Friday, September 15, 2023

Primary Care

On B.'s advice, I decided to get my toe looked at.  The nail became completely detached this past Monday.  I trimmed off as much as I could but there is still a small portion of the lower nail that although detached from the nail bed is still attached at the cuticle.  

My primary care doctor here in Carson left the practice and moved to California.  I called the office yesterday and inquired about a new primary care and while there were doctors available in Carson, the scheduling person said 'and they can see you in February'.  Um...that won't work.  I said 'well, I guess I'll go to urgent care for the toe' but she said 'I can get you in for an appointment in Minden tomorrow'.  I said that would work and asked (with my fingers crossed) 'and can that physician's assistant be my PC?'.  Yes!  

Went to see her today and LOVED her - easy drive, nice offices.  In addition to setting up a referral to a podiatrist (she agreed the remainder of the nail should probably be removed but also agreed neither of us should try to do that) she talked through some other things happening on the health front.  She prescribed an antibiotic as well (for the injured toe) and also gave me a different antibiotic ointment to use on the toe.  She isn't a fan or Neosporin.  I didn't ask why.   I really liked her.  Super glad to have a PC in place I feel comfortable with. 

I have a Gastro doc appointment scheduled for Monday - a pre-visit to schedule my every three year colonoscopy.  And hoping to add a throat scope as well on the advice of my gastro doc and my new primary care doc.  I'm having some issues swallowing - weird, infrequent but still problematic - and that alone warrants a scope. She said if Gastro doc won't do it for any reason, she'll schedule it with another doctor.  

J. and B. are at the Reno air races today.  An Atlantis event coordinator offered J. & B. access to the jet race pylon area - somewhere they don't allow many people to visit.  I can't wait to hear all about it.  It's a hot day.  I've been to Minden, back home for lunch then to the post office to mail H.'s money order for his rent.  I realized this morning that the bank did a cashier's check - a money order is the only payment accepted typically - but H. checked with the house leader who said it would be OK.

J. is in a black jack tournament tomorrow at Atlantis so that's where we'll be.  B.'s friend R. is coming from Stockton and also his friend S. with his wife and two year old son.  They will attend the air races on Sunday.  We'll pick B. up at Atlantis on Monday morning and then we all return there Tuesday to spend the night for J.'s birthday.  

It's fun having B. here - he hangs out with J. watching whatever they find to watch and the cats are in heaven having so many options of who to cuddle with!  

That's it for now.  Summer is over in the blink of an eye and Fall is just around the corner - but today is warm, sunny, and beautiful.  Life is good!


Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Quiet Sunday

J. is playing golf today and tomorrow for the Atlantis Cup Tournament.  We decided to get a room for the night (tonight) - a fun excuse to have a night away from home.  We considered cancelling but I phoned the hotel to ask what type of room it is.  And the reservation clerk said 'you have a suite'.  YAY!  Suites make it so much more 'special'. 

I'm still at the house but plan to head to Reno soon.  The cats are curled up on the bench in the mud room - they started hanging out there most mornings and we're not sure why.  In the winter it makes sense because it has a floor vent and gets super warm in there when the heat is on.  But summer?  With the AC sometimes blasting?  Guess curling up with your best friend is a way to be warm(er).  They are cute together - but we witnessed them fighting yesterday and they are definitely having skirmishes now and then.  

I just refilled the bird watering trays and am super thrilled to say the birds are back!  Bluebirds and finches are hanging around a lot and taking baths and drying themselves on the fence.  We LOVE watching them!  It took a long time for them to return but they finally did!!  

We've had a week of watching for fighter jets and fuel tankers while President and Mrs. Biden were staying in Tahoe.  It's been noisy (often) but also weirdly fun.  Yesterday we listened to Air Traffic Control at Reno and saw Air Force One winging it's way north east out of Reno.  

We're a week into the future from when I wrote above this sentence. Time moves so quickly.  Our stay at Atlantis was a really fun time and I had epic luck.  So grateful.  

I got up at 6:15AM today because the pest control service was arriving at 7AM.  No problem getting up but it's a smidge past 11:30AM and it feels like the longest day ever.  I just loaded and started the dishwasher for the 2nd time this morning.  The cats 'stormed to castle' as I left my room and they are snuggled and toasty warm on my bed.  I don't think they will move much for another few hours.  

I had a fun catch up Facebook message chat with my cousin S. yesterday morning and another catch up live phone call with my friend C. in Tracy.  So fun to get caught up with both.

J. is playing golf today.  It was strange having him home yesterday - no golf on Labor Day.  We did pick up a big grocery order so I've piddled around doing some reorganizing in the pantry.  

Last Tuesday, I went to the outside refrigerator to get a cold Ice drink.  I had on opened toe sandals - something I wear very rarely - I wasn't going anywhere so it felt more casual to just slide on sandals.  As I opened the refrigerator, my left big toe collided with the bottom corner of the door and my toe suffered a traumatic injury.  I let out a huge OWWWWW scream - then regretted it thinking the neighbors would hear.  They didn't.  The toe was profusely bleeding and I couldn't really tell what had happened.  I thought maybe it was deeply cut under the nail because it bled a lot for an hour and continued to bleed for hours that day.  A week out, I'm pretty sure the brutal injury was a significant part of the nail detaching from the nail I wait to see if the nail will fall off.  In the mean time, I tend it carefully and keep it bandaged at night and in the day if I'm going to be walking a bit that day.  

B. had called just as I came back inside the house - he was on Facetime and I didn't realize I held the phone up to my ear.  I said 'hey, I need to call you back 'cuz I've hurt my toe and if I don't take care of it, this place is going to look like a crime scene'.  

It hurts.  Yikes.  I couldn't recreate what happened if I tried.  

OK.  Time to get to continue working on house stuff.  We decided to stop using the cleaning service - they cancelled so many times we ended up doing it ourselves anyway.   Saves money and I've got nothing but time. 

Tales of Helpers

Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works.  She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...