tomorrow.
I will be working tomorrow, all day. At least 6 hours and quite possibly 8. Much to do. Have several things I really need to make progress on so I'll hopefully sleep better.
I did manage to sleep until around 7:35 this morning. I woke up at 6:30 and just forced myself to go back to sleep. Which wasn't too hard. The weather has taken an odd turn towards 'cooler' so I pulled the covers up and snuggled in for a little more sleep. Would have really loved to sleep until 9 - just roll over and go back to sleep - but had a cake and cookies to bake. Maybe tomorrow will be a 9AM morning. THAT will be great.
It's been a Law and Order marathon day today! Oh, and I discovered - so many TV shows you can watch right on your computer. It's great - Mary Tyler Moore, Lou Grant, Dick Van Dyke, etc. It's GREAT. J. discovered it a few weeks ago and looped me in. AND Law and Order is on as well, so now I really CAN watch it 24/7 (which J. swears I do anyway).
Don't forget at 3PM tomorrow to stop whatever you are doing and take a moment of silence for those who have given their lives fighting for our freedom. I don't think our current war has anything to do with a fight for freedom, but I still want to acknowledge and thank those who are serving. To think that 'doing my job' would involve fighting in a war - I can't really fathom that level of commitment. I can't imagine it.
The letters from every branch of the armed forces continue to arrive weekly for B. Camouflage on the envelopes is a dead giveaway. I'm filing them. Somewhere.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone. Pray for our country and for those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and all our men and women in the Armed Forces.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
H. has a list of wants for his birthday. This list includes an amount of cash - and I won't write it here because it's a sore point. Suffice it to say that when the subject came up a couple months ago, his attitude - one of entitlement, expectation and angst - put me over the edge and I ended the conversation with a 'you might get $100'. That did not please him. Can you imagine? A kid being upset that they might get $100 for their birthday. I think I got $100 for Christmas once and I remember it because my mom said that she gave us money so we could get more clothes when the sales started after Christmas. So true.
Anyway, it's been a long two months of H. wrangling for what he wants. And it is a special day, one that deserves much celebration. But his attitude about it has completely done me in - and so I have resisted giving him any impression he will be getting much.
He asked for money (got smarter and stopped mentioning an amount), aWii game and a cologne called 'Diesel Fuel for Life'. Most of the colognes he picks out are along the line of 'Bod' sprays - carried by Target and other mass retailers and about $7 per bottle. He sprays this stuff on constantly - CONSTANTLY. For Christmas, he'll usually get a mid-line bottle of something - the kind that you can get at Longs or Walgreens. Maybe $20.
I sent J. on the 'mission' after we went out to dinner (doing H's birthday dinner a day early because we are attending that grad party tomorrow) to go find that cologne. He did. The small bottle was $45 and the larger bottle was $60 - with a free bath gel. We got it for him [the larger size with the bath gel] 'cuz - because he really has only asked for those 3 things for the past 4 months and I don't want to disappoint him. But damn! For a kid?? I sure hope it smells good!
We also did find the Wii game and will give him $100. And a gift card for his favorite store so he can get some clothes. He can never have too many t-shirts. And he needs shoes, though we'll buy those - he doesn't have to use birthday money for necessities. He does have to use gift money for hats, belts, etc. - things that he wants vs. needs. We will buy him a belt. Just not a belt with a fancy buckle that costs $30 - BELT NOT INCLUDED.
We plan a quiet morning at home (I brought work home today and hope to get a couple hours in tomorrow) and then we'll head to Alameda for the afternoon. Hope to be home early evening.
I am working a lot this weekend (most of the day today) but am glad to be able to sleep in. This morning, I made it to 6:30 which while not 'late' is certainly much later than 4:30, relatively speaking. It felt nice. And I'll try for 7ish tomorrow, hopefully. I don't mind working - I feel fine about it. I have a lot to do and I don't mind plugging away. I'm just really, REALLY glad to be able to sleep in for 3 days in a row. I need it.
15 years ago tonight I was in the hospital being induced. Labor didn't start. My doctor came in and said 'M., I just don't think he's ready'. And I said 'I am not leaving this hospital without a baby'. That's the kind of thing a 2nd time mother whose first delivery resulted in 100s of stitches, weeks of pain and a bad round of PPD can say and people take seriously. She didn't argue, and we tried again the next morning. I went into labor at around 7AM and he was born just after noon. His delivery was a piece of cake and when it was over, I said I'd like to do it again. It was THAT great. And H. was in the world - with his cute little button nose and tons of hair and the sweetest little face. He looked so NOT like B. He was all his dad's side of the family from day one. And once again, our life changed forever. I remember feeling this sense of sorrow - for B. That HIS life changed most of all and he had no 'say' in it. We made him a sibling without his consent. I remember thinking that a lot this time (birth-eve) 15 years ago. How he was no longer the 'center' of our world - he'd have to share that designation with a little brother. I didn't regret deciding to have two - but I just still vividly remember how 'sad' I felt that B's perfect little life - with two parents who doted on him, and ONLY him - was over forever. Life changes.
It's still changing. Just with two teens in the house instead of two babies. Change never stops. Just have to hold on for the bumpy parts. And enjoy the smooth parts. And remember they are a gift - even when they're angst filled, PITAs. They are a gift.
And I am grateful.
Anyway, it's been a long two months of H. wrangling for what he wants. And it is a special day, one that deserves much celebration. But his attitude about it has completely done me in - and so I have resisted giving him any impression he will be getting much.
He asked for money (got smarter and stopped mentioning an amount), aWii game and a cologne called 'Diesel Fuel for Life'. Most of the colognes he picks out are along the line of 'Bod' sprays - carried by Target and other mass retailers and about $7 per bottle. He sprays this stuff on constantly - CONSTANTLY. For Christmas, he'll usually get a mid-line bottle of something - the kind that you can get at Longs or Walgreens. Maybe $20.
I sent J. on the 'mission' after we went out to dinner (doing H's birthday dinner a day early because we are attending that grad party tomorrow) to go find that cologne. He did. The small bottle was $45 and the larger bottle was $60 - with a free bath gel. We got it for him [the larger size with the bath gel] 'cuz - because he really has only asked for those 3 things for the past 4 months and I don't want to disappoint him. But damn! For a kid?? I sure hope it smells good!
We also did find the Wii game and will give him $100. And a gift card for his favorite store so he can get some clothes. He can never have too many t-shirts. And he needs shoes, though we'll buy those - he doesn't have to use birthday money for necessities. He does have to use gift money for hats, belts, etc. - things that he wants vs. needs. We will buy him a belt. Just not a belt with a fancy buckle that costs $30 - BELT NOT INCLUDED.
We plan a quiet morning at home (I brought work home today and hope to get a couple hours in tomorrow) and then we'll head to Alameda for the afternoon. Hope to be home early evening.
I am working a lot this weekend (most of the day today) but am glad to be able to sleep in. This morning, I made it to 6:30 which while not 'late' is certainly much later than 4:30, relatively speaking. It felt nice. And I'll try for 7ish tomorrow, hopefully. I don't mind working - I feel fine about it. I have a lot to do and I don't mind plugging away. I'm just really, REALLY glad to be able to sleep in for 3 days in a row. I need it.
15 years ago tonight I was in the hospital being induced. Labor didn't start. My doctor came in and said 'M., I just don't think he's ready'. And I said 'I am not leaving this hospital without a baby'. That's the kind of thing a 2nd time mother whose first delivery resulted in 100s of stitches, weeks of pain and a bad round of PPD can say and people take seriously. She didn't argue, and we tried again the next morning. I went into labor at around 7AM and he was born just after noon. His delivery was a piece of cake and when it was over, I said I'd like to do it again. It was THAT great. And H. was in the world - with his cute little button nose and tons of hair and the sweetest little face. He looked so NOT like B. He was all his dad's side of the family from day one. And once again, our life changed forever. I remember feeling this sense of sorrow - for B. That HIS life changed most of all and he had no 'say' in it. We made him a sibling without his consent. I remember thinking that a lot this time (birth-eve) 15 years ago. How he was no longer the 'center' of our world - he'd have to share that designation with a little brother. I didn't regret deciding to have two - but I just still vividly remember how 'sad' I felt that B's perfect little life - with two parents who doted on him, and ONLY him - was over forever. Life changes.
It's still changing. Just with two teens in the house instead of two babies. Change never stops. Just have to hold on for the bumpy parts. And enjoy the smooth parts. And remember they are a gift - even when they're angst filled, PITAs. They are a gift.
And I am grateful.
Friday, May 23, 2008
My Virtual Villagers game is progressing. And this latest version has some funny things that are ringing close to home.
The villagers start out as babies. And when they reach the age of 14, they are able to 'work'. You take them to various 'tasks' and they will learn to do them. Important things necessary for survival like fishing and harvesting to provide food for the village. Building to provide shelter. Studying to gain technology points and learn things that help the village progress.
But the teens - oh, the teens. They are stubborn and selfish. In the latest version, they LIE DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE VILLAGE AND STARE AT THE SKY! And when you run your cursor over them, it will tell you they are 'bored' or 'unsure what to do' or 'doing nothing'. And they will stay in that state FOREVER unless you repeatedly drag them to a task and force them to do it. And even then, even when you've dragged them over and over to teach them to do something and they do it, they still tell you 'no'. For a long time while they're learning, they will do the task but when they're done, they stand there and shake their head and say a firm, resolute 'no'. 'NO'. Like at home, I just drag their sorry ass BACK to the task and make them do it again. And again and again and again until finally, FINALLY, they will do it on their own without you having to hover over them. It cracks me up.
And then it doesn't - because I remember that this game is currently very real-life reflection of what life is like with two teens in the house. There is a lot of DRAGGING THEM to things that are important and a lot of them begrudgingly doing it - with all that attitude filled angst and attitude teens are full of - and then telling you 'no' at the end. Now, my kids are too smart to just say 'no'. THAT would be too obvious and result in severe penalties including loss of car privileges, etc. But there is a lot of 'no' in this house lately even without the word being uttered.
We are heading into summer when the boredom factor rages strongly. We're working on filling up their days with a little fun, a little focus and some worthwhile activities that contribute to society and to our home. But it will be a constant, daily struggle. I will wage a war with them - with To Do lists and reading lists and chores, etc. And they will begrudgingly do the assignments, filled with attitude and pissiness. But they'll do it. They will. And someday, they'll realize that they are fortunate. They don't have to do things to SURVIVE. They don't have to work incredibly hard to get food and shelter and water, etc. All those things are readily available to them in this country, in this family. And they don't appreciate how easy they have it - yet - but someday, they will.
There are many things in the latest version that I love. I love that the kids all play in the puddles when it rains. I love that they dance a lot. I love how they laugh and giggle and run all over the place exploring. I love how they 'look for their mommy'. All those things are such fun, kid-appropriate things. We need more of that around this house. More laughing and giggling. More dancing. Less angst. More joy.
And I have no problem with some time for self reflection. A little contemplation is a good thing. Maybe they should try lying around a bit. Maybe those villagers know what they're doing - because they DO eventually start working nonstop, being ultra-productive and fine, contributing members of their society. Maybe. We can always hope.
It's going to be a long summer.
The villagers start out as babies. And when they reach the age of 14, they are able to 'work'. You take them to various 'tasks' and they will learn to do them. Important things necessary for survival like fishing and harvesting to provide food for the village. Building to provide shelter. Studying to gain technology points and learn things that help the village progress.
But the teens - oh, the teens. They are stubborn and selfish. In the latest version, they LIE DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE VILLAGE AND STARE AT THE SKY! And when you run your cursor over them, it will tell you they are 'bored' or 'unsure what to do' or 'doing nothing'. And they will stay in that state FOREVER unless you repeatedly drag them to a task and force them to do it. And even then, even when you've dragged them over and over to teach them to do something and they do it, they still tell you 'no'. For a long time while they're learning, they will do the task but when they're done, they stand there and shake their head and say a firm, resolute 'no'. 'NO'. Like at home, I just drag their sorry ass BACK to the task and make them do it again. And again and again and again until finally, FINALLY, they will do it on their own without you having to hover over them. It cracks me up.
And then it doesn't - because I remember that this game is currently very real-life reflection of what life is like with two teens in the house. There is a lot of DRAGGING THEM to things that are important and a lot of them begrudgingly doing it - with all that attitude filled angst and attitude teens are full of - and then telling you 'no' at the end. Now, my kids are too smart to just say 'no'. THAT would be too obvious and result in severe penalties including loss of car privileges, etc. But there is a lot of 'no' in this house lately even without the word being uttered.
We are heading into summer when the boredom factor rages strongly. We're working on filling up their days with a little fun, a little focus and some worthwhile activities that contribute to society and to our home. But it will be a constant, daily struggle. I will wage a war with them - with To Do lists and reading lists and chores, etc. And they will begrudgingly do the assignments, filled with attitude and pissiness. But they'll do it. They will. And someday, they'll realize that they are fortunate. They don't have to do things to SURVIVE. They don't have to work incredibly hard to get food and shelter and water, etc. All those things are readily available to them in this country, in this family. And they don't appreciate how easy they have it - yet - but someday, they will.
There are many things in the latest version that I love. I love that the kids all play in the puddles when it rains. I love that they dance a lot. I love how they laugh and giggle and run all over the place exploring. I love how they 'look for their mommy'. All those things are such fun, kid-appropriate things. We need more of that around this house. More laughing and giggling. More dancing. Less angst. More joy.
And I have no problem with some time for self reflection. A little contemplation is a good thing. Maybe they should try lying around a bit. Maybe those villagers know what they're doing - because they DO eventually start working nonstop, being ultra-productive and fine, contributing members of their society. Maybe. We can always hope.
It's going to be a long summer.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I think of things to write here all the time. In my sleep. Upon awakening. In the car. So many things to say - of little interest to anyone but me but I like to write things down so when I'm older, I can read my own writings and remember. I want to write all the time. I just don't.
It's just time that's lacking - not the desire to communicate. Just the time to do so. It's been one of those weeks of arising at 4:30AM and being at my desk or en route to a meeting before 7, often by 6 this week. And lest you think 'wow, it takes her a long time to get ready in the morning', no, not really. But I do an hour or so of emails each morning as a 'head start' to my day. In fact, this week, I was transacting business on the phone with someone else who was up early and our emails to each other around 5:15 resulted in a 'hey, are you available by phone' so we transacted on the phone - at 5:30 AM. So, I arrive very early to my office and then I've been working until they are locking the gates - something about that 'being locked in' (though I have a key) just doesn't feel good and compels me to bolt from my office regardless of the state it's in. 12 hour days are enough, don't you think? And yet, they're not 'cuz it's a 3 days weekend and I'll be working 2 of those days. I'd be working the third, also, but it's H's birthday (#15 - and he's available for loan if anyone wants him - angst filled teenager to the MAX and he's not one of my favorite people right now. I'm still rejoicing in his birth and am blessed to have him as a son but he is frying my last nerve. TOTALLY) and we have a graduation party that day as well. It WAS to have been a 4 day weekend but I realized that even considering taking tomorrow off is out of the question. Tomorrow is a 'free' day relatively speaking (in terms of my calendar) and there's a minute chance that I could make some progress on things and maybe be able to be home part of Monday. At the very least, I do hope to sleep in all three days - I am exhausted.
A good thing happened this week which I will write down now before I forget. It's a pretty huge 'milestone' for me. I had a meeting on Wednesday morning that conveyed a lot of information in a short time. Most of the information being conveyed added hours of work to my already overwhelming workload. Scary amounts of things to reconsider, redo and prepare to present in a few weeks. It boggled my mind. And I felt overwhelmed and asked, just for a moment 'why in the heck am I doing this'? BUT, for the first time in the 17 months I've been in this job, I did not have a 'flee' reaction. No 'there's always [insert former school name here]'. Nope, not this time. This time, I thought 'well, it's a lot but I can do it'. And I can. And it feels so much 'easier' since there's no immediate gut reaction relating to NOT being where I am. It was just the acceptance of 'this IS where you are and so take a deep breath and DO IT'.
It is a huge breakthrough for me to feel that way. HUGE. It has shifted my perspective on so many things. I am past caring/worrying/fretting about the things I can't control. I know what my job is, and I know how to do it - and that's what I'm going to do. MY JOB.
And so I am. And yes, I can. And I will!
It's just time that's lacking - not the desire to communicate. Just the time to do so. It's been one of those weeks of arising at 4:30AM and being at my desk or en route to a meeting before 7, often by 6 this week. And lest you think 'wow, it takes her a long time to get ready in the morning', no, not really. But I do an hour or so of emails each morning as a 'head start' to my day. In fact, this week, I was transacting business on the phone with someone else who was up early and our emails to each other around 5:15 resulted in a 'hey, are you available by phone' so we transacted on the phone - at 5:30 AM. So, I arrive very early to my office and then I've been working until they are locking the gates - something about that 'being locked in' (though I have a key) just doesn't feel good and compels me to bolt from my office regardless of the state it's in. 12 hour days are enough, don't you think? And yet, they're not 'cuz it's a 3 days weekend and I'll be working 2 of those days. I'd be working the third, also, but it's H's birthday (#15 - and he's available for loan if anyone wants him - angst filled teenager to the MAX and he's not one of my favorite people right now. I'm still rejoicing in his birth and am blessed to have him as a son but he is frying my last nerve. TOTALLY) and we have a graduation party that day as well. It WAS to have been a 4 day weekend but I realized that even considering taking tomorrow off is out of the question. Tomorrow is a 'free' day relatively speaking (in terms of my calendar) and there's a minute chance that I could make some progress on things and maybe be able to be home part of Monday. At the very least, I do hope to sleep in all three days - I am exhausted.
A good thing happened this week which I will write down now before I forget. It's a pretty huge 'milestone' for me. I had a meeting on Wednesday morning that conveyed a lot of information in a short time. Most of the information being conveyed added hours of work to my already overwhelming workload. Scary amounts of things to reconsider, redo and prepare to present in a few weeks. It boggled my mind. And I felt overwhelmed and asked, just for a moment 'why in the heck am I doing this'? BUT, for the first time in the 17 months I've been in this job, I did not have a 'flee' reaction. No 'there's always [insert former school name here]'. Nope, not this time. This time, I thought 'well, it's a lot but I can do it'. And I can. And it feels so much 'easier' since there's no immediate gut reaction relating to NOT being where I am. It was just the acceptance of 'this IS where you are and so take a deep breath and DO IT'.
It is a huge breakthrough for me to feel that way. HUGE. It has shifted my perspective on so many things. I am past caring/worrying/fretting about the things I can't control. I know what my job is, and I know how to do it - and that's what I'm going to do. MY JOB.
And so I am. And yes, I can. And I will!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Missing church this morning. I am heading to a Lions brunch - we are installing our new club officers. After that, I'll go into work for the afternoon. I'll cruise to Starbucks for two iced teas and then go straight to work - 'cuz if I stop at home, I'll want to hit the pool (now 83 degrees) instead of heading into my office. I am in Yolo County tomorrow for a class (THE LAST YOLO CLASS!!) I will miss the lovely town of Woodland but NOT miss the two hour drive each way. Only one more class to go on the 30th of May and my CBO classes will be OVER. YEAH ME!
Tuesday is jammed with meetings so I need an office day today to get things done. Most people are taking off next Friday for a 4 day weekend and while I'd love to do that, it's not likely. But we'll see. If I work today and spend some long(er) days there this week, it might be possible to at least take off 1/2 day Friday. And the funny thing is: it's likely I won't even really take off the Monday holiday. Have a budget to get to the Board in June and things just changed considerably with the issuing of the May Revise. So I have plenty, PLENTY to do and a limited, finite number of days to get it all done.
J. is getting ready to do the Costco shop alone and he'll gas up the van (since I filled up his car yesterday). He and the boys will work around the house and most likely spend time in the pool. I'll get home early enough to have a swim before dinner and will hopefully be cooled off enough to do a bit of yard work. It sounds like such a do-able thing: work in the yard, jump in the pool, repeat. But it's so incredibly HOT that it's harder than it sounds. Still, in the late(r) afternoon sun, I'll be able to get a couple things done. The pool deck and patio need a good hosing off and there are plenty of things to prune and weed.
More later.
Tuesday is jammed with meetings so I need an office day today to get things done. Most people are taking off next Friday for a 4 day weekend and while I'd love to do that, it's not likely. But we'll see. If I work today and spend some long(er) days there this week, it might be possible to at least take off 1/2 day Friday. And the funny thing is: it's likely I won't even really take off the Monday holiday. Have a budget to get to the Board in June and things just changed considerably with the issuing of the May Revise. So I have plenty, PLENTY to do and a limited, finite number of days to get it all done.
J. is getting ready to do the Costco shop alone and he'll gas up the van (since I filled up his car yesterday). He and the boys will work around the house and most likely spend time in the pool. I'll get home early enough to have a swim before dinner and will hopefully be cooled off enough to do a bit of yard work. It sounds like such a do-able thing: work in the yard, jump in the pool, repeat. But it's so incredibly HOT that it's harder than it sounds. Still, in the late(r) afternoon sun, I'll be able to get a couple things done. The pool deck and patio need a good hosing off and there are plenty of things to prune and weed.
More later.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Note to my dear hubby:
REMEMBER that your car is a 'keyless' car. It starts with the push of a button. And it will run even if the 'key' (which really isn't a key - just looks like a tiny garage transmitter, really) isn't anywhere nearby. BUT when the person driving the car stops the car and shuts off the engine, say to put in gasoline, it will not restart unless that 'keyless remote' is IN THE CAR.
Thank goodness I noticed the red triangle blinking on the dashboard and pulled over to figure out what was wrong - and then saw the message 'key not present'. So I was able to quickly pull over, lock it (also keyless) and walk back to the Honda dealer where you were picking up the van and retrieved the key and proceeded on my way to get gas and take care of other various errands. While you did the same in the van.
Keyless is great. As long as you don't forget to leave the other driver the little 'remote' that makes it work.
REMEMBER that your car is a 'keyless' car. It starts with the push of a button. And it will run even if the 'key' (which really isn't a key - just looks like a tiny garage transmitter, really) isn't anywhere nearby. BUT when the person driving the car stops the car and shuts off the engine, say to put in gasoline, it will not restart unless that 'keyless remote' is IN THE CAR.
Thank goodness I noticed the red triangle blinking on the dashboard and pulled over to figure out what was wrong - and then saw the message 'key not present'. So I was able to quickly pull over, lock it (also keyless) and walk back to the Honda dealer where you were picking up the van and retrieved the key and proceeded on my way to get gas and take care of other various errands. While you did the same in the van.
Keyless is great. As long as you don't forget to leave the other driver the little 'remote' that makes it work.
Let it be known that on this, the 17th of May, 2008, Majah was the first one entering the pool this season. This has never happened in the history of our family nor the history of our pool.
The pool temp was 87 degrees. Even Majah had to admit that it was a bit overly warm - pleasant but not all that refreshing. As soon as you exited the pool into the scorching heat (100+ degrees today), you were immediately hot again.
The cover is off and it will cool off a bit overnight which will help.
But then, Majah won't be the first one in again. She doesn't like pools that 'take her breath away'.
The pool temp was 87 degrees. Even Majah had to admit that it was a bit overly warm - pleasant but not all that refreshing. As soon as you exited the pool into the scorching heat (100+ degrees today), you were immediately hot again.
The cover is off and it will cool off a bit overnight which will help.
But then, Majah won't be the first one in again. She doesn't like pools that 'take her breath away'.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Fed Ex
Arrived home this afternoon to find a Fed Ex delivery envelope addressed to B. I was pretty sure I knew what it was before he opened it - it was information from the Marine Corps. I told him as he opened the envelope 'just so you know, you've been getting letters from every branch of the armed forces of this country and I've been tossing them in the recycle bin. I didn't toss this one because I wasn't positive that's what it was and because it was delivered via overnight delivery. But, I am tossing any and all solicitations you receive related to joining the military'.
He replied 'I'm just exploring all my options, Mom. They can help pay for college.' I said 'WE'LL pay for college. We'll figure it out. You are not going to enlist in the armed forces when we are in a war that we never should have started with no end in sight. It's just not going to happen'. He handed me the packet and asked me to keep it for him. Which I will. Sort of. I'll stash it away somewhere and have conveniently forgotten where when/if he ever inquires about it again. While I add 'pray that B. doesn't join the military' to my list of nightly prayers.
It has turned from lovely, sunny, mild days to freakishly hot in just a day or two. J. put the pool cover on last weekend and in the past 6 days, the pool has heated up from 70 degrees to 84 degrees. Now THAT is my kind of pool water temp. I hope to head outside in the morning and do a bunch of yard work, get all hot and sweaty and then JUMP IN. Sounds great.
Most definitely working this weekend. Tons, TONS to do and my week next week is includes a day out of the office for a class and an attempt to take next Friday off for a 4 day weekend. We'll see. It's a long shot but I'm going to try.
We have all been sick all week. B. and I were home sick on Monday. H. and J. were home sick on Tuesday. B. was home sick Weds. & Thurs. and I forced him to go to the doctor yesterday. Double ear infection and possible mono. It's doubtful, but when I described to Dr. V (who I just LOVE, by the way - absolutely ADORE him - he's just got the nicest personality) how B. has been coming home for weeks and taking a two to three hour nap every afternoon, he said 'hmmm, do you mind if we test him for mono as a precaution?'. I said 'no problem, please do'. I doubt it will be positive but think it's worth considering. He gave us antibiotics to help the ears. B. went to school today but still doesn't feel great. None of us do, really. J. sounds like Barry White - which sounds lovely for about an hour and beyond that, just makes you feel like you're living with a stranger. He blew his nose today and I've NEVER heard him blow his nose so 'noisily', ever. In twenty years. So whatever this 'bug' is, it's nasty and it's working it's way through my entire universe. Hopefully, we're all on the mend now. I feel 'better' though not great - headachy for days, achy, sore throat, etc.
On a fun note, Last Day of Work came out with Virtual VIllagers 3 this week so that has taken up some time attempting to get my new village to survive. So far, I'm up to 12 villagers. Food is running low at the moment and I don't have enough tech points to get to the next 'level' in food production. So may be starting over sometime this weekend. Hope not.
J. is watching 'talking heads' on TV and they are about to REPEAT a diatribe I had to listen to last night. I drew the line. He is now fast forwarding past it. Thank goodness for our PVR on Dish Network. I couldn't handle re-listening and re-watching the spectacle we endured last night.
Signing off for now to go 'lose' the Marine Corp info.
He replied 'I'm just exploring all my options, Mom. They can help pay for college.' I said 'WE'LL pay for college. We'll figure it out. You are not going to enlist in the armed forces when we are in a war that we never should have started with no end in sight. It's just not going to happen'. He handed me the packet and asked me to keep it for him. Which I will. Sort of. I'll stash it away somewhere and have conveniently forgotten where when/if he ever inquires about it again. While I add 'pray that B. doesn't join the military' to my list of nightly prayers.
It has turned from lovely, sunny, mild days to freakishly hot in just a day or two. J. put the pool cover on last weekend and in the past 6 days, the pool has heated up from 70 degrees to 84 degrees. Now THAT is my kind of pool water temp. I hope to head outside in the morning and do a bunch of yard work, get all hot and sweaty and then JUMP IN. Sounds great.
Most definitely working this weekend. Tons, TONS to do and my week next week is includes a day out of the office for a class and an attempt to take next Friday off for a 4 day weekend. We'll see. It's a long shot but I'm going to try.
We have all been sick all week. B. and I were home sick on Monday. H. and J. were home sick on Tuesday. B. was home sick Weds. & Thurs. and I forced him to go to the doctor yesterday. Double ear infection and possible mono. It's doubtful, but when I described to Dr. V (who I just LOVE, by the way - absolutely ADORE him - he's just got the nicest personality) how B. has been coming home for weeks and taking a two to three hour nap every afternoon, he said 'hmmm, do you mind if we test him for mono as a precaution?'. I said 'no problem, please do'. I doubt it will be positive but think it's worth considering. He gave us antibiotics to help the ears. B. went to school today but still doesn't feel great. None of us do, really. J. sounds like Barry White - which sounds lovely for about an hour and beyond that, just makes you feel like you're living with a stranger. He blew his nose today and I've NEVER heard him blow his nose so 'noisily', ever. In twenty years. So whatever this 'bug' is, it's nasty and it's working it's way through my entire universe. Hopefully, we're all on the mend now. I feel 'better' though not great - headachy for days, achy, sore throat, etc.
On a fun note, Last Day of Work came out with Virtual VIllagers 3 this week so that has taken up some time attempting to get my new village to survive. So far, I'm up to 12 villagers. Food is running low at the moment and I don't have enough tech points to get to the next 'level' in food production. So may be starting over sometime this weekend. Hope not.
J. is watching 'talking heads' on TV and they are about to REPEAT a diatribe I had to listen to last night. I drew the line. He is now fast forwarding past it. Thank goodness for our PVR on Dish Network. I couldn't handle re-listening and re-watching the spectacle we endured last night.
Signing off for now to go 'lose' the Marine Corp info.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
It was a lovely day today. Church was great. I just love how our pastor always ties scripture to real life. We read Corinthians - 'love always protects' - and he related that to motherhood. To parents, protecting their kids. To spouses protecting each other. It was a great sermon. And a great time. The music was FANTASTIC - and I'm undoubtedly bias since 2 of my 3 men were in the music group. B. did a terrific job - he's just so great. And J. had a great bass solo. H. did a terrific job on the A/V which was pretty 'involved' - a video, multiple songs, special mom's day slides. Busy.
IHOP was packed - no surprise there. But we only had to wait about 15 minutes and had a terrific meal. It was delicious. We went to Costco and J. got his dad's day present - a touch iPod. He's debating. I guess we had a miscommunication - kind of - I know I mentioned him getting the Touch - but he was debating between the middle and the higher (in terms of memory) 'regular' iPod when last I recall us talking about it. So when the $500 iPod Touch ended up in our cart, I was a bit stunned. I don't begrudge him anything - he deserves whatever he wants. And I want him to have what he will use - he has a terribly long commute (45-60 minutes by car and then another 45-50 minutes by BART) and he should have what he enjoys to make that time go by as quickly as possible. So he'll debate it and he'll read this post and feel compelled to take it back - and I don't want him to. I want him to have what he wants.
We have signed the kids up for a two week trip to Europe next year (summer of 2009) - together. The cost of this trip is not something we take lightly - and we will be having to 'cut' a lot from our monthly budget to put toward the trip. I want that trip for the kids - I want it to be B.'s senior trip and I think it's terrific that the two of them will go together. It's not something we just 'dip into savings' for - we could. And likely will, to some extent. But I am the budget master in this house and I'm already working on how to 'cull out' some money in our monthly budget to put towards the trip so we can dip into savings as little as possible. It's good that we have 14 months to 'save up' for the trip - we do have to make monthly payments starting in July, 2008. And because there are two kids going, those payments are not 'small'. But we'll figure it out.
My mom's day 'gift' was plants from Home Depot. And I did order some cosmetics from Sephora - I am in serious need of 'de-wrinkling' and 'age-defying' makeup so I splurged on some foo-foo stuff. But for the most part, I wanted it to not be about 'stuff'. And it wasn't, which suits me fine. The kids and J. all gave me separate cards - very nice, lovely sentiment cards. And that was plenty.
Still, J. so rarely 'asks' for anything at all. He's the lowest maintenance person I know - and so he will keep the Touch iPod, I hope. I mean, the difference between that and the largest memory 'regular' iPod is only $100. And that's not enough to worry about. There's no issue here. None. We have the $$ for that iPod and anything else he wants. So there's no issue.
I'm just warning him, and reminding him that my birthday is in a few weeks so be ready. My 'frugal' nature make take a back seat to a need for some new clothes. Or my own Touch iPod. Or something else. Who knows?
We have the pool cover on the pool to help it warm up this week. I'm sure we'll be swimming by H's birthday - which as usual, falls on Memorial Day weekend. We have so many other commitments that weekend - we're going to have to negotiate when he'll have the sleepover he has requested. I love how he always gets a 3 day weekend for his birthday - but it just adds a layer of complexity to our holiday weekend that I always wish wasn't a factor. We have a church picnic that Saturday, a double college graduation party that Sunday (his birthday) for two daughters of very, very dear friends (I was blessed to be present in the delivery room when one of these two lovely ladies came into the world and celebrating their graduation from college is an honor I won't miss), and then the Monday 'holiday'. I'm hoping to try to make it a 'long weekend' by taking off that Friday and possibly the Tuesday after as well. I hope to. We'll see.
Well, it's time for the final Survivor vote so I've got to run. Have a terrific week.
J., keep the Touch. I love you, my sweet. Happy Mother's Day to you, too, - you had an integral part in me becoming a mom. Yes, I remember it well. ('nuf said).
IHOP was packed - no surprise there. But we only had to wait about 15 minutes and had a terrific meal. It was delicious. We went to Costco and J. got his dad's day present - a touch iPod. He's debating. I guess we had a miscommunication - kind of - I know I mentioned him getting the Touch - but he was debating between the middle and the higher (in terms of memory) 'regular' iPod when last I recall us talking about it. So when the $500 iPod Touch ended up in our cart, I was a bit stunned. I don't begrudge him anything - he deserves whatever he wants. And I want him to have what he will use - he has a terribly long commute (45-60 minutes by car and then another 45-50 minutes by BART) and he should have what he enjoys to make that time go by as quickly as possible. So he'll debate it and he'll read this post and feel compelled to take it back - and I don't want him to. I want him to have what he wants.
We have signed the kids up for a two week trip to Europe next year (summer of 2009) - together. The cost of this trip is not something we take lightly - and we will be having to 'cut' a lot from our monthly budget to put toward the trip. I want that trip for the kids - I want it to be B.'s senior trip and I think it's terrific that the two of them will go together. It's not something we just 'dip into savings' for - we could. And likely will, to some extent. But I am the budget master in this house and I'm already working on how to 'cull out' some money in our monthly budget to put towards the trip so we can dip into savings as little as possible. It's good that we have 14 months to 'save up' for the trip - we do have to make monthly payments starting in July, 2008. And because there are two kids going, those payments are not 'small'. But we'll figure it out.
My mom's day 'gift' was plants from Home Depot. And I did order some cosmetics from Sephora - I am in serious need of 'de-wrinkling' and 'age-defying' makeup so I splurged on some foo-foo stuff. But for the most part, I wanted it to not be about 'stuff'. And it wasn't, which suits me fine. The kids and J. all gave me separate cards - very nice, lovely sentiment cards. And that was plenty.
Still, J. so rarely 'asks' for anything at all. He's the lowest maintenance person I know - and so he will keep the Touch iPod, I hope. I mean, the difference between that and the largest memory 'regular' iPod is only $100. And that's not enough to worry about. There's no issue here. None. We have the $$ for that iPod and anything else he wants. So there's no issue.
I'm just warning him, and reminding him that my birthday is in a few weeks so be ready. My 'frugal' nature make take a back seat to a need for some new clothes. Or my own Touch iPod. Or something else. Who knows?
We have the pool cover on the pool to help it warm up this week. I'm sure we'll be swimming by H's birthday - which as usual, falls on Memorial Day weekend. We have so many other commitments that weekend - we're going to have to negotiate when he'll have the sleepover he has requested. I love how he always gets a 3 day weekend for his birthday - but it just adds a layer of complexity to our holiday weekend that I always wish wasn't a factor. We have a church picnic that Saturday, a double college graduation party that Sunday (his birthday) for two daughters of very, very dear friends (I was blessed to be present in the delivery room when one of these two lovely ladies came into the world and celebrating their graduation from college is an honor I won't miss), and then the Monday 'holiday'. I'm hoping to try to make it a 'long weekend' by taking off that Friday and possibly the Tuesday after as well. I hope to. We'll see.
Well, it's time for the final Survivor vote so I've got to run. Have a terrific week.
J., keep the Touch. I love you, my sweet. Happy Mother's Day to you, too, - you had an integral part in me becoming a mom. Yes, I remember it well. ('nuf said).
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mom's Day
Tomorrow is my day. And many other wonderful ladies' day. It's the celebration of giving birth. Of agreeing, even though you don't realize it at the time, to being counselor, banker, accountant, cook, organizer, sympathetic listener, nagger, worrier, referee, tidier, (sometimes) yeller, (sometimes) best friend, (sometimes) mortal enemy. Mom. A three letter word for a whole lot of stuff.
My gift was a trip to Home Depot where we purchased a new bougainvillea plant to replace the boug we had that died a couple winters ago. It's been cut back regularly as we worked on taking it out - they are not easy to work with (as you know) because they have huge thorns. But my knight in shining armor hubby managed to get the dead plant finally out of the ground and the old, falling down trellis it was entwined with also down and tossed away. The new boug will hopefully go in tomorrow. We had to drag H. along with us to HD because it occurred to me that we had a lot of cash loaded on his Visa Buxx card still from Hawaii - and that isn't HIS money. It's our money we've loaded on his card to allow some Independence in terms of his vacation shopping. So we took him with us and used some of that already paid for $$ to pay for my 'gifts'. Two big bags of potting soil, 3 six packs of pansies and 3 other pansy-like spreading potted plants and we were home. After a Starbucks drive through stop. So good. I miss my iced teas.
The replacement of the boug on Mother's Day seems fitting since we planted the original plant in honor of my mom - bougs were one of her favorites. Our pool was designed around this particular plant - it was the only plant in the yard we told the pool designer we absolutely didn't want to lose. And it was a full, lush beautiful plant that bloomed year round - until a harsh winter did it in. We will cover this one. It is a beautiful pink and should (hopefully) take off and grow like crazy.
Tomorrow, our church is doing a 2nd special collection for a local charity that is finishing a long-term building project and needs funding to cover the last expenses. We are asked to contribute whatever we can - maybe 10% of our 'economic stimulus' payment - which for us would be less than $24 - AND we don't have it yet. So we are making a donation in honor of our mom's that is equal to one dollar for every year they lived - J's mom lived to be 76. Mine lived to be 75. They died within five months of each other - my mom on May 24, 2000, and J's mom on October 26, 2000. So we'll make a donation of $151. An odd amount - but it's OK. A dollar for each year seems a pittance for all they did for us. And for their families. But it'll help a very worthy cause in our town and will help ease the pain we both have on Mother's Day since they died. It's just not the same, no matter how much you think it will be. It's not the amount that matters. It's the reason for the amount. In memory and honor of our mom's. Two amazing ladies.
I gave up my weekly stint at the coffee kart. I just decided that a weekly commitment that takes up 1/2 of my two short days 'off' - many of which are not exactly days off since I'm working frequently on the weekends, either actually going into my office or bringing work home - is not something I want to do. I can do it. I just don't want to. Getting older makes it easier to put 'me' first and to just learn to say 'no'. Or in this case 'I love doing it, but never would have signed up if I'd realized it was an every week think, so thanks for wanting me to work every weekend but no, I won't'. Kind of like that, only nicer. I am on the list of 'backup' when they need help. And I'm fine with that plan. Glad to have more flexibility. J. and B. are playing tomorrow and H. is doing the A/V slides at the 11AM service. And as soon as we're done at church, we're going out for brunch. Probably IHOP 'cuz that's where we usually go for 'breakfast'. We haven't done a breakfast out in a long time. Looking forward to it.
Then running a few errands and coming home to work on the house. And to work on the 'work' stuff I brought home - laptop and two big projects to make progress on were brought home yesterday afternoon.
Work is going OK. Better, in some ways. Same in others. I am trying a 'new' approach and learning to not care so much about things that honestly don't matter. The work matters. The people are just people. I'm good at the job and it's close to home. AND it pays well and has far more potential for future earnings than other possible jobs. Add all those things together, remind myself that I have two sons heading to college and a husband who's less than 8 years away from retirement and you tend to 'get' to the point I'm at - stay. It's a good job doing good work. It's hard, it's stressful, it's exhausting - but I'm good at it. Nothing is forever. But for now, this is where I am.
Time to head upstairs to the nightly 'grooming of the cats'. Sound like a ritual and it's becoming a bit like that. They have been getting 'matted fur' patches so I finally broke down and purchased some 'grooming' tools. They seem to be helping - they get at the 'under fur' - the brush I've been using just gets the 'top fur' and that's not enough. I didn't realize these cats are sort of 'long hair' but they are apparently, and my brushing has been completely inadequate. The new tools get down to the fur under the top coat and pull it out. Tons and tons and TONS of it. And because the tools are metal, the hair doesn't 'stick' to them - it flies everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I keep cat bath towels (like baby wipes) handy and use those to wipe down both cats first (they really like it!) to get their fur a bit damp and then brush - and use the wipes to 'catch' the fur off the tool. It's working. It's very time consuming but they are already looking a lot better and seem 'more comfortable'. Poor babies. Never knew what I was doing wasn't enough.
Happy Mom's Day to all the moms out there. If you're not a mom yet, it's the toughest job you'll ever love.
My gift was a trip to Home Depot where we purchased a new bougainvillea plant to replace the boug we had that died a couple winters ago. It's been cut back regularly as we worked on taking it out - they are not easy to work with (as you know) because they have huge thorns. But my knight in shining armor hubby managed to get the dead plant finally out of the ground and the old, falling down trellis it was entwined with also down and tossed away. The new boug will hopefully go in tomorrow. We had to drag H. along with us to HD because it occurred to me that we had a lot of cash loaded on his Visa Buxx card still from Hawaii - and that isn't HIS money. It's our money we've loaded on his card to allow some Independence in terms of his vacation shopping. So we took him with us and used some of that already paid for $$ to pay for my 'gifts'. Two big bags of potting soil, 3 six packs of pansies and 3 other pansy-like spreading potted plants and we were home. After a Starbucks drive through stop. So good. I miss my iced teas.
The replacement of the boug on Mother's Day seems fitting since we planted the original plant in honor of my mom - bougs were one of her favorites. Our pool was designed around this particular plant - it was the only plant in the yard we told the pool designer we absolutely didn't want to lose. And it was a full, lush beautiful plant that bloomed year round - until a harsh winter did it in. We will cover this one. It is a beautiful pink and should (hopefully) take off and grow like crazy.
Tomorrow, our church is doing a 2nd special collection for a local charity that is finishing a long-term building project and needs funding to cover the last expenses. We are asked to contribute whatever we can - maybe 10% of our 'economic stimulus' payment - which for us would be less than $24 - AND we don't have it yet. So we are making a donation in honor of our mom's that is equal to one dollar for every year they lived - J's mom lived to be 76. Mine lived to be 75. They died within five months of each other - my mom on May 24, 2000, and J's mom on October 26, 2000. So we'll make a donation of $151. An odd amount - but it's OK. A dollar for each year seems a pittance for all they did for us. And for their families. But it'll help a very worthy cause in our town and will help ease the pain we both have on Mother's Day since they died. It's just not the same, no matter how much you think it will be. It's not the amount that matters. It's the reason for the amount. In memory and honor of our mom's. Two amazing ladies.
I gave up my weekly stint at the coffee kart. I just decided that a weekly commitment that takes up 1/2 of my two short days 'off' - many of which are not exactly days off since I'm working frequently on the weekends, either actually going into my office or bringing work home - is not something I want to do. I can do it. I just don't want to. Getting older makes it easier to put 'me' first and to just learn to say 'no'. Or in this case 'I love doing it, but never would have signed up if I'd realized it was an every week think, so thanks for wanting me to work every weekend but no, I won't'. Kind of like that, only nicer. I am on the list of 'backup' when they need help. And I'm fine with that plan. Glad to have more flexibility. J. and B. are playing tomorrow and H. is doing the A/V slides at the 11AM service. And as soon as we're done at church, we're going out for brunch. Probably IHOP 'cuz that's where we usually go for 'breakfast'. We haven't done a breakfast out in a long time. Looking forward to it.
Then running a few errands and coming home to work on the house. And to work on the 'work' stuff I brought home - laptop and two big projects to make progress on were brought home yesterday afternoon.
Work is going OK. Better, in some ways. Same in others. I am trying a 'new' approach and learning to not care so much about things that honestly don't matter. The work matters. The people are just people. I'm good at the job and it's close to home. AND it pays well and has far more potential for future earnings than other possible jobs. Add all those things together, remind myself that I have two sons heading to college and a husband who's less than 8 years away from retirement and you tend to 'get' to the point I'm at - stay. It's a good job doing good work. It's hard, it's stressful, it's exhausting - but I'm good at it. Nothing is forever. But for now, this is where I am.
Time to head upstairs to the nightly 'grooming of the cats'. Sound like a ritual and it's becoming a bit like that. They have been getting 'matted fur' patches so I finally broke down and purchased some 'grooming' tools. They seem to be helping - they get at the 'under fur' - the brush I've been using just gets the 'top fur' and that's not enough. I didn't realize these cats are sort of 'long hair' but they are apparently, and my brushing has been completely inadequate. The new tools get down to the fur under the top coat and pull it out. Tons and tons and TONS of it. And because the tools are metal, the hair doesn't 'stick' to them - it flies everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I keep cat bath towels (like baby wipes) handy and use those to wipe down both cats first (they really like it!) to get their fur a bit damp and then brush - and use the wipes to 'catch' the fur off the tool. It's working. It's very time consuming but they are already looking a lot better and seem 'more comfortable'. Poor babies. Never knew what I was doing wasn't enough.
Happy Mom's Day to all the moms out there. If you're not a mom yet, it's the toughest job you'll ever love.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Another perspective from J.
It doesn't change my opinion. But it does offer a different view. Maybe they really do love to run. Maybe it's what they live for. I hope this author is right - and Eight Belles died doing what she loved.
But then I think 'but she wasn't doing that. She died after doing that. She died scared out of her mind, in massive, mind numbing pain, with people crowding all around her convincing her what she already knew - it was bad. It was very bad'. So she didn't die doing what she loved. She died after. And it is THOSE moments that bother me. The moments when the running stops because it has to. It's those moments that really trouble me. Those moments keep happening - and I just keep thinking 'why? Why?'
It doesn't change my opinion. But it does offer a different view. Maybe they really do love to run. Maybe it's what they live for. I hope this author is right - and Eight Belles died doing what she loved.
But then I think 'but she wasn't doing that. She died after doing that. She died scared out of her mind, in massive, mind numbing pain, with people crowding all around her convincing her what she already knew - it was bad. It was very bad'. So she didn't die doing what she loved. She died after. And it is THOSE moments that bother me. The moments when the running stops because it has to. It's those moments that really trouble me. Those moments keep happening - and I just keep thinking 'why? Why?'
Monday, May 05, 2008
I did not watch the Kentucky Derby this year. I have no intention of ever watching horse racing again. Barbaro broke my heart and I'm never going to be the same.
And again, yesterday, a horse lost it's life because the owner had to win. I just can't handle this sport anymore. They are not born to be ridden that hard and/or to go that fast. Isn't that painfully obvious every time one breaks down? How many times does a beautiful animal have to lose it's life before someone wakes up and says 'hey, maybe we shouldn't really race them like this - it's too risky - they're legs aren't built for that kind of stress'. How long?
It upsets me every time I think about it. Yesterday, the horse broke both ankles - BOTH. And was euthanized where she fell. God bless her.
I just won't watch anymore. It's becoming 'normal' to lose horses during (or now, after) the races and it's NOT normal. It's just not.
Rest in Peace, Eight Belles.
And again, yesterday, a horse lost it's life because the owner had to win. I just can't handle this sport anymore. They are not born to be ridden that hard and/or to go that fast. Isn't that painfully obvious every time one breaks down? How many times does a beautiful animal have to lose it's life before someone wakes up and says 'hey, maybe we shouldn't really race them like this - it's too risky - they're legs aren't built for that kind of stress'. How long?
It upsets me every time I think about it. Yesterday, the horse broke both ankles - BOTH. And was euthanized where she fell. God bless her.
I just won't watch anymore. It's becoming 'normal' to lose horses during (or now, after) the races and it's NOT normal. It's just not.
Rest in Peace, Eight Belles.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Why do hotels use flat sheets instead of fitted for the bottom sheet? I can never figure that out. The MINUTE you pull back the top sheet and light blanket to actually get into bed, the entire bottom sheet on the side you just turned down is now un-tucked and needs re-fixing.
Why are hotel rooms always too warm or too cool? And if it's too cool, why is your only option to pull up the heavy 'decorator' bedspread which will immediately make you too hot? Why are there no extra blankets in the dresser drawer or closet? I know the answer - 'cuz people will take them. But comfort is important. You can always 'charge' people for the blankets that go missing.
Why do hotels put desks where there's no electrical outlet? I had to use my laptop on the 'dresser' since that was the only place there was an easily accessible plug. That involved pulling over a big chair and leaning forward and down every time I used my laptop.
Why do trains look like they're moving even when they're not? At least from a far? Today, there was a massively long freight train - 5 engines - creeping along the tracks on steep mountains - right on the edge of disaster. This one WAS moving, incredibly slowly and carefully. I wished I could pull over and watch. But on the way there, many trains were seen that weren't moving, but it looked like they were. Mind tricks, I guess. I was moving - so they appeared to be moving.
These are just some of the things I wondered about as I headed back home this morning.
The dinner and award ceremony was great - good food, good friends - two of our own district being honored in the same year is really something special - good band, and slots nearby. AND The Nugget has a REAL Starbucks in the lobby - perfection in a casino, in my opinion. Plenty of penny and nickle slots to play on when you start to worry that you're losing too much (which I didn't). It was a great time - but it's always good to be home. J. did pretty much all of the 'honey, please do' list I left, which is FANTASTIC. He's the best!
Tomorrow is church and then errands, followed by working on some work projects I have to get done.
The weekend is already 1/2 over and for me, it feels like it just started. I'm exhausted. Need a weekend to recoup from my weekend. Typical.
Why are hotel rooms always too warm or too cool? And if it's too cool, why is your only option to pull up the heavy 'decorator' bedspread which will immediately make you too hot? Why are there no extra blankets in the dresser drawer or closet? I know the answer - 'cuz people will take them. But comfort is important. You can always 'charge' people for the blankets that go missing.
Why do hotels put desks where there's no electrical outlet? I had to use my laptop on the 'dresser' since that was the only place there was an easily accessible plug. That involved pulling over a big chair and leaning forward and down every time I used my laptop.
Why do trains look like they're moving even when they're not? At least from a far? Today, there was a massively long freight train - 5 engines - creeping along the tracks on steep mountains - right on the edge of disaster. This one WAS moving, incredibly slowly and carefully. I wished I could pull over and watch. But on the way there, many trains were seen that weren't moving, but it looked like they were. Mind tricks, I guess. I was moving - so they appeared to be moving.
These are just some of the things I wondered about as I headed back home this morning.
The dinner and award ceremony was great - good food, good friends - two of our own district being honored in the same year is really something special - good band, and slots nearby. AND The Nugget has a REAL Starbucks in the lobby - perfection in a casino, in my opinion. Plenty of penny and nickle slots to play on when you start to worry that you're losing too much (which I didn't). It was a great time - but it's always good to be home. J. did pretty much all of the 'honey, please do' list I left, which is FANTASTIC. He's the best!
Tomorrow is church and then errands, followed by working on some work projects I have to get done.
The weekend is already 1/2 over and for me, it feels like it just started. I'm exhausted. Need a weekend to recoup from my weekend. Typical.
Friday, May 02, 2008
I am typing this post with hot rollers in my hair, in a hotel room in Sparks, NV. Awaiting the delivery of an iron and ironing board to my room. No, there is not one in my closet. I was asked twice - and I'd already checked since that IS the logical place you look for an iron. So I should be showering but since I'm waiting (going on 35 minutes now) I will have to freshen up ala washcloth and soap. The outfit I'm wearing will be 'ok' without a touch up - but it is a bit wrinkled 'cuz I never imagined I wouldn't have an iron. So we'll see.
The drive up was pretty -still snow on the ground. I drove J's car to save gas - and enjoyed my iPod until it died. Will charge it tonight for the drive home tomorrow. I will head home early in the morning 'cuz I need some 'home time' this weekend. And because I have a gazillion things to do that are work related and I'd rather work at home.
Had a long, great conversation with Bug yesterday and we were able to clarify a lot of things. She always helps me think things through but she was exceptionally helpful yesterday and I owe her for her ability to bring clarity to my muddled mind. It's youth, I think. That, and she's just genuinely sweet and open and honest and really, truly cares about me as a friend - as I do about her. It was a much needed 'clearing of the air' and I feel 1000 times 'better' than I have for the past few weeks.
Tonight we are celebrating an award given to my boss and another award given to a co-worker. It's a nice way to show our support and will hopefully be fun. I haven't been to Reno in a really long time - the last time J. and I were here, we conceived H. And I think I came up alone for a weekend for a Beanie Baby event when the kids were little. But haven't been up here in a very long time. The drive was longer than I remember. And I'm more 'nervous' than I was then - the steep downgrades unnerve me - or maybe it's the other driver's not slowing down, not backing off, etc. It was a bit stressful and I'm not looking forward to heading down the hill tomorrow.
I always think of things to write and now can't remember a bloomin' thing. So I'll post again later when I recall all the things I was thinking about on the way here.
Bye for now. I brought my travel curlers with me which means I have to curl 1/2 my head, then let them heat up again and curl the other half. Good times.
The drive up was pretty -still snow on the ground. I drove J's car to save gas - and enjoyed my iPod until it died. Will charge it tonight for the drive home tomorrow. I will head home early in the morning 'cuz I need some 'home time' this weekend. And because I have a gazillion things to do that are work related and I'd rather work at home.
Had a long, great conversation with Bug yesterday and we were able to clarify a lot of things. She always helps me think things through but she was exceptionally helpful yesterday and I owe her for her ability to bring clarity to my muddled mind. It's youth, I think. That, and she's just genuinely sweet and open and honest and really, truly cares about me as a friend - as I do about her. It was a much needed 'clearing of the air' and I feel 1000 times 'better' than I have for the past few weeks.
Tonight we are celebrating an award given to my boss and another award given to a co-worker. It's a nice way to show our support and will hopefully be fun. I haven't been to Reno in a really long time - the last time J. and I were here, we conceived H. And I think I came up alone for a weekend for a Beanie Baby event when the kids were little. But haven't been up here in a very long time. The drive was longer than I remember. And I'm more 'nervous' than I was then - the steep downgrades unnerve me - or maybe it's the other driver's not slowing down, not backing off, etc. It was a bit stressful and I'm not looking forward to heading down the hill tomorrow.

I always think of things to write and now can't remember a bloomin' thing. So I'll post again later when I recall all the things I was thinking about on the way here.
Bye for now. I brought my travel curlers with me which means I have to curl 1/2 my head, then let them heat up again and curl the other half. Good times.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...