Yesterday, we let B. drive us to the mall for dinner. And then today, I had him drive me to the hardware store to buy more mouse traps. Seems the 'traps' that are working the best are the 'sticky' traps - I had been against using them because I think they're inhumane - but the sneaky, smart mice didn't even consider entering the 'more' humane 'quick kill' traps we spent oodles of $$ on. They ARE landing on the sticky traps - so that's what we're using. They are still partying in the garage and I don't like hearing them through the walls in the study during the wee hours of the morning - so off to Ace we went to stock up on the sticky traps with peanut butter scent.
B. is doing a great job driving. He starts a little too quickly - jerks a bit when he accelerates. And he slows at times which make no sense to me - but he's being careful and paying attention. Following the speed limits, being careful about changing lanes, etc. So he's doing well and I only had to grab on to the hand hold once - he turned way too close to the curb for my comfort. Not too bad. I don't mind having him drive. He's going to take me to Costco first thing Wednesday to pick up the pies and flowers for Thanksgiving.
I used an hour of my life taking H. back to the mall this evening to search for jeans. Seems B.'s hand-me-downs are no longer acceptable attire and he has no long pants to wear. He wore shorts - long beachcomber shorts - to church this morning - against my preference but he did wear a collared shirt so there wasn't much else he could do. So I took him to Penney's where we spent close to an hour trying on pair after pair. Same size, same brand, different style fit completley different so we went back and forth a zillion times. Finally able to find 4 pairs that should get him through the winter. I hope 'cuz I don't want to have to look for any more attire for awhile.
We went to church this morning - the new official pastor is there now - this was his 2nd week. He is really great - fairly young, very passionate about his church and his faith. He has a great sense of humor and uses lots of 'visual aids' to get the message across. AND, it seems the church has 'relaxed' it's stance on who can take Communion and now, since J. and I are baptized and confirmed as Christians (me as a Catholic, now lapsed since I wasn't married in the church) and J. as a Lutheran (and it's a Lutheran church we're attending) we CAN now take Communion. And I'm really glad about that. Really, really glad. On Dec. 6th, we're attending an informational meeting for the boys to be confirmed. That will be nice. We are planning to attend the Thanksgiving Eve service as well and feel right 'at home' again at this church. It was a little strange when they were searching for the pastor - had at least one pastor fail to 'answer the call' and so we sort of waited until the church council found the right pastor. We think they really have. He's great.
I am past the constantly weepy stage of my adjustment to the realization I will have a 'new 'job. Getting more and more excited. I will meet with the HR director on the 28th to get the contract and benefit info. I hope my boss will help me 'review' the contract since I've never been an administrator in education before and I won't know what I should look for. I'm sure it will be fine. There's a part of me that sort of wishes I hadn't given quite so much 'notice' - it would have been nice to have three or more weeks off between jobs. But the two weeks I'll have will be plenty.
And to whomever it was that gave such great references to my new boss, thanks.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
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Tales of Helpers
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