J.'s been looking into renting a car during our Las Vegas trip. What started with one or two days is now the full time we're there because a weekly rate is so much less than a daily rate. The Mirage has an Avis desk - and they wanted $180 PER DAY for a sub compact. Seriously? We're not keen on renting at the airport but that rate is highway robbery. I said 'who would ever pay that much for a car?' and J. replied 'high rollers'. I said 'well, we're high rollers (sort of) but the reason we are high rollers is that we're not stupid. No way will we pay that rate even for a day or two'.
We realized after some consideration - the drive to/from Oakland Airport; the necessity of getting there way before our flight time; flight time; time to get rental; time to drive to hotel from airport - factor all that in and we both realized (almost simultaneously) that the best approach is to just drive. Road trips are fun when it's the two of us and we will make a day of it.
I want to take my car 'cuz I'm not as comfy in a low seat but I'm a little worried about my car making it - I'm sure it would? But road trips seem better done in the newest car vs. the oldest. Anyway - we will think about it and decide - try to get an early start with plenty of Starbucks and snacks for the road.
We'll end up with $133.96 credit each on Southwest - that's the price of the round trip tickets we purchased awhile back. Maybe we'll head to Nashville in October to visit B. .
I got in my swim suit today and stepped into the pool. J. said it's 79 but it's still freezing cold to me. B. went for a swim and pronounced it 'perfect'...but I think it needs some heating up a bit to be perfect.
I'm home alone for most of the day tomorrow - B. is leaving shortly to spend the night and tomorrow with his friend C. across the bay - golf and guy time. J. will be in Monterey tomorrow playing golf with his brother and H. will leave for school by 6:30 or so in the morning - so just me and Chloe. No car available so I'll just be hanging out at home -
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Saturday, June 25, 2016
I Have Not
I have not purchased tickets to Paris.....though I have gone to the website a gazillion times and gotten all the way to the 'pay now' screen multiple times.
Then I regain my rationality and frugality and close the browser.
I have not purchased tickets to Playa del Carmen via Cancun either...but the same scenario has played out multiple times for that location as well.
However, I did just order a case of our favorite wine - but in my defense, it was on sale for 26% off and a sale is very rare.
I almost ordered three cases of it the other night - so one case tonight feels pretty reasonable.
I've gone to the website multiple times since receiving the email about the sale but tonight, I just had to do it. It's one of life's luxuries that we splurge on so rarely - and I just had to do something that feels like a splurge.
I'm in a splurgy mood. Thankfully, it's almost 10PM and I am very sleepy so I won't be tempted further tonight.
Then I regain my rationality and frugality and close the browser.
I have not purchased tickets to Playa del Carmen via Cancun either...but the same scenario has played out multiple times for that location as well.
However, I did just order a case of our favorite wine - but in my defense, it was on sale for 26% off and a sale is very rare.
I almost ordered three cases of it the other night - so one case tonight feels pretty reasonable.
I've gone to the website multiple times since receiving the email about the sale but tonight, I just had to do it. It's one of life's luxuries that we splurge on so rarely - and I just had to do something that feels like a splurge.
I'm in a splurgy mood. Thankfully, it's almost 10PM and I am very sleepy so I won't be tempted further tonight.
World Events
On Thursday, the citizens of Great Britain voted whether to stay or leave the European Union...and yesterday morning, we all awoke to the reality - they voted yes. Shocking but what's even more shocking? Most of them now seem to be surprised. Many voted 'yes' in protest but enough flippant yeses and the next thing you know? You've thrown the world financial markets into chaos. Trillions of dollars lost yesterday around the globe. Really, most of us anywhere in the world have no idea what this really means - including (shockingly) most of Great Britain. The news reported that Google searches FROM BRITAIN for 'what happens if Great Britain leaves the EU' and 'what is the EU' were off the charts - the day AFTER they voted to leave.
Geez, people.....seriously? Can they rewind and vote again? I asked J. that question this morning and he said 'funny you should ask 'cuz there's already a petition and tons of signatures to do just that' and 'not too mention that technically, the approval was only a 'referendum' that was approved, so in theory? Someone ought to be able to decide to just disregard the referendum'. In Britain, that would likely be Parliament and sadly, the Prime Minister with the balls to do it also announced he will step down in October.
But it's only July...so maybe? Though it's unlikely the EU wants them back anyway. They've pissed off a lot of Europe.
I checked our portfolio this morning with greater than usual trepidation - and was relieved that while we took a hit, it's not too bad. So far, anyway. If the markets keep (over)reacting like they did yesterday, then who knows -
And God help us all if Trump is elected. My boss expressed concern yesterday about the market movement and while I reassured him it's just an over-reaction and if you're invested in securities, you just have to ride it out, I also thought 'this will be nothing compared to what will happen to the world markets if America elects a bigoted buffoon as President'.
THAT is enough to make me want to sell off everything and stash our cash in huge safe we can have installed in our bedroom closet.
The boys left early this morning for paintballing - B. is treating H. to a day of fun. I slept in until after 8 and was shocked to realize they had already left for their day of fun -
J. and I have been watching GoT with the synopsis opened so we can attempt to keep up. Very complex show and I seem to have a two episode limit - need a break after two 'cuz my wee brain hurts from thinking so hard.
Geez, people.....seriously? Can they rewind and vote again? I asked J. that question this morning and he said 'funny you should ask 'cuz there's already a petition and tons of signatures to do just that' and 'not too mention that technically, the approval was only a 'referendum' that was approved, so in theory? Someone ought to be able to decide to just disregard the referendum'. In Britain, that would likely be Parliament and sadly, the Prime Minister with the balls to do it also announced he will step down in October.
But it's only July...so maybe? Though it's unlikely the EU wants them back anyway. They've pissed off a lot of Europe.
I checked our portfolio this morning with greater than usual trepidation - and was relieved that while we took a hit, it's not too bad. So far, anyway. If the markets keep (over)reacting like they did yesterday, then who knows -
And God help us all if Trump is elected. My boss expressed concern yesterday about the market movement and while I reassured him it's just an over-reaction and if you're invested in securities, you just have to ride it out, I also thought 'this will be nothing compared to what will happen to the world markets if America elects a bigoted buffoon as President'.
THAT is enough to make me want to sell off everything and stash our cash in huge safe we can have installed in our bedroom closet.
The boys left early this morning for paintballing - B. is treating H. to a day of fun. I slept in until after 8 and was shocked to realize they had already left for their day of fun -
J. and I have been watching GoT with the synopsis opened so we can attempt to keep up. Very complex show and I seem to have a two episode limit - need a break after two 'cuz my wee brain hurts from thinking so hard.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Post Budget
My 10th district budget was approved on Tuesday and yesterday passed in a blur of stuff. I am off today but will work tomorrow and hopefully, get everything done by 4PM that needs doing so I can move a day off next week from Tuesday to Monday. J is heading to Monterey on Monday morning (early) for golf with his brother and B. is heading across the bay for fun and golf with his friend C.. I really don't like Chloe being home alone most of the day - she just needs a little TLC these days as she's aging and with her diabetes. She drinks a lot therefore she pees a lot. And I prefer she pee outside. Normally, I would just arrange my schedule and come home a couple times but B. will have my car so I'm car less all day - so I'm going to try to just not need to be in at all on Monday - which will solve the car problem. I arranged for a ride home with a co-worker but it's a bit much to ask even the closest friends to let me borrow their car and/or schlep me home a couple times that day.
I don't really like Mondays off (unless I'm off the full week) but oh well. I am going to do my best to arrange it 'cuz I can be home here and keep Chloe company.
My day has been spent idling away - I feel 'sleepy' having slept in until close to 8 - I know the answer to that is to get up at my regular time and I almost did...but I got myself back to sleep and the 3 hours 'extra' were full of those strange twilight sleep dreams and such -
I'm ready for a nap but resisting since I have to be up early tomorrow to go to work. A nap might make it hard to sleep tonight and that's a 'no'.
We are considering watching GoT....but....B. was right. At our Perko's breakfast his first day here, he mentioned that he heard his Dad and I were fans - and he said he just hadn't been able to get into it 'cuz he'd heard characters die a lot. And then sure enough - a key, beloved character DID die in SEASON 1 - and I was sort of like 'really? I had just gotten to know him and loved him already and now he's gone'?
We've watched one or two episodes in Season 2 but holy cow - there's just so much death...bloody, gory death. J. says 'it's the middle ages' and I know that...but...I'll have to just keep trying. But you do end up feeling 'unsettled' about getting too attached to any character 'cuz in this show? All bets are off and they may very likely die.
(I've read ahead in episode synopsis so I have some idea...I know...but if you've read this blog at all historically, you know: I like to know the end of the story when possible. Sitting on the edge of my seat just isn't my style...). I have really (I promise, J.!) only read ahead one or two episodes at the most...and thanks to the news, I know one of my favorite characters just renewed her contract for the 7th and 8th season so...I can look forward to knowing she will be alive for a bit longer. I love Daenarys.
Looking forward to my second weekend fully off in months - and then off next weekend for FIVE DAYS in a row - thanks to the 4th of July holiday being on Monday. Off Thursday and Friday before the holiday weekend.
Trying to use my carryover days before August....
I don't really like Mondays off (unless I'm off the full week) but oh well. I am going to do my best to arrange it 'cuz I can be home here and keep Chloe company.
My day has been spent idling away - I feel 'sleepy' having slept in until close to 8 - I know the answer to that is to get up at my regular time and I almost did...but I got myself back to sleep and the 3 hours 'extra' were full of those strange twilight sleep dreams and such -
I'm ready for a nap but resisting since I have to be up early tomorrow to go to work. A nap might make it hard to sleep tonight and that's a 'no'.
We are considering watching GoT....but....B. was right. At our Perko's breakfast his first day here, he mentioned that he heard his Dad and I were fans - and he said he just hadn't been able to get into it 'cuz he'd heard characters die a lot. And then sure enough - a key, beloved character DID die in SEASON 1 - and I was sort of like 'really? I had just gotten to know him and loved him already and now he's gone'?
We've watched one or two episodes in Season 2 but holy cow - there's just so much death...bloody, gory death. J. says 'it's the middle ages' and I know that...but...I'll have to just keep trying. But you do end up feeling 'unsettled' about getting too attached to any character 'cuz in this show? All bets are off and they may very likely die.
(I've read ahead in episode synopsis so I have some idea...I know...but if you've read this blog at all historically, you know: I like to know the end of the story when possible. Sitting on the edge of my seat just isn't my style...). I have really (I promise, J.!) only read ahead one or two episodes at the most...and thanks to the news, I know one of my favorite characters just renewed her contract for the 7th and 8th season so...I can look forward to knowing she will be alive for a bit longer. I love Daenarys.
Looking forward to my second weekend fully off in months - and then off next weekend for FIVE DAYS in a row - thanks to the 4th of July holiday being on Monday. Off Thursday and Friday before the holiday weekend.
Trying to use my carryover days before August....
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Awesome Fun
I left work early on Friday!! and instead of coming home and taking a nap, I kept my intertia going and J. and I trekked to the AT&T store - I am the proud owner of a brand new iPhone 6s Plus and am madly in love with it. Still have a lot to learn but it's so much nicer than my ancient iPhone 4. The transition to a new phone went very smoothly and we were in and out of the store in about an hour. There were moments that felt car-buying like - the endless upselling gets tiresome but I try to remember that the person doing the selling is doing their job - and our rep Shane was incredibly nice and very, very helpful.
First true weekend off in ages and I feel like I made the most of it - Saturday, J. and I went to Target and to Winco and that was after making a stop at Starbucks and the bank. Had to go to Starbucks to try out my new updated app which allows ordering drinks and paying - then it tells you how long until your drinks will be ready. You skip the order line and go straight to pickup - and it's awesome!! That feature in itself makes the phone my favorite thing - and that's honestly because I don't go to Starbucks much these days but when I do? I will love the speediness of having the app.
When we returned home from our shopping, I made a huge batch of spaghetti sauce (with J.'s awesome help) - we were able to freeze quite a bit for future use and then had spaghetti last night...and leftovers tonight. Time well spent and I've had a lot of supplies around awaiting me having the time to do it so it's nice to finally get back to doing some cooking.
I'm watching the Great British Baking Show and now have a million things I want to try to learn to make. I'm good at basics - cookies, cakes. But have never mastered pastries or pastry crust and I'd like to try!! The only week off in the near future is our trip to Vegas in July - but I do hope to take off a week or two in September or October and I hope to do some baking when I'm off.
This morning, we all headed out to Perko's for breakfast - and even arriving 9ish, the place was mobbed. Bless J.'s heart - he said he'd be fine with a quicker, more take-out type breakfast so we all headed to Jack in the Box. Had a nice breakfast for under $25 and enjoyed watching H. try to figure out the drink machine - so many choices and you can mix things up to your hearts content. Then, H. and I headed up to Lincoln and visited Thunder Valley together - he's never been. We had a marvelous time - I won $400 on the 2nd machine I played so that kept us playing for longer than we would have - and then at the end, H. got on a streak and turned $20 into $150! Yay! He slept most of the way home - snoring all the way - and we were home by just after 5. In traffic (full stop, lest you think I'm texting while driving), I tried to 'speak' text (where I am speaking into the phone and it is sending what I'm saying as a text) 'ETA five minutes, spaghetti please' (having previously texted 'I am starving') and the phone changed it to 'Five minutes the Getty Lee'. Jim wrote back 'Geddy Lee is singer for Rush'.
Sometimes the phone messes up but to be fair, there was music playing and I didn't have the phone up to my face...so...it did the best it could.
J. and B. attempted to watch the US Open - a Father's Day tradition in our house. Sadly, the broadcast company the match is broadcast on is in negotiations with Dish Network and have pulled their programming....this has happened before and almost always before some huge event. It's frustrating for customers and for sports fans - and after going round and round trying to figure out other options, J. and B. ended up at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch. So they had a nice day, too.
Have a busy day tomorrow - an offsite meeting at a neighboring district and then a conference call in the afternoon with a consulting company for a summer project we are working on. Board meeting on Tuesday, in the office on Wednesday and hopefully off on Thursday. Maybe Friday. Not sure. One or the other or both depending on how things are going. We have a lot of upcoming year-end related deadlines and the person who used to assist with a lot of them is now retired so it's me, myself and I - a familiar thing these days.
Can't believe it's approaching 8PM already - so it's time for me to start thinking about getting ready for bed. It was a lovely weekend - looking forward to the next one!
First true weekend off in ages and I feel like I made the most of it - Saturday, J. and I went to Target and to Winco and that was after making a stop at Starbucks and the bank. Had to go to Starbucks to try out my new updated app which allows ordering drinks and paying - then it tells you how long until your drinks will be ready. You skip the order line and go straight to pickup - and it's awesome!! That feature in itself makes the phone my favorite thing - and that's honestly because I don't go to Starbucks much these days but when I do? I will love the speediness of having the app.
When we returned home from our shopping, I made a huge batch of spaghetti sauce (with J.'s awesome help) - we were able to freeze quite a bit for future use and then had spaghetti last night...and leftovers tonight. Time well spent and I've had a lot of supplies around awaiting me having the time to do it so it's nice to finally get back to doing some cooking.
I'm watching the Great British Baking Show and now have a million things I want to try to learn to make. I'm good at basics - cookies, cakes. But have never mastered pastries or pastry crust and I'd like to try!! The only week off in the near future is our trip to Vegas in July - but I do hope to take off a week or two in September or October and I hope to do some baking when I'm off.
This morning, we all headed out to Perko's for breakfast - and even arriving 9ish, the place was mobbed. Bless J.'s heart - he said he'd be fine with a quicker, more take-out type breakfast so we all headed to Jack in the Box. Had a nice breakfast for under $25 and enjoyed watching H. try to figure out the drink machine - so many choices and you can mix things up to your hearts content. Then, H. and I headed up to Lincoln and visited Thunder Valley together - he's never been. We had a marvelous time - I won $400 on the 2nd machine I played so that kept us playing for longer than we would have - and then at the end, H. got on a streak and turned $20 into $150! Yay! He slept most of the way home - snoring all the way - and we were home by just after 5. In traffic (full stop, lest you think I'm texting while driving), I tried to 'speak' text (where I am speaking into the phone and it is sending what I'm saying as a text) 'ETA five minutes, spaghetti please' (having previously texted 'I am starving') and the phone changed it to 'Five minutes the Getty Lee'. Jim wrote back 'Geddy Lee is singer for Rush'.
Sometimes the phone messes up but to be fair, there was music playing and I didn't have the phone up to my face...so...it did the best it could.
J. and B. attempted to watch the US Open - a Father's Day tradition in our house. Sadly, the broadcast company the match is broadcast on is in negotiations with Dish Network and have pulled their programming....this has happened before and almost always before some huge event. It's frustrating for customers and for sports fans - and after going round and round trying to figure out other options, J. and B. ended up at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch. So they had a nice day, too.
Have a busy day tomorrow - an offsite meeting at a neighboring district and then a conference call in the afternoon with a consulting company for a summer project we are working on. Board meeting on Tuesday, in the office on Wednesday and hopefully off on Thursday. Maybe Friday. Not sure. One or the other or both depending on how things are going. We have a lot of upcoming year-end related deadlines and the person who used to assist with a lot of them is now retired so it's me, myself and I - a familiar thing these days.
Can't believe it's approaching 8PM already - so it's time for me to start thinking about getting ready for bed. It was a lovely weekend - looking forward to the next one!
Monday, June 13, 2016
I left my office to 'go to the corner' (bathroom) and upon re-entering my building, was surprised by the immediate, noticeable 'silence' upon my entry. Thought 'what's up with that' and headed into my office and SURPRISE! There was B.! I hadn't seen him last night so the 'he's home first hug' was in my office and was as awesome as usual. He asked if he could take me to lunch and I pointed out it was 10:30AM - so he said 'Brunch?'. I hesitated but my entire office team said 'GO!' - so off we went. "Our place" (Perko's) and had a very nice brunch with great conversation. He's got a lot of plan in his (not quite a) month home but we'll see him a fair amount which is great -
H. failed math AGAIN so he headed to the first day of Summer session prepared to add that class back. The college automatically cancelled him from his previously scheduled Summer class because he failed the pre-requisite for it - so he added it back and is taking it for the third time. Might even be the fourth. Not sure. I've lost track.
My very wise cousin - who is also a teacher - mentioned that she had struggles with Math, too, but it improved when she focused on mastering some basics. So we're going to work on that.
I know it's not that H. isn't trying - his other grades were very good - so it's clear he's doing the work...but I do think he doesn't put in nearly enough effort on the subject he knows is the hardest. The school offers plenty of free tutoring and help - and it's likely just a matter of putting in many hours of study and practice. H. hasn't really been studying that much lately - he's out a lot (including all night a lot) and then sleeps most of the day - so not exactly burning the midnight oil - or any oil - attempting to work hard at the subject.
I am irritated. I know I shouldn't be - but I am. He's 23 years old and it feels like we're doing everything we can to support him through a hard time - but it's starting to feel like it was a couple years ago - we're being taken advantage of.
We are worried about him - he's having a lot of anxiety issues and depression - and still struggling to gain weight. But in the light of his math grade, I think he is self inflicting a lot of anxiety on himself 'cuz he knows he's not doing well, denies it (to me, to himself, to J.) and then frets about it constantly. Bad combination.
I got quite a bit of board prep done today and am hoping (maybe - long shot but maybe) I might be able to be off on Friday. I would really like to be off for even 1/2 day if possible -
J.'s brother is arriving later this evening for the night - he has an appointment at Stanford. Personally, I don't see the point of driving here (2.5 hours from his home) and then driving 3 hours minimum in rush hour traffic tomorrow to get there by his appointment time - when he could drive from home to Stanford in 3.5ish hours - but whatever. He's arriving late and leaving early which is OK since I'm not a huge fan of work night guests. It makes absolutely no sense but oh well. Making sense isn't a criteria, apparently.
The wind is wicked this past week - blowing so dang much, it's insane. The neighbors fruit trees are covering the grass with leaves and debris. J. and H. swept and raked this morning but when I arrived home, it looked like they'd never touched the lawn. It's just such a mess. When the neighbors moved in, they mentioned they hoped to eventually remove the trees but it was a budget thing at the time.
The neighbors on the front (other side) took out a HUGE redwood tree today - it never should have been planted there - it was truly forest size and had no business being in a residential neighborhood. It greatly changed the look of the front yard - our flower beds are no longer shaded...we'll have to see how the plants hold up in full sun for part of the day.
Time to get ready to head upstairs for the night.
H. failed math AGAIN so he headed to the first day of Summer session prepared to add that class back. The college automatically cancelled him from his previously scheduled Summer class because he failed the pre-requisite for it - so he added it back and is taking it for the third time. Might even be the fourth. Not sure. I've lost track.
My very wise cousin - who is also a teacher - mentioned that she had struggles with Math, too, but it improved when she focused on mastering some basics. So we're going to work on that.
I know it's not that H. isn't trying - his other grades were very good - so it's clear he's doing the work...but I do think he doesn't put in nearly enough effort on the subject he knows is the hardest. The school offers plenty of free tutoring and help - and it's likely just a matter of putting in many hours of study and practice. H. hasn't really been studying that much lately - he's out a lot (including all night a lot) and then sleeps most of the day - so not exactly burning the midnight oil - or any oil - attempting to work hard at the subject.
I am irritated. I know I shouldn't be - but I am. He's 23 years old and it feels like we're doing everything we can to support him through a hard time - but it's starting to feel like it was a couple years ago - we're being taken advantage of.
We are worried about him - he's having a lot of anxiety issues and depression - and still struggling to gain weight. But in the light of his math grade, I think he is self inflicting a lot of anxiety on himself 'cuz he knows he's not doing well, denies it (to me, to himself, to J.) and then frets about it constantly. Bad combination.
I got quite a bit of board prep done today and am hoping (maybe - long shot but maybe) I might be able to be off on Friday. I would really like to be off for even 1/2 day if possible -
J.'s brother is arriving later this evening for the night - he has an appointment at Stanford. Personally, I don't see the point of driving here (2.5 hours from his home) and then driving 3 hours minimum in rush hour traffic tomorrow to get there by his appointment time - when he could drive from home to Stanford in 3.5ish hours - but whatever. He's arriving late and leaving early which is OK since I'm not a huge fan of work night guests. It makes absolutely no sense but oh well. Making sense isn't a criteria, apparently.
The wind is wicked this past week - blowing so dang much, it's insane. The neighbors fruit trees are covering the grass with leaves and debris. J. and H. swept and raked this morning but when I arrived home, it looked like they'd never touched the lawn. It's just such a mess. When the neighbors moved in, they mentioned they hoped to eventually remove the trees but it was a budget thing at the time.
The neighbors on the front (other side) took out a HUGE redwood tree today - it never should have been planted there - it was truly forest size and had no business being in a residential neighborhood. It greatly changed the look of the front yard - our flower beds are no longer shaded...we'll have to see how the plants hold up in full sun for part of the day.
Time to get ready to head upstairs for the night.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Day Off!
I'm not working today which is awesome. It would be way MORE awesome if I hadn't awakened with a massive headache. It's after noon and it's still here...I've eaten, hydrated - not sure what else to try - grrr. I do have to go in briefly in the morning to finish up a couple quick things and then scan all my budget documents to be ready for compiling the board packet. The budget requires two meetings and the first is this coming Thursday so the board packet for that meeting goes out Monday morning.
I tried as hard as I could yesterday to get everything done but some fires took up time - and my boss took me to lunch for my birthday, which was really nice and fun. Sushi!
B. left El Paso in his truck bound for Nashville and made it 50 miles before 'breaking a belt'. Turned out the belt was the timing belt - so back to El Paso (via tow truck - his Triple A only allowed for a 7 mile tow (what good is that?)) so he was out of pocket $185 for the tow. We loaned him the $800 estimate for replacing the stuff that needed replacing - and he was back on the road this morning. His flights here tomorrow had to be rescheduled and as it stands now, he will arrive in Oakland at 10:30PM tomorrow night - and I will see him some time on Monday.
He was royally pissed about the truck 'see, I told you I should have bought a new truck'. I resisted saying 'see, I told you to consider having the truck transported vs. driving it so far' and instead tried to remind him that an $800 repair is WAY less than a huge monthly truck payment AND if he'd been budgeting and saving a monthly amount for 'car maintenance', he'd have the cushion he needs to pay for the repair no problem. (I had zero issue loaning him the money for the repair - but he was upset that he needed a loan because he has been trying to save more). His saving is like I saved at his age: just what I had left but with no real budget or plan each month, it was willy nilly and never built up to much. Hopefully when he's here, we can spend a little time trying (again) to set up a monthly budget he can follow. May be time for a separate savings account where he stashes regularly scheduled saving amounts for things like car repairs; travel; someday down payment on new vehicle, etc.. I know opening multiple savings accounts was the key in my saving history - just designating funds that were 'not to be touched' disciplined me/us to not use them.
I'm attempting to gear up to go to WalMart and/or Target to get the few toiletries and household supplies we need - but I really just don't feel great so here I sit. Still in PJ tank and boy shorts -
Maybe a nap. That might do the trick.
H. is helping us plant some wildflowers seed in a bare spot of the back flower beds. The transplanted shrubs are doing well but they appear to actually be getting too much water - have been purchasing drought resistant varieties so makes sense - so J. is ratcheting back the sprinklers a bit.
The pool heater is (finally) fixed - and J. (bless his heart) was planning to heat the pool for me this weekend - but I think we'll wait for next weekend. Hopefully both days off next weekend -
I'm taking a nap. I haven't had a nap in forever. :-)
I tried as hard as I could yesterday to get everything done but some fires took up time - and my boss took me to lunch for my birthday, which was really nice and fun. Sushi!
B. left El Paso in his truck bound for Nashville and made it 50 miles before 'breaking a belt'. Turned out the belt was the timing belt - so back to El Paso (via tow truck - his Triple A only allowed for a 7 mile tow (what good is that?)) so he was out of pocket $185 for the tow. We loaned him the $800 estimate for replacing the stuff that needed replacing - and he was back on the road this morning. His flights here tomorrow had to be rescheduled and as it stands now, he will arrive in Oakland at 10:30PM tomorrow night - and I will see him some time on Monday.
He was royally pissed about the truck 'see, I told you I should have bought a new truck'. I resisted saying 'see, I told you to consider having the truck transported vs. driving it so far' and instead tried to remind him that an $800 repair is WAY less than a huge monthly truck payment AND if he'd been budgeting and saving a monthly amount for 'car maintenance', he'd have the cushion he needs to pay for the repair no problem. (I had zero issue loaning him the money for the repair - but he was upset that he needed a loan because he has been trying to save more). His saving is like I saved at his age: just what I had left but with no real budget or plan each month, it was willy nilly and never built up to much. Hopefully when he's here, we can spend a little time trying (again) to set up a monthly budget he can follow. May be time for a separate savings account where he stashes regularly scheduled saving amounts for things like car repairs; travel; someday down payment on new vehicle, etc.. I know opening multiple savings accounts was the key in my saving history - just designating funds that were 'not to be touched' disciplined me/us to not use them.
I'm attempting to gear up to go to WalMart and/or Target to get the few toiletries and household supplies we need - but I really just don't feel great so here I sit. Still in PJ tank and boy shorts -
Maybe a nap. That might do the trick.
H. is helping us plant some wildflowers seed in a bare spot of the back flower beds. The transplanted shrubs are doing well but they appear to actually be getting too much water - have been purchasing drought resistant varieties so makes sense - so J. is ratcheting back the sprinklers a bit.
The pool heater is (finally) fixed - and J. (bless his heart) was planning to heat the pool for me this weekend - but I think we'll wait for next weekend. Hopefully both days off next weekend -
I'm taking a nap. I haven't had a nap in forever. :-)
Sunday, June 05, 2016
Clearing with Light at the End of the Tunnel
This morning, after a good night's sleep, the few hours I spent in my office allowed me to finish up things. A couple things that yesterday made absolutely no sense were suddenly crystal clear. One after the other, in quick order, I remedied the few outstanding things I had pending and was able to get to where there's only some final checking and the State software forms to complete. Seems pretty do-able at this point. There's still much to do - prepping forms for 'in case we end up having a settlement' - we will know by Thursday morning. Things may be shaping up to actually not work next weekend which would be truly lovely.
The trip to Jackson was pretty - it's such a pretty drive. I noticed lots of fields planted now that have been dormant for awhile - one with crops and another planted with a huge fruit orchard. New houses for sale. I always enjoy the tranquility of that drive vs. up to Thunder Valley. Jackson's drive provides beautiful vistas and lovely scenes - cows, lakes, vineyards. I do love the drive so much.
Sadly, the casino was everything I remember being sick of the last time I went - hugely, HUGELY crowded today - the freeplay offer combined with the finals of a two month long slot tournament meant long lines virtually everywhere. I did end up with quite a bit of freeplay ($128 altogether) and had fun playing...though my favorite machines were taken. And I came home with more than 1/2 of what J. gave me for birthday fun $ - and I'm happy about that 'cuz H. and I want to try to get to ThunderValley together at some point this month - he's never been.
Glad for the nice drive and for giving myself a break -
The pool was officially opened for the summer by J. who went for a swim. We're still working through the process of getting the heater fixed - the manufacturer has told the repair person that the drop in gas pressure at the heater is too much to be equipment related. We have to get PG&E back out this week and ask them to test the gas flow into the heater. Or something like that. I hope we can figure it out - and we feel really good about our pool repairman 'cuz he could have replaced many parts that are very expensive - but he isn't doing that. He's been in touch with the manufacturer multiple times and we hope urging PG&E to recheck the pressure in multiple spots - including from the regulator - will resolve the issue. So far, we're only out $85 for a service call.
J. and I are watching Game of Thrones from Season 1, Episode 1 on HBO - casting it from the computer to the TV. Technology is really cool!
Another early to bed evening and a hugely busy week ahead - but I see light at the end of the long budget tunnel. B. arrives home a week from today for 3+ weeks -
The trip to Jackson was pretty - it's such a pretty drive. I noticed lots of fields planted now that have been dormant for awhile - one with crops and another planted with a huge fruit orchard. New houses for sale. I always enjoy the tranquility of that drive vs. up to Thunder Valley. Jackson's drive provides beautiful vistas and lovely scenes - cows, lakes, vineyards. I do love the drive so much.
Sadly, the casino was everything I remember being sick of the last time I went - hugely, HUGELY crowded today - the freeplay offer combined with the finals of a two month long slot tournament meant long lines virtually everywhere. I did end up with quite a bit of freeplay ($128 altogether) and had fun playing...though my favorite machines were taken. And I came home with more than 1/2 of what J. gave me for birthday fun $ - and I'm happy about that 'cuz H. and I want to try to get to ThunderValley together at some point this month - he's never been.
Glad for the nice drive and for giving myself a break -
The pool was officially opened for the summer by J. who went for a swim. We're still working through the process of getting the heater fixed - the manufacturer has told the repair person that the drop in gas pressure at the heater is too much to be equipment related. We have to get PG&E back out this week and ask them to test the gas flow into the heater. Or something like that. I hope we can figure it out - and we feel really good about our pool repairman 'cuz he could have replaced many parts that are very expensive - but he isn't doing that. He's been in touch with the manufacturer multiple times and we hope urging PG&E to recheck the pressure in multiple spots - including from the regulator - will resolve the issue. So far, we're only out $85 for a service call.
J. and I are watching Game of Thrones from Season 1, Episode 1 on HBO - casting it from the computer to the TV. Technology is really cool!
Another early to bed evening and a hugely busy week ahead - but I see light at the end of the long budget tunnel. B. arrives home a week from today for 3+ weeks -
Morning Fog
Not outside. In my head.
I tried to retrieve a message from voicemail and entered the password wrong twice - so now it needs to be reset. Asking for mother's birthday and I'm pretty sure since the phone is in J.'s name, it's his mother's birth date, which I should remember but don't. I think it's December 27th but the year? I have no idea. He will have to assist when he's up.
It's just after 6AM and I kept my promise to myself and got up at 5. No alarm needed - just didn't go back to sleep upon awakening at 4:45. It's officially light outside and the birds have quieted down so I will make another cup of coffee and then hop in the shower.
At the end of my day yesterday, prior to leaving for the much needed, wedged in haircut, I took a little time to regroup. Did a couple very quick things that needed doing - monthly mileage reimbursement; monthly timesheet; set up some reminders on my calendar; cleaned out my (work) email box a bit. Was pleased to see 'desk' under the stacks and stacks of stuff and getting things grouped and filed by topic will assist in the still massive things that need doing to call the budget done. I sent out an email about changes we are making to cell phones and my phone has been chiming steadily ever since. Next time, wait until Monday is the lesson there. :-)
On Friday, my team didn't bring in morning treats and I was surprised by that...'cuz birthdays are always a reason to splurge. But our Payroll person is getting married in October and she's trying really hard to eat better - so it made sense. Around 12PM, two of my team said 'we're heading to Starbucks, would you like something?'. I replied no thanks and then said 'what the heck - a Grande caramel frappe, please'. I had eaten crackers and egg salad around 11:30 and thought the sugar and caffeine from a frappe sounded like just what I needed to get through the afternoon. They returned with the frappe - delicious as always. At about 12:20, my boss called and said 'could you please come over to talk through a budget question with me?' and I said 'sure, what should I bring'. 'Just your brain' was the reply.
We met and it was a topic that needed discussion - and then, as I was leaving (which he initiated by standing up and moving towards the door), he said 'wait, there's something in the conference room I need to grab' - and Ta Da! - a surprise party! With Mexican food for lunch and little stick on mustaches in every variety possible. Everyone in a mustache when I opened the door! Mexican decor including maracas! Cupcakes for dessert! It was so fun!! Really nice surprise and next to the red hat party on my 50th, my 56th was 2nd best! The new additions to the Business Services team are just two of the nicest, most fun people ever and we're having a great time.
Oh - we did another paint party last week as well - this time including some people from other department's in our district - we all had a great time and there are now 7 pictures awaiting hanging in our office. We've got a huge wall to fill so we're already planning another paint party in July.
If my 7AM planned arrival time is going to happen, I need to get moving.
I tried to retrieve a message from voicemail and entered the password wrong twice - so now it needs to be reset. Asking for mother's birthday and I'm pretty sure since the phone is in J.'s name, it's his mother's birth date, which I should remember but don't. I think it's December 27th but the year? I have no idea. He will have to assist when he's up.
It's just after 6AM and I kept my promise to myself and got up at 5. No alarm needed - just didn't go back to sleep upon awakening at 4:45. It's officially light outside and the birds have quieted down so I will make another cup of coffee and then hop in the shower.
At the end of my day yesterday, prior to leaving for the much needed, wedged in haircut, I took a little time to regroup. Did a couple very quick things that needed doing - monthly mileage reimbursement; monthly timesheet; set up some reminders on my calendar; cleaned out my (work) email box a bit. Was pleased to see 'desk' under the stacks and stacks of stuff and getting things grouped and filed by topic will assist in the still massive things that need doing to call the budget done. I sent out an email about changes we are making to cell phones and my phone has been chiming steadily ever since. Next time, wait until Monday is the lesson there. :-)
On Friday, my team didn't bring in morning treats and I was surprised by that...'cuz birthdays are always a reason to splurge. But our Payroll person is getting married in October and she's trying really hard to eat better - so it made sense. Around 12PM, two of my team said 'we're heading to Starbucks, would you like something?'. I replied no thanks and then said 'what the heck - a Grande caramel frappe, please'. I had eaten crackers and egg salad around 11:30 and thought the sugar and caffeine from a frappe sounded like just what I needed to get through the afternoon. They returned with the frappe - delicious as always. At about 12:20, my boss called and said 'could you please come over to talk through a budget question with me?' and I said 'sure, what should I bring'. 'Just your brain' was the reply.
We met and it was a topic that needed discussion - and then, as I was leaving (which he initiated by standing up and moving towards the door), he said 'wait, there's something in the conference room I need to grab' - and Ta Da! - a surprise party! With Mexican food for lunch and little stick on mustaches in every variety possible. Everyone in a mustache when I opened the door! Mexican decor including maracas! Cupcakes for dessert! It was so fun!! Really nice surprise and next to the red hat party on my 50th, my 56th was 2nd best! The new additions to the Business Services team are just two of the nicest, most fun people ever and we're having a great time.
Oh - we did another paint party last week as well - this time including some people from other department's in our district - we all had a great time and there are now 7 pictures awaiting hanging in our office. We've got a huge wall to fill so we're already planning another paint party in July.
If my 7AM planned arrival time is going to happen, I need to get moving.
Saturday, June 04, 2016
Email Overload (Among Other Things)
There are currently 6,393 unread emails in my personal email box. I can't keep up. Never will be able to keep up. I'm madly unsubscribing from everything possible and am still getting 100's of emails daily. Thankfully, it's easy to clean them out - most are deletes that don't even require opening. Facebook has eliminated the need for correspondence via email for the most part - so most are just from places I've shopped. Just stuff.
The point to that rambling opening paragraph is just an observation that I'm a teeny, wee bit on overload at the moment. Maybe way overloaded.
We are watching America's Got Talent and cracking up - people are both nuts and incredibly creative.
I am officially 56 years old today. On the downhill side of approaching 60. Hard to believe but it's true. I worked most of the day so not a lot of 'fun' - though birthday greetings from family and friends is/has been fun. We had Chinese takeout for dinner and I managed to get to a hair salon get a very needed haircut. My stylist moved to a salon in Pleasanton and I've been trying to get in to Super Cuts - but I went back to JCPenney and met a very new stylist (she's been in the salon for four weeks). She was very careful and meticulous and while a little slow, it was a nice time and I really like her. So yay! I've got regular hair styling in my future.
I'm heading to bed very shortly so I can get up and head to the office early in the morning - and then I'm going to venture to Jackson for a little fun. There are THREE - count them - THREE - free play offers for tomorrow and that tri-fecta of free money to play with is enough to get me back there for a few hours. It won't be a marathon day - but it will be a nice break from non-stop work.
Every budget cycle each year is hard but this one is really kicking my ass. I am so exhausted that I'm struggling to think - and that's not a great thing in a process that has a gazillion moving parts. I chatted with a friend at work today (she's in another district) and felt so grateful to have someone out there who knows EXACTLY what it's like. We encouraged each other and I felt better about where I am only because she's got the same board meeting dates as we do and she's quite a bit behind where I am. So I felt like 'well, I think I must be going to make it, then'. Hope so. Of course, I didn't say 'wow, you are really far behind'...I just encouraged her the way she encouraged me and we both know from much experience: it will get done. It always gets done.
I was just about to say that America's Got Talent didn't have any creepy, scary acts on this year so far..only now there is one and it's gross....I don't think being able to put a pair of scissors up your nose is talent.
The point to that rambling opening paragraph is just an observation that I'm a teeny, wee bit on overload at the moment. Maybe way overloaded.
We are watching America's Got Talent and cracking up - people are both nuts and incredibly creative.
I am officially 56 years old today. On the downhill side of approaching 60. Hard to believe but it's true. I worked most of the day so not a lot of 'fun' - though birthday greetings from family and friends is/has been fun. We had Chinese takeout for dinner and I managed to get to a hair salon get a very needed haircut. My stylist moved to a salon in Pleasanton and I've been trying to get in to Super Cuts - but I went back to JCPenney and met a very new stylist (she's been in the salon for four weeks). She was very careful and meticulous and while a little slow, it was a nice time and I really like her. So yay! I've got regular hair styling in my future.
I'm heading to bed very shortly so I can get up and head to the office early in the morning - and then I'm going to venture to Jackson for a little fun. There are THREE - count them - THREE - free play offers for tomorrow and that tri-fecta of free money to play with is enough to get me back there for a few hours. It won't be a marathon day - but it will be a nice break from non-stop work.
Every budget cycle each year is hard but this one is really kicking my ass. I am so exhausted that I'm struggling to think - and that's not a great thing in a process that has a gazillion moving parts. I chatted with a friend at work today (she's in another district) and felt so grateful to have someone out there who knows EXACTLY what it's like. We encouraged each other and I felt better about where I am only because she's got the same board meeting dates as we do and she's quite a bit behind where I am. So I felt like 'well, I think I must be going to make it, then'. Hope so. Of course, I didn't say 'wow, you are really far behind'...I just encouraged her the way she encouraged me and we both know from much experience: it will get done. It always gets done.
I was just about to say that America's Got Talent didn't have any creepy, scary acts on this year so far..only now there is one and it's gross....I don't think being able to put a pair of scissors up your nose is talent.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...