I can't believe I've done this, but I did. I told J. to invite his entire family here for Thanksgiving. I will regret it somewhere between now and then, but we will manage. My one requirement is: I have to have a room to myself to 'retreat' to when the 6 kids, 8 adults and barking dogs start to get on my nerves. As long as I can go to bed 'early' and have some quiet time, I'll be fine. Of course, cooking for several days for that many people will be a challenge - and expensive. But we'll manage. It's less of a challenge to host company now that we have the cleaning ladies to help keep the house presentable. Less to stress about in preparation for the big dinner. And I've got a few recipes for breakfasts that are quick and easy - and with Thanksgiving, lunch is always just leftovers. Turkey sandwiches with dressing and cranberry sauce are the BEST.
And, we're attending J's 40th high school reunion the first weekend in November. He'll play golf on Saturday morning, I'll head to the mall and the kids will stay with their cousins in Tulare, about 1/2 hour away from Visalia. We'll all head back home on Sunday. J. and I will stay at a hotel in Visalia, near the party location. We attended his 25th and it was a lot of fun. I just can't get over that it's been 15 years. [We're both sitting here trying to remember if we went to his 25th or his 30th? It had to be his 25th...and we just had B. and left him with J.s brother and his wife for the night.]
Time to head to bed. I had a wonderful chat with N. on the phone a couple nights ago. I always love talking to her. And Friday night, I'll be meeting another college friend for dinner - can't wait to see her again. We had lunch with another friend just last week, but we didn't get nearly enough opportunity to chat 'just the two of us', so we'll get together again. It'll be lots of fun and a great start for the weekend.
Weekend will be the usual - laundry (which J. does most of - thanks, sweetie), yard work, house stuff, errands, etc. Stuff. I hope I can get a nap somewhere in the two days. I'm going to try.
I always fantasize about idyllic weekends, filled with productive accomplishments and much family 'fun' and good spirits. They typically aren't. They are full of angst filled teens, with long lists of demands and needs and wants. The accomplishments I yearn to get to often times don't happen. But I keep trying.
It's like weekday mornings...when you wake up briefly, uncomfortable, just slightly, maybe a bit chilly. So you pull up the covers and sink into that warm, 'oh great, I'm going back to sleep' feeling. Then you glance at the clock and realize your alarm is going off in a few minutes. And you are so disappointed, and then think 'it's OK. I can sleep in on the weekend'. Only on the weekend, you never, EVER have that same 'feeling'. Never wake up just slightly and have that joy-filled moment of sinking into a warm bed and realizing it's Saturday and you can sleep as long as you want. It just doesn't happen. I can't figure that out - why that feeling happens 2-3 times each week, during the work week, but is never recreated on weekends when the drifting back to sleep is completely possible and oh so delicious a feeling. I'm usually up, awake, realizing that if I go back to sleep, I'll feel horrible when I wake up. Because I'd be forcing myself to go back to sleep.
I want to have that 'slipping back to sleep' feeling this weekend. Just once.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We left the house shortly after 8. Headed to the bank and then out of town, leaving Tracy at 8:30. At the Casino just after 10. Might have (in hindsight) been a bit early. Machines were cold. Oh so cold. By 10:30, I was down a bit - then hit a $60 quarter jackpot to get closer to even. Then lost more throughout the morning. I switched to nickels and played a fun 'video slot' game - kept getting the 'bonus round' and was up, at one point, $60 in nickels. Sadly, I did not cash out. Oh well. We had lunch around noon and then headed home. J. turned his $20 in chips into $55 on the way out. I turned another $20 into zero. It pays to have a hubby with silver hair, 'cuz we got the senior discount for lunch, too - which didn't matter anyway, since they comped our meal. I think they took one look at my play for the morning and thought 'the least we can do is give them a free lunch'. J.'s getting Sr. discounts all over the place. He's playing golf tomorrow and is a senior there, too.
We lost less than we budgeted to lose. I'll be returning the leftover cash to the bank tomorrow. I never feel badly about losing because, basically, we're gambling our spare change. Since we were married, I've kept a 'fun money' account. Every night, I take all my loose coins and put them in a coin bank - then roll that change and bank it. There's currently $129.50 waiting for deposit in my nightstand. It adds up. I've finally got J. trained to contribute regularly as well. Used to be, if something was $1.09, he'd dig around for a dime or a quarter or nine cents and pay. Now, he gives them $2 and gives me the change.
I'm working on the kids. The other night, I asked B. if he had any change - and he cleaned $10 off his desk. Seeing how gleeful I was, he brought me another $5 from his sock drawer - including some 'pence' leftover from his Europe trip. I gave those back. I'm trying to demonstrate how quickly little sums add up.
So we 'lost' some spare change today...and we had a lovely time. The weather was beautiful, the drive was pretty and relaxing - I love J. going with me for a lot of reasons, but especially because I don't have to drive and can just enjoy the scenery.
Tomorrow, it's back to work. Thankfully, it looks like I won't have to work this weekend. YEAH. That's a great feeling - it means I've 'caught up' a bit and while there's still a ton to do, I feel OK about getting it done during the normal work week. I will probably bring a few things home to work on over the weekend, but I'm fine with that. Just not having to 'go in' this weekend is a nice treat. I'm hoping nothing happens in the next two days to change that. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Or say a little prayer. Your choice.
We lost less than we budgeted to lose. I'll be returning the leftover cash to the bank tomorrow. I never feel badly about losing because, basically, we're gambling our spare change. Since we were married, I've kept a 'fun money' account. Every night, I take all my loose coins and put them in a coin bank - then roll that change and bank it. There's currently $129.50 waiting for deposit in my nightstand. It adds up. I've finally got J. trained to contribute regularly as well. Used to be, if something was $1.09, he'd dig around for a dime or a quarter or nine cents and pay. Now, he gives them $2 and gives me the change.
I'm working on the kids. The other night, I asked B. if he had any change - and he cleaned $10 off his desk. Seeing how gleeful I was, he brought me another $5 from his sock drawer - including some 'pence' leftover from his Europe trip. I gave those back. I'm trying to demonstrate how quickly little sums add up.
So we 'lost' some spare change today...and we had a lovely time. The weather was beautiful, the drive was pretty and relaxing - I love J. going with me for a lot of reasons, but especially because I don't have to drive and can just enjoy the scenery.
Tomorrow, it's back to work. Thankfully, it looks like I won't have to work this weekend. YEAH. That's a great feeling - it means I've 'caught up' a bit and while there's still a ton to do, I feel OK about getting it done during the normal work week. I will probably bring a few things home to work on over the weekend, but I'm fine with that. Just not having to 'go in' this weekend is a nice treat. I'm hoping nothing happens in the next two days to change that. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Or say a little prayer. Your choice.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Finally, a day off! Tomorrow, J. and I are heading to Jackson for a bit of casino action and a nice lunch. J. is off this week - using some of the 7 weeks vacation he has available and needs to use before year-end. It won't happen. It never does. He'll carryover a bunch and try hard to take that by the end of the 1st quarter. He gets so much time off - and has so much work, he can never take the time. I know the feeling. I'm paid by the day. I work a set number of days per year. If I work weekends or holidays, those count toward my contract days. I have so many days I've worked that I need to take off - but so much work, it's hard to find the time. But finally, I'm taking a mid-week day off. We'll spend a nice morning and afternoon together before the kids hit home.
Today is the 19th anniversary of the day J. and I met. Pretty amazing how quickly time has flown by. This time 19 years ago, we were just finishing up drinks at El Torito at the San Leandro Marina. And I went home thinking 'he's really nice. I hope he calls again'. And he did. I also was pretty sure I'd met 'the one', though I was trying really hard NOT to think that...but I did, and he was.
Wish us luck. Nothing I'd like more than to hit a big jackpot. Well, maybe one thing....I'd like a nap. A really good, uninterrupted, long nap. And a 6 or 7 figure jackpot.
Today is the 19th anniversary of the day J. and I met. Pretty amazing how quickly time has flown by. This time 19 years ago, we were just finishing up drinks at El Torito at the San Leandro Marina. And I went home thinking 'he's really nice. I hope he calls again'. And he did. I also was pretty sure I'd met 'the one', though I was trying really hard NOT to think that...but I did, and he was.
Wish us luck. Nothing I'd like more than to hit a big jackpot. Well, maybe one thing....I'd like a nap. A really good, uninterrupted, long nap. And a 6 or 7 figure jackpot.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Happy Monday, everyone! We've had a busy, too quickly passing weekend.
On Saturday, we attended a People to People Student Ambassador meeting in Stockton. B. and H. both received invitations to apply for the trip this coming summer - 7 countries, 24 days. The trip sounds amazing and they are both totally stoked and so want to go. We attended to get information primarily for H., since B. had his oversees trip in 2006. But of course, they both want to go. Though B. has graciously (sort of) conceded that it is H.'s 'turn' and therefore, he'll understand if he can't go.
The thing is: we can 'afford' it, technically. With 'afford' in quotes because, technically, there isn't much we can't manage if we decide to. But it is a hard thing to spend enough to buy a car on a trip that is just over 3 weeks long. This trip in particular is the 2nd most expensive trip they offer (of course it would be, since they both want to go)...it is a lot of money. Made even more challenging given B. will be looking at colleges shortly, trying to decide where he wants to go. So spending a chunk of $$ on a trip doesn't seem 'reasonable' at the moment.
Yet, like all parents, we want them to have as many 'experiences' as they can - and we know how much B. enjoyed his trip. How he came back more independent and more 'grown up'. How he realizes we're just one country, in a world of countries. It was a great learning experience for him. So we want that for H., as well. And B., again, if possible. And H. would like B. to go - which doesn't surprise me, because for all his bluff and bluster lately, H. is a homebody who prefers to be near family. Though I'm sure he'd do fine on his own, I'm sure he wants B. to go to have 'company' nearby when needed. And the thought of the two of them creating life-long memories together on the trip of a lifetime is something I'd like them both to have. Maybe this trip will improve/increase the brotherly bond, which will set them up to better survive what's to come - adulthood - and bond them for life. I'd like that.
We're not sure what we're doing yet. For now, I think we'll apply, pay the initial refundable deposit, go through the interview process (for both) and see what happens.
I find myself thinking 'well, I can work until I'm [insert number here]'. I could retire at 55....or 56....or - you get the idea. I can keep bumping out my date and 'rationalize' spending today's cash for the kids. And I can, surely, work until I'm in my sixties. Don't want to, but certainly can. And probably will, in all likelihood. 'Cuz once J. actually retires, I'm pretty darn sure that I will be paralyzed with fear at the thought of only ONE income coming into the house. And will likely work FOREVER to be absolutely, positively SURE we have enough to last for the rest of our lives. That's what I fear the most - that all these decisions we make today will result in me working forever....and I don't want that. And I realize it's not likely - I will quit, eventually.
I'm torn. I want to give them anything and everything possible. I want them to have the college experience I only dreamed about. I want them to see the world and share experiences together that they'll always have to look back on. I want the world for them...I really do.
J. and I were at Coscto on Saturday and I was eating my hot dog talking to J. about the ant infestation. I said 'they're nesting in our house and I want them OUT' and made my funny 'determined' face. J. smiled and joked with me. The lady next to us, with 4 young children said 'I hope when I'm as old as the two of you, my husband still laughs with me'. There were many things I could have said....and neither of us were sure we would have started the sentence with 'when I'm as old as the two of you'....what we should have said is: 'when you get to be our age, and you still have two teenage boys at home, you'd better keep laughing 'cuz that's the only thing that gets you through'.
Ain't that the truth!
On Saturday, we attended a People to People Student Ambassador meeting in Stockton. B. and H. both received invitations to apply for the trip this coming summer - 7 countries, 24 days. The trip sounds amazing and they are both totally stoked and so want to go. We attended to get information primarily for H., since B. had his oversees trip in 2006. But of course, they both want to go. Though B. has graciously (sort of) conceded that it is H.'s 'turn' and therefore, he'll understand if he can't go.
The thing is: we can 'afford' it, technically. With 'afford' in quotes because, technically, there isn't much we can't manage if we decide to. But it is a hard thing to spend enough to buy a car on a trip that is just over 3 weeks long. This trip in particular is the 2nd most expensive trip they offer (of course it would be, since they both want to go)...it is a lot of money. Made even more challenging given B. will be looking at colleges shortly, trying to decide where he wants to go. So spending a chunk of $$ on a trip doesn't seem 'reasonable' at the moment.
Yet, like all parents, we want them to have as many 'experiences' as they can - and we know how much B. enjoyed his trip. How he came back more independent and more 'grown up'. How he realizes we're just one country, in a world of countries. It was a great learning experience for him. So we want that for H., as well. And B., again, if possible. And H. would like B. to go - which doesn't surprise me, because for all his bluff and bluster lately, H. is a homebody who prefers to be near family. Though I'm sure he'd do fine on his own, I'm sure he wants B. to go to have 'company' nearby when needed. And the thought of the two of them creating life-long memories together on the trip of a lifetime is something I'd like them both to have. Maybe this trip will improve/increase the brotherly bond, which will set them up to better survive what's to come - adulthood - and bond them for life. I'd like that.
We're not sure what we're doing yet. For now, I think we'll apply, pay the initial refundable deposit, go through the interview process (for both) and see what happens.
I find myself thinking 'well, I can work until I'm [insert number here]'. I could retire at 55....or 56....or - you get the idea. I can keep bumping out my date and 'rationalize' spending today's cash for the kids. And I can, surely, work until I'm in my sixties. Don't want to, but certainly can. And probably will, in all likelihood. 'Cuz once J. actually retires, I'm pretty darn sure that I will be paralyzed with fear at the thought of only ONE income coming into the house. And will likely work FOREVER to be absolutely, positively SURE we have enough to last for the rest of our lives. That's what I fear the most - that all these decisions we make today will result in me working forever....and I don't want that. And I realize it's not likely - I will quit, eventually.
I'm torn. I want to give them anything and everything possible. I want them to have the college experience I only dreamed about. I want them to see the world and share experiences together that they'll always have to look back on. I want the world for them...I really do.
J. and I were at Coscto on Saturday and I was eating my hot dog talking to J. about the ant infestation. I said 'they're nesting in our house and I want them OUT' and made my funny 'determined' face. J. smiled and joked with me. The lady next to us, with 4 young children said 'I hope when I'm as old as the two of you, my husband still laughs with me'. There were many things I could have said....and neither of us were sure we would have started the sentence with 'when I'm as old as the two of you'....what we should have said is: 'when you get to be our age, and you still have two teenage boys at home, you'd better keep laughing 'cuz that's the only thing that gets you through'.
Ain't that the truth!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I rushed home at lunch to pick up the cranberry/raspberry jello salad in the fridge for our potluck today. Knew there was no way I could just get the salad and go without giving the dogs a mid-day potty break. As I was taking them out, I noticed there were ants on the coffee table - trailing up one leg, and into a glass of soda and all over a frozen 'push pop' lid the kids left on the table. I took the dogs out, got them 'done' with their duties, and rekenneled them. Used some ant spray left by our pest control company...and then noticed more ants. And more, and more...legions of them. Some had found one lone piece of teeny tiny dog kibble and were viciously swarming it to get it back to their nest. Then found the 'entry' point, by the corner windows. And they had trailed around the fireplace, around the small set of doggie stairs we have, across the floor, branching off for the coffee table, then the dog food. And since that wasn't enough - headed down the hallway towards the laundry room.
All this happened in less than 4 hours. There were no ants this morning. Not one. And by the time I returned just over 4 hours later, we were invaded. And the pest company was just here a few days ago. The weather has gotten considerably cooler the past few days - and we've had a lot of wind storms that have made it even colder - so perhaps they just headed for warmth.
I went around outside expecting to see them trailing out there into the house. But no sign, which means they are UNDER our house. Nesting there. Waiting.
I'll be calling the pest company again and asking for something a bit 'stronger'. I dislike ants. Really....dislike....ants. I don't like having to kill them with a spray and then sweep up the remains later. I don't like coming home for a quick errand or even an actual lunch break and find myself faced with armies marching through our house. It really wrecks a mid-day break. And I don't get a lot of those.
J. celebrated his 58th birthday yesterday. I'm not sure 'celebration' is the correct term, since it was fairly low key. I brought home a couple pieces of carrot cake (frozen) and a very small cheesecake - so he could have a little treat (carrot cake is his favorite). I made burgers and fries. We will go out this weekend for a nice(r) dinner. Weeknights are too rushed for eating out. The kids asked him repeatedly what he wanted and he said 'nothing'. And neither of us 'want' things we don't need. So they'll get J. some golf balls this weekend and maybe play a 9 hole round with him this weekend or one day after school next week.
B. was home a couple days this week with a bad sinus cold. He was pretty miserable for a couple days but is better now. Still surly and grumpy but vertical, at least.
H. is grounded for failing to do the ONE CHORE he was asked to do on Sunday morning before I went to work for a bit. He's not pleased about it - but I remind him that it was him who created the grounding. And no, I will not negotiate a 'lesser sentence' - though I'd like to because the whining, and grouchiness this punishment has subjected us to for the past 4 days is hard to endure. But I will prevail. He has freshman-itis, I think, where life is all about social things. He wakes up thinking of his 'social activities' above all else, and 'forgets' virtually everything else he's asked to do. Or be responsible for. It's fun monitoring a grumpy 14 year old.
I am exhausted. Really tired, again. We've had busy weekends the past couple months, on top of busy weeks at work. I'm in desperate need of some 'quiet' time. I'm hoping/planning to take off the next two Wednesdays just for a mid-day break. My plan for Thanksgiving week off will not be happening. A class one day, an audit meeting the next. And my extra days off at Christmas to create 3 weeks off in a row won't be happening, either, since a class and other meetings are quickly filling my calendar. So I figured I'd use up some of the days by taking some midweek days off instead. Sleep in a bit. And maybe head to Jackson for a little slot action and a nice lunch.
J. is scheduled to be on PTO all next week - he has a jillion days he needs to take. I'll have some 'lists' of things he can do when he's not playing golf - including filing our taxes since the 'extension filing deadline' is fast approaching. They owe us, so it would be nice to have that money. And for his birthday, he has a 'blank check' to go flying - he'll have to have an instructor with him since he isn't licensed anymore - but he'll enjoy the flight(s) even with the required assist. And if it's not too, too much $$, he might take the boys with him for a flight. They'd love it! I'll pass since small planes are not my thing.
We are happy another Survivor started tonight. We look forward to Thursdays during Survivor seasons. We've watched every single show - though the boys aren't into it much anymore, J. and I enjoy watching together.
This is a rambling post. Sorry. I have so many things I think of to write about and then when I have the 'time', I just sort of try to get 'caught up' first.
All this happened in less than 4 hours. There were no ants this morning. Not one. And by the time I returned just over 4 hours later, we were invaded. And the pest company was just here a few days ago. The weather has gotten considerably cooler the past few days - and we've had a lot of wind storms that have made it even colder - so perhaps they just headed for warmth.
I went around outside expecting to see them trailing out there into the house. But no sign, which means they are UNDER our house. Nesting there. Waiting.
I'll be calling the pest company again and asking for something a bit 'stronger'. I dislike ants. Really....dislike....ants. I don't like having to kill them with a spray and then sweep up the remains later. I don't like coming home for a quick errand or even an actual lunch break and find myself faced with armies marching through our house. It really wrecks a mid-day break. And I don't get a lot of those.
J. celebrated his 58th birthday yesterday. I'm not sure 'celebration' is the correct term, since it was fairly low key. I brought home a couple pieces of carrot cake (frozen) and a very small cheesecake - so he could have a little treat (carrot cake is his favorite). I made burgers and fries. We will go out this weekend for a nice(r) dinner. Weeknights are too rushed for eating out. The kids asked him repeatedly what he wanted and he said 'nothing'. And neither of us 'want' things we don't need. So they'll get J. some golf balls this weekend and maybe play a 9 hole round with him this weekend or one day after school next week.
B. was home a couple days this week with a bad sinus cold. He was pretty miserable for a couple days but is better now. Still surly and grumpy but vertical, at least.
H. is grounded for failing to do the ONE CHORE he was asked to do on Sunday morning before I went to work for a bit. He's not pleased about it - but I remind him that it was him who created the grounding. And no, I will not negotiate a 'lesser sentence' - though I'd like to because the whining, and grouchiness this punishment has subjected us to for the past 4 days is hard to endure. But I will prevail. He has freshman-itis, I think, where life is all about social things. He wakes up thinking of his 'social activities' above all else, and 'forgets' virtually everything else he's asked to do. Or be responsible for. It's fun monitoring a grumpy 14 year old.
I am exhausted. Really tired, again. We've had busy weekends the past couple months, on top of busy weeks at work. I'm in desperate need of some 'quiet' time. I'm hoping/planning to take off the next two Wednesdays just for a mid-day break. My plan for Thanksgiving week off will not be happening. A class one day, an audit meeting the next. And my extra days off at Christmas to create 3 weeks off in a row won't be happening, either, since a class and other meetings are quickly filling my calendar. So I figured I'd use up some of the days by taking some midweek days off instead. Sleep in a bit. And maybe head to Jackson for a little slot action and a nice lunch.
J. is scheduled to be on PTO all next week - he has a jillion days he needs to take. I'll have some 'lists' of things he can do when he's not playing golf - including filing our taxes since the 'extension filing deadline' is fast approaching. They owe us, so it would be nice to have that money. And for his birthday, he has a 'blank check' to go flying - he'll have to have an instructor with him since he isn't licensed anymore - but he'll enjoy the flight(s) even with the required assist. And if it's not too, too much $$, he might take the boys with him for a flight. They'd love it! I'll pass since small planes are not my thing.
We are happy another Survivor started tonight. We look forward to Thursdays during Survivor seasons. We've watched every single show - though the boys aren't into it much anymore, J. and I enjoy watching together.
This is a rambling post. Sorry. I have so many things I think of to write about and then when I have the 'time', I just sort of try to get 'caught up' first.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Spent a lovely morning/afternoon attending the wedding shower of the always fun Bug. It was great fun to finally meet her friends and more of her family. And visit with old college coworkers who I don't see nearly as often as I'd like. There were games, prizes, great food, wonderful treats and fun times all around. The wedding is only 5 weeks away and the excitement is building. I can't wait for the big day, and neither can the Bug.
It was fun to hear her talking about how she and her soon-to-be-hubby are working through things like budgets and household 'stuff'. There's a lot you don't think about when you move in with someone - and it's fun to see them work through that stuff. And N. was talking about how expensive it was to buy the things you forget you need until you don't have them - like spices, and baking staples, and dish towels, cleaning supplies, etc. She hosted a 'dinner' get together a couple weeks ago and had to keep using the same bowl for things. The chip bowl had to be emptied and no chips available because that same bowl was needed to mix the hamburger meat. She got lots of kitchen things so she'll be better prepared for the next get together.
I never had a wedding shower. My matron of honor didn't work with me - and she had said she would host a shower, but then never did anything about having one. Never asked for a list of people I'd like to invite, etc. I didn't want to 'suppose' so I never mentioned it. And when friends at work did inquire, I always said 'oh, my matron of honor will be doing something'. But it never happened. When my coworkers found out, they were so upset and did throw together a lovely 'dinner out' for me and J., complete with gifts. And it was a fun party, but it wasn't really a 'bridal shower'. I was thinking about that today - how I missed out on all that excitement. When my mom found out, she was so sorry - she said 'I would have flown here and hosted one if I'd known'. Of course, I thought at the time 'well, you never received an invitation for a shower so that could have been your first clue', but in those days, I never voiced those kind of thoughts. And I just said 'oh, it's OK'. But truthfully, it wasn't. My friend let me down big time. What should have been a fun, pre-wedding activity never happened. I've always regretted that. The 'build-up' to my wedding, wasn't. N's had multiple showers, and fittings, etc. all with her family and friends participating. I didn't have much of that.
When Bug opened my gift, I found myself getting all teared up. She truly is the closest thing I'll ever have to a 'daughter'....and being at her shower and seeing how happy and excited she is for her future - so incredibly YOUNG to be getting married but she's never doubted he's the one and they are so great together. A good balance for each other. And it's so fun to watch her be so happy. I just love her and couldn't be happier for her. And I can't wait for the wedding - I am sure I will be bawling through the ceremony and the party after is going to be fab. 'Cuz everything the bug does is just great. She's so sweet, and kind and loving and so amazing. And she's working her butt off doing my old job on top of her regular job without being paid more for all that extra 'stuff'. She's a gem - she really is. I'm blessed to know her and blessed to be her friend - and to have her as mine.
Congrats, Bug. Enjoy these special times. There's nothing like being newly married.
Oh, and a 'happy anniversary' to my own true love. 18 years ago this evening, he asked me to marry him. I said yes. The rest is history. I love you, wook. You've made these years the best of my life.
It was fun to hear her talking about how she and her soon-to-be-hubby are working through things like budgets and household 'stuff'. There's a lot you don't think about when you move in with someone - and it's fun to see them work through that stuff. And N. was talking about how expensive it was to buy the things you forget you need until you don't have them - like spices, and baking staples, and dish towels, cleaning supplies, etc. She hosted a 'dinner' get together a couple weeks ago and had to keep using the same bowl for things. The chip bowl had to be emptied and no chips available because that same bowl was needed to mix the hamburger meat. She got lots of kitchen things so she'll be better prepared for the next get together.
I never had a wedding shower. My matron of honor didn't work with me - and she had said she would host a shower, but then never did anything about having one. Never asked for a list of people I'd like to invite, etc. I didn't want to 'suppose' so I never mentioned it. And when friends at work did inquire, I always said 'oh, my matron of honor will be doing something'. But it never happened. When my coworkers found out, they were so upset and did throw together a lovely 'dinner out' for me and J., complete with gifts. And it was a fun party, but it wasn't really a 'bridal shower'. I was thinking about that today - how I missed out on all that excitement. When my mom found out, she was so sorry - she said 'I would have flown here and hosted one if I'd known'. Of course, I thought at the time 'well, you never received an invitation for a shower so that could have been your first clue', but in those days, I never voiced those kind of thoughts. And I just said 'oh, it's OK'. But truthfully, it wasn't. My friend let me down big time. What should have been a fun, pre-wedding activity never happened. I've always regretted that. The 'build-up' to my wedding, wasn't. N's had multiple showers, and fittings, etc. all with her family and friends participating. I didn't have much of that.
When Bug opened my gift, I found myself getting all teared up. She truly is the closest thing I'll ever have to a 'daughter'....and being at her shower and seeing how happy and excited she is for her future - so incredibly YOUNG to be getting married but she's never doubted he's the one and they are so great together. A good balance for each other. And it's so fun to watch her be so happy. I just love her and couldn't be happier for her. And I can't wait for the wedding - I am sure I will be bawling through the ceremony and the party after is going to be fab. 'Cuz everything the bug does is just great. She's so sweet, and kind and loving and so amazing. And she's working her butt off doing my old job on top of her regular job without being paid more for all that extra 'stuff'. She's a gem - she really is. I'm blessed to know her and blessed to be her friend - and to have her as mine.
Congrats, Bug. Enjoy these special times. There's nothing like being newly married.
Oh, and a 'happy anniversary' to my own true love. 18 years ago this evening, he asked me to marry him. I said yes. The rest is history. I love you, wook. You've made these years the best of my life.
While the President gets press this week for announcing plans to bring troops home before the end of the year, he isn't getting (or acknowledging, even) that he is continuing to send MORE troops to Iraq.
On my assistant's birthday Thursday, her husband received his orders. His THIRD tour in Iraq will commence in January. 6 months, which she knows from experience will be longer than that. He will be stationed in the heart of Baghdad and is being required to keep a side arm on his person at all times, this time. Because apparently the M-16 he had to have with him at all times on his previous two tours isn't enough, now. Now it's a smaller, easier to handle, more 'at the ready' sidearm. He's going to training in December(out of state for several weeks) to learn how to fire it. Quickly and accurately.
I can't describe how hard this is for K. I only know that she is the most poised, strongest, self-assured lady I've ever met. If my hubby had told me he was leaving me with 3 boys for 6 months for the umpteenth time on my birthday, I would have been a puddle on the floor - an angry, pissed off, mess of a puddle. She isn't. She's not happy about it, but she's been an 'army wife' for not quite 20 years and she knows the drill. He's been away from home a lot in their marriage...and he will be again, in four months. His 20 years are up in 2 and then he's 'retiring'. And he won't come home anymore with that 'look' - the one K. knows so well now that she doesn't even have to say anything other than "When are you leaving?"
So while you hear in the news that we're withdrawing troops, please remember that is just Presidential PR spin. Some are coming home - yeah for them. Others are shipping out. Still. Seems we can't really 'withdraw' troops without sending more in. And you never hear about that on the news, now, do you??
I will pray for K. and her family and E. (her husband) every night that he's away. And every night before he leaves. As K. said 'I'm just not sure how much more my family can endure'. Three tours for a young man with a wife and kids is a tough thing. It's just too much. And personally, I know E. has skills that are very specialized...I know that. But I still can't fathom there isn't a single other person in our armed forces SOMEWHERE who can do what he does. I just can't believe he's the ONLY guy out there who knows how to do what he does. But apparently, he is. Again.
God Bless America. Just get us the heck out of Iraq. Please. And say a prayer for K. and her family.
On my assistant's birthday Thursday, her husband received his orders. His THIRD tour in Iraq will commence in January. 6 months, which she knows from experience will be longer than that. He will be stationed in the heart of Baghdad and is being required to keep a side arm on his person at all times, this time. Because apparently the M-16 he had to have with him at all times on his previous two tours isn't enough, now. Now it's a smaller, easier to handle, more 'at the ready' sidearm. He's going to training in December(out of state for several weeks) to learn how to fire it. Quickly and accurately.
I can't describe how hard this is for K. I only know that she is the most poised, strongest, self-assured lady I've ever met. If my hubby had told me he was leaving me with 3 boys for 6 months for the umpteenth time on my birthday, I would have been a puddle on the floor - an angry, pissed off, mess of a puddle. She isn't. She's not happy about it, but she's been an 'army wife' for not quite 20 years and she knows the drill. He's been away from home a lot in their marriage...and he will be again, in four months. His 20 years are up in 2 and then he's 'retiring'. And he won't come home anymore with that 'look' - the one K. knows so well now that she doesn't even have to say anything other than "When are you leaving?"
So while you hear in the news that we're withdrawing troops, please remember that is just Presidential PR spin. Some are coming home - yeah for them. Others are shipping out. Still. Seems we can't really 'withdraw' troops without sending more in. And you never hear about that on the news, now, do you??
I will pray for K. and her family and E. (her husband) every night that he's away. And every night before he leaves. As K. said 'I'm just not sure how much more my family can endure'. Three tours for a young man with a wife and kids is a tough thing. It's just too much. And personally, I know E. has skills that are very specialized...I know that. But I still can't fathom there isn't a single other person in our armed forces SOMEWHERE who can do what he does. I just can't believe he's the ONLY guy out there who knows how to do what he does. But apparently, he is. Again.
God Bless America. Just get us the heck out of Iraq. Please. And say a prayer for K. and her family.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I arrived home and immediately started dinner. That appears to be the key - just hit the deck running. Don't sit for a minute. Don't read the mail, log on to the computer, etc. Just head straight for the kitchen. It is also vastly 'easier' to cook when I already have an idea of how to answer the 'what's for dinner' question. Since J. was diagnosed with diabetes, we eat out far, FAR less. So I'm getting better at planning meals - and having something in mind makes it so much easier.
Tonight, we had spaghetti. And I'm writing this because the sauce was SPECTACULAR - and I hope to repeat it. I always try to plan spaghetti after we've had something else tomato-ysaucy - like sloppy joe's which we had last night. So I put the leftover sloppy joe mix, two jars of Trader Joe's marinara sauce and....this is the secret part....1/2 jar of Trader Joe's pineapple salsa in a sauce pan. Added about 1/4 cup of Splenda 'cuz sugar enhances tomato flavor so much only we try to not add sugar to anything. It was DELICIOUS. Seriously great. That salsa is just the best and I owe it all to my Aunt M. who introduced us to it during her visit here last month. AWESOME. Served with whole wheat spaghetti, salad and Parmesan toasted french bread. Kids are fed and happy so that's one thing off my 'list' of evening things. They didn't comment on the sauce - yet. They probably will. I know (hope) J. will love it.
This morning, I was lying in bed around 4AM, on my back. Thinking 'should I get up or try to sleep a bit more'. And I moved - have no idea how, in what way - but a slight change in position resulted in a very serious neck pain...which is still with me this evening. I took ibuprofen all day but can barely move. Driving was a challenge. Backing up is almost impossible 'cuz I can't turn my head around that far. I hope it heals up quickly and sleeping tonight will be a challenge. I did sleep, last night, though - for 6 hours straight, which is great. Woke up early but felt rested and ready for the day. Which was a good thing 'cuz it was a heck of a day. And tomorrow is looking much the same. Busy times.
On a good note, a report I had thought was due in October is actually due in December....so once next week's board meeting is past, I'll be on a slower slope for a bit. Not much slower, but a bit. Hopefully, I won't be working both days of the weekend and long days M-F as I have been. I'd be thrilled with a two day weekend - and might even be able to wedge in a 3 day in October if I time things right.
I'm so looking forward to Christmas this year. Probably because I'll be off for 3 weeks in a row and I can't wait for that. But also because it's Christmas - my favorite holiday, favorite time of year. I can't wait for Christmas Eve church services and Advent and all the songs and the poinsettias, etc. I'm just looking forward to it so much this year - the most I've anticipated the holiday since my mom died. Maybe the sadness of that holiday is finally 'past' and I'm really going to enjoy it again. Yes, I miss her. We all do. But the sadness that used to present itself every time I thought about that holiday time is gone...replaced with joyous anticipation and glee. It's going to be great. And sleeping in 23 days in a row will certainly help renew my energy.
I gave in to the kids pleas for Netflix. The first two movies arrived today - both 'chick flicks' for me to watch. I'm not sure we'll save money doing this, but having them order what they want to see online and not having to schlep to and from the video store weekly will be nice. And it is nice to 'browse', click a button and be 'surprised' at what's going to arrive in your mailbox. Now I just have make time to watch the movies and put them back in the mail. We signed up for a plan that has no limit on the number of movies we can have out at once and also has down loadable movies. It should be cool. I always see teasers for movies I want to see, never actually get around to seeing them and then forget all about them. This will hopefully help - as new movies are released, I'll see them and select and they'll arrive in the mail....with a surprise factor since I'll never know what's coming next. Well, that's not true - they do email me to tell me what's shipped - which I like since the email 'trail' will help me remember what we have and then I can delete the email when we've mailed it back. Try it!
OK, it's only 6:30 but I'm feeling sleepy - and one of my efforts at getting better/more sleep is to go to bed when I feel tired. Otherwise, I stay up and get my 2nd wind and am up all night. So I'm going to call it a night shortly.
Hasta manana. Have to practice my Spanish since I have two boys in the house learning the language.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Barely 3 hours of sleep last night made for a very long day. The traffic to Sacto was horrific - apparently a lot of folks were using today as a travel day after the long weekend. It took close to TWO HOURS to go from Tracy to downtown Sacramento. I was in the room and seated just as they were starting things but I was rushing like a maniac and I hate rushing. I envisioned myself there close to an hour early for time to mingle, find my county friends, have coffee and a bagel. But no, I rushed in, grabbed the first seat I could find near a door and then snuck out periodically - to use the restroom and to get a bagel and coffee. Twice (coffee and restroom, that is). The conference was good...but long, especially on little to no sleep. Maybe I'm getting a cold? I sort of feel off - scratchy throat, head achy. And oh so tired - and yet, I came home and tried to sleep a bit and couldn't. Hopefully, tonight.
It's 80 degrees inside the house and 75 out - so we've opened up the windows and hope that will cool things down. Our latest PGE bill had our 'balanced payment' amount jumping AGAIN - it's gone up every 3 months for the last year. Kids, darn kids. They leave power on EVERYWHERE, constantly. No amount of threatening, or cajoling, or begging or pleading seems to make a bit of difference. But a FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR PER MONTH bill is not something to be ignored, people. J. went around the house and reset all the thermostats to be at 84 as the default - so it gets darn hot in here before the air kicks on. The kids have fans in their rooms and have been told to USE THEM and DO NOT sleep all bundled up in a comforter in the summer. We will not be running the air all night at a comfortable 78...we will not be running the air AT ALL after sunset. Period. And J's reset the pool filter to only run 6 hours each day instead of 8. And I run around like a maniac shutting off lights, TVs, computers, etc. that are left unattended. I know a part of the increase is just an increase in the cost of the power itself - but some of it is just us consuming more.
Labor Day weekend was the 7th anniversary of us buying the house. Our bill when we moved in was about $254 - it was December and heat (gas furnace) is a lot less expensive than air - combined with the kids being younger, with no cell phones that charge, or video games, or computers, or stereos, etc. We didn't have the pool then. In seven years, the bill has doubled - and it positively cannot double again - no way. It has to go down. I'm so determined to have it decline the next time they 'review' our account at the three month interval that I showered this morning with no lights on - just the natural light from the window. Who needs to see themselves in a mirror after only 3 hours of sleep anyway? I can wash myself without being able to see where I'm washing. My parts don't change and I know where they are. Wish everyone in the house would try that.
I will be at work tomorrow at the crack of dawn and home late. Same thing everyday this week. Have a Board Meeting next week and there's much to prepare. It will be a busy, crazy week and if I don't get some sleep soon, it's not going to be very pleasant. Seriously. Not pleasant.
It's 80 degrees inside the house and 75 out - so we've opened up the windows and hope that will cool things down. Our latest PGE bill had our 'balanced payment' amount jumping AGAIN - it's gone up every 3 months for the last year. Kids, darn kids. They leave power on EVERYWHERE, constantly. No amount of threatening, or cajoling, or begging or pleading seems to make a bit of difference. But a FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR PER MONTH bill is not something to be ignored, people. J. went around the house and reset all the thermostats to be at 84 as the default - so it gets darn hot in here before the air kicks on. The kids have fans in their rooms and have been told to USE THEM and DO NOT sleep all bundled up in a comforter in the summer. We will not be running the air all night at a comfortable 78...we will not be running the air AT ALL after sunset. Period. And J's reset the pool filter to only run 6 hours each day instead of 8. And I run around like a maniac shutting off lights, TVs, computers, etc. that are left unattended. I know a part of the increase is just an increase in the cost of the power itself - but some of it is just us consuming more.
Labor Day weekend was the 7th anniversary of us buying the house. Our bill when we moved in was about $254 - it was December and heat (gas furnace) is a lot less expensive than air - combined with the kids being younger, with no cell phones that charge, or video games, or computers, or stereos, etc. We didn't have the pool then. In seven years, the bill has doubled - and it positively cannot double again - no way. It has to go down. I'm so determined to have it decline the next time they 'review' our account at the three month interval that I showered this morning with no lights on - just the natural light from the window. Who needs to see themselves in a mirror after only 3 hours of sleep anyway? I can wash myself without being able to see where I'm washing. My parts don't change and I know where they are. Wish everyone in the house would try that.
I will be at work tomorrow at the crack of dawn and home late. Same thing everyday this week. Have a Board Meeting next week and there's much to prepare. It will be a busy, crazy week and if I don't get some sleep soon, it's not going to be very pleasant. Seriously. Not pleasant.
Monday, September 03, 2007
A brief update on the wedding. The package arrived on Friday. The dress was OK. I should have ordered it in two sizes at least. The size I had worked, but was actually too big - which made me feel good since my shape must be 'changing' a bit. It would have 'worked' but I wasn't sure about it and the length was a teeny bit long. So I decided to see what I had in my closet that might work. I had a wide selection of skirts - none really 'evening' like. But amidst all the 'stuff' I found a sleek pair of black suede like slacks, a black lace tank with lining and a brocade-like jacket. Added the black clutch bag and black boots (which didn't show since I was wearing slacks) and viola, an evening outfit. Not too fancy. I wasn't the only lady in slacks, though there were only a couple. I didn't feel 'out of place' and I would have in the dress...so it worked out OK. Now I have 3 evening gowns and an assortment of accessories to return. I'll work on that later this week.
The commitment ceremony was lovely - very 'text book' wedding, only without the legal part. They make a nice couple and the reception was beautiful. The event was at the Grand Island Mansion in Walnut Grove - the mansion was built in 1917. It's an amazing place - and I'm stuck on researching why someone built that amazing place in Walnut Grove - there's not much up there. It's right on the Sacramento River and I now have a new place to scope out for either a weekend home or a retirement location. Small town near water. Might work.
We didn't stay for cake 'cuz it was taking them forever to get to that and it was getting very hot. And nowhere to sit. And I was already suffering from a 'too much champagne' headache by the time we all went down to the ballroom for dancing and cake. So we headed home - and I've been craving cake ever since, so this evening I made one just for fun! Feel badly for J. since he can only have the teeniest, tiniest sliver. But, we have discovered 'no-sugar-added' Dryer's ice cream and he can have a teeny bit of that. He's doing so well on his diet and I'm so proud of him. AND, he looked FABULOUS in the tux!
I took Saturday off to allow time to frantically shop. Since I didn't have to do that, I ended up cleaning out my closet instead - which was great! Found stuff I'd forgotten I had and made quite a stack for Goodwill. Still have a ways to go but made some progress and feel like I 'gained' a day since I wasn't planning to do that and got it done.
I worked yesterday and today. Year end is an even bigger 'process' than the budget. I am tired of working and need a day or two off - really off. Hopefully, soon. Tomorrow, I head to Sacramento for a budget conference - not a good time to be away from the office but it's been rescheduled 3 times 'cuz of the state budget being delayed - so it's now or never.
The boys enjoyed a 3 day weekend by playing a lot of golf. It's great that they both enjoy it - and so does J. Glad they have something to do together or with friends. H. needed to earn some money so he came to work with me yesterday and I paid him to help me make some photocopies, 3-hole punch and put stuff in binders, etc. I appreciated the help and he appreciated the money. A win-win. He did a good job, and I'll hire him again, if he's interested. I pay $10/hour, which isn't bad for working inside where it's cool.
Even with working, it's still been a nice weekend. I loved sleeping in for 3 days in a row - that was great! and I feel pretty rested even with all the working.
The housekeepers come tomorrow - my 'schedule' is completely discombobulated. It feels like a Sunday evening, not a Monday. I'll be off by a day all week.
I heard from my former cow-orker MK today and it was great to catch up with her via email. I haven't seen her in ages and our schedules just seem to never 'blend'. I promised that after the year-end closing madness subsides, I'll meet her anywhere she can meet for dinner or lunch or something! Can't wait to catch up with her 'live and in person'!
That's it for now. All's well. Summer is officially winding down and we'll soon be watching the leaves turn (slightly, here). I'm looking forward to cooler weather - we have a ton of yard work to do and it's been way too hot to tackle those projects.
The commitment ceremony was lovely - very 'text book' wedding, only without the legal part. They make a nice couple and the reception was beautiful. The event was at the Grand Island Mansion in Walnut Grove - the mansion was built in 1917. It's an amazing place - and I'm stuck on researching why someone built that amazing place in Walnut Grove - there's not much up there. It's right on the Sacramento River and I now have a new place to scope out for either a weekend home or a retirement location. Small town near water. Might work.
We didn't stay for cake 'cuz it was taking them forever to get to that and it was getting very hot. And nowhere to sit. And I was already suffering from a 'too much champagne' headache by the time we all went down to the ballroom for dancing and cake. So we headed home - and I've been craving cake ever since, so this evening I made one just for fun! Feel badly for J. since he can only have the teeniest, tiniest sliver. But, we have discovered 'no-sugar-added' Dryer's ice cream and he can have a teeny bit of that. He's doing so well on his diet and I'm so proud of him. AND, he looked FABULOUS in the tux!
I took Saturday off to allow time to frantically shop. Since I didn't have to do that, I ended up cleaning out my closet instead - which was great! Found stuff I'd forgotten I had and made quite a stack for Goodwill. Still have a ways to go but made some progress and feel like I 'gained' a day since I wasn't planning to do that and got it done.
I worked yesterday and today. Year end is an even bigger 'process' than the budget. I am tired of working and need a day or two off - really off. Hopefully, soon. Tomorrow, I head to Sacramento for a budget conference - not a good time to be away from the office but it's been rescheduled 3 times 'cuz of the state budget being delayed - so it's now or never.
The boys enjoyed a 3 day weekend by playing a lot of golf. It's great that they both enjoy it - and so does J. Glad they have something to do together or with friends. H. needed to earn some money so he came to work with me yesterday and I paid him to help me make some photocopies, 3-hole punch and put stuff in binders, etc. I appreciated the help and he appreciated the money. A win-win. He did a good job, and I'll hire him again, if he's interested. I pay $10/hour, which isn't bad for working inside where it's cool.
Even with working, it's still been a nice weekend. I loved sleeping in for 3 days in a row - that was great! and I feel pretty rested even with all the working.
The housekeepers come tomorrow - my 'schedule' is completely discombobulated. It feels like a Sunday evening, not a Monday. I'll be off by a day all week.
I heard from my former cow-orker MK today and it was great to catch up with her via email. I haven't seen her in ages and our schedules just seem to never 'blend'. I promised that after the year-end closing madness subsides, I'll meet her anywhere she can meet for dinner or lunch or something! Can't wait to catch up with her 'live and in person'!
That's it for now. All's well. Summer is officially winding down and we'll soon be watching the leaves turn (slightly, here). I'm looking forward to cooler weather - we have a ton of yard work to do and it's been way too hot to tackle those projects.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...