Here I am, typing away on my broken, dead computer. It's been tooling along quite nicely - all the more amazing 'cuz now, I'm pretty much trying to get it to crash 'cuz I ordered a new computer and it will be here any day!
Never underestimate the power of Google. After the crash that I thought was the final crash (since it went straight to blue screen), J. did a little Google research and got it back into 'safe mode'. This PC uses Windows XP - so he logged on using his user ID. And the PC was totally fine. Email, Internet - everything working perfectly. So we ran a Norton system check - it took all night last night. But this morning, I carefully booted up. And it was fine. I left for the day leaving my iPod here and J. ensured all my purchased songs were moved off the PC and onto my iPod. I was most worried about the iTunes library, documents (Word, Excel, etc.) and the Quicken files - everything else, I figured when it seized up again, we'd just consider it done.
But here it is close to 8PM and since shortly after 5, it's been all systems go - using my ID and meandering the Internets with wild abandon.
So you see my dilemma...I have a very expensive, very nice, very, VERY FAST PC on it's way to me any day - and this one is back to working fine.
Considering taking a seasonal job as a WalMart greeter to buy myself a little Christmas present.
Truth is, we will probably keep the new laptop 'cuz Murphy's law will probably kick in and immediately upon returning the shiny, new lightening speed lap top, this one will die again. And I'll be back to sad, depressed, pissed off, irritated Majah instead of sunny, bright, happy, cyber-farming, cyber-banking Majah. J. likes all the me(s) there could possibly be but he likes the sunny, bright, happy cyberly-connected me the best. Right, J.? (Just agree, Sweets - it's so much easier.) :-)
And another funny story re: our TV saga. So we've been in the 'discussion' phase of TV negotiations for weeks. I've been hemming and hawing. Insisting that we can just shift things around and 'make do' with a used TV from J.'s brother for the kid's media room and move their newer TV down here. But I finally agreed to purchase a 42 inch flat screen for down here. And unlike the $3,000 TV we had (purchased years ago - HD had come 'down' a lot then but still was hugely expensive - but we have a 'surround sound theater' set up in our family room and a nice TV is a part of it - and the TV we replaced was a 2nd hand 'from a friend' TV)....anyway, this new TV was flat screen, weighed only 35 pounds, cost a mere fraction of our previous TV and was awesome.
For about one hour.
See, we have a built in TV 'nook' in our family room wall. Without a TV, it's a giant albatross of a gaping hole that serves no purpose other than to irritate your spatial orientation. So the 42 inch was OK - but there was a lot of gaping hole visible on all sides. And I don't like that. I don't want gaps. I want that sucker plugged up entirely - housing what it's intended to house - a large TV.
47" flat screen, to be exact.
Which was on sale at Costco (sale ended yesterday), was 'older' packaging so it's being discontinued and therefore, not available everywhere - but J. located one in Livermore yesterday and had them put it on hold for us. Which meant that after a hugely long day - because it was the first day back after a week off and honestly, it was the hardest thing I've done in a long time to get myself up and out of my warm, toasty bed at the 'late' hour of 5AM - I got to drive my little SUV to Livermore to meet J. and pick up the 45" TV that won't fit in his car. For $173 more than we spent, we filled up the gaping hole. Everyone's happy. Our bank account $173 less happy, but it's OK. It will rally - I'll make sure it will.
Livermore sounds familiar, right? So I did a spur of the moment call to my friend and amazingly, she was able to go to dinner - so in addition to getting a bigger TV, I had a terrific dinner with my sweet friend. And she's recently found out she's going to be a mommy for the first time so we had a lot to catch up on. It was tons of fun and was really a good lesson in 'seize the moment'. The 'old' me (the 30 year old me) would have been too tired to be out late. But the new me - the one who's 50 and just feels like life is getting shorter and shorter by each ticking second - wants to make time to be with people I enjoy being with. So I did. It was a blast.
The new TV is installed and fits beautifully. No gaps! We just have to box up the old and return it (love Costco's return policy) - and viola! We are HD and flat screen and it's awesome!
So, old working PC, new soon-to-be delivered new PC, old dead TV, old too small TV and new awesome big TV are all co-existing nicely. For now. Dead TV will be eWasted as soon as possible. Old PC is TBD. Too small new TV will be returned ASAP.
It's just an 'average' two days in a mundane life.....
(Successfully about to post a blog post - yet another confirmation that this old piece of $%#@ PC is still holding it together). I need to create a hugely complicated Excel spreadsheet, full of macros and formulas and web links [and lots of circular references just so I can really keep the PC working away] - and then attach that spreadsheet to an email, include a Word document attachment to explain it all and send THAT email into cyberspace to see what happens....I'd better get busy.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Computer is dead (again). Won't boot up (again). Blue screen of death (again). I'm hoping we can get the computer geek to refund the $120 we paid for him to keep it 4 days and (apparently) do little to resolve the 'core' issue...whatever that may be.
I ordered a new PC on Should be here by the end of the week, I hope. It's only money, right?
Heading off to work shortly. Getting a jump start on a busy week.
In the mean time, I'm sharing J.'s computer - which means I just posted a blog post on HIS blog without realizing I was on HIS blog. (I deleted it of course - lest his readers be surprised about him posting something about a computer vs. the political stuff he usually posts). He hasn't posted in a long time -but he was 'logged in' to blogger so that's where my post landed.
This will be an interesting week of co-computer use.
I ordered a new PC on Should be here by the end of the week, I hope. It's only money, right?
Heading off to work shortly. Getting a jump start on a busy week.
In the mean time, I'm sharing J.'s computer - which means I just posted a blog post on HIS blog without realizing I was on HIS blog. (I deleted it of course - lest his readers be surprised about him posting something about a computer vs. the political stuff he usually posts). He hasn't posted in a long time -but he was 'logged in' to blogger so that's where my post landed.
This will be an interesting week of co-computer use.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Toodles, Firefox
We trekked to Costco. I rarely go to Costco these days. I don't remember the last time we were there together. And today was a great reminder as to why I don't go: I purchased $80 of stuff I didn't know I needed or wanted until I saw it. Yes, they were great deals. But I was doing just fine without any of it before I saw it available there. Gosh, they sure get ya, don't they? Still, four pairs of pants and 9 pairs of underwear for $80 - and I did really need them. Though I probably wouldn't have been shopping for them this weekend.
The thing we went for and didn't get was a Dell laptop. They only have HP's and Acer brands in the store. The HP computer that was comparable to the Dell we were planning to buy was $150 more than the Dell available at Costco online. We're frugal....and I have a strong aversion to HP. No particular reason. Just do.
In the mean time, I switched to Internet Explorer and did fine all day. And after a tip from my cousin D. in Oklahoma (Hi D.!), I discovered what the compass-like short cut on my desk top is for - it's for Safari - yet another Internet explorer that also is working very well. So perhaps just skipping FireFox and using IE or Safari will be enough to allow this laptop to limp along for another few months. That would really help given it's Christmas - and I did a fair amount of cyber shopping this weekend.
We did install our new flat screen TV. Got H. and three of his buddies to help get the old one down from the TV nook. J. and I were easily able to lift the new one up into the space. 150 pounds vs. 35 pounds. Wow, technology has come a long way....and this TV was 1/5 of what we paid for the one we purchased only six short years ago. So now we're back up and running on the TV front in the family room - and we have a huge, heavy six year old non-working TV in the garage that is too expensive to repair. We'll be looking for an eWaste event soon to dispose of it.
The boys also moved a 'new' (used) dresser (very heavy) up to H.'s room. It came from his Uncle B.'s house and H. has been needing a larger dresser. So that'll be one of his projects for the last day of vacation - moving stuff from one dresser to the other. Then we'll carry his old, little dresser down to the garage and add another item to dispose of ASAP.
I couldn't cope with turkey leftovers again for we headed to McDonald's. Buying food for four starving teen boys is pretty amusing. The lady behind us thought we were nuts - and I'm pretty sure she assumed we were buying for our grandkids. We took three bags full of burgers and fries (and chicken sandwiches) and drinks back home and fed the volunteer work crew. It was great of them to help and with the four of them, J. didn't have to lift a finger on getting the old TV down - which I was glad about. I don't want him getting hurt. He's already achy - knee and shoulder giving him a fair amount of issues daily. Poor guy.
It's hard to come to grips with tomorrow being my last day off. The next three weeks will be jam packed with holiday parties, holiday to-do's and massive amounts of work stuff. It's a very busy time of year for me. Thankfully, only three weeks of work followed by two full weeks off - and we are all really looking forward to that break. Already.
Signing off for the night. Last night of staying up late (it's approaching 11 and I can't believe I'm still awake). Sleeping in tomorrow. And busy all day attempting to finish the zillions of things I will realize I need to finish around 10AM tomorrow - all in one day. It's just the way I roll....waiting until the last possible minute to get it all done. But I will. I always do.
That's It -
The damn lap top is acting up still/again! I'm done. I am buying a souped up laptop TODAY. I don't care how much it costs. Throwing our budget out the window. It's only money, right? There's a 42 inch flat screen TV sitting in it's box in our family room - if the boys in this family can have a new TV we could live without, technically, then the one girl in this family is going to have the one thing she really misses when it's acting up - her laptop. Period. End of story.
J. is working on backing up all our tax returns and financial records onto his desk top as a precaution. By tonight, I will hopefully be back to humming along with no issues. As I type, I'm terrified it's going to completely crash.....
We've put $360 into 'repairs' in the past couple months - for nothing. I'm starting to think computer geeks really don't know anything - they just try what they think will work and hope for the best.
Wish I had that $360 to put towards my new computer but oh well. Water under the bridge....
I've got to backup TurboTax files - later, friends. My life is on this PC and therefore, my life is moving to a new residence as soon as humanly possible.
See you on the flip side -
Switching to Internet Explorer (instead of Firefox). There are a zillion postings re: 'blue screen of death when using Firefox'. Many different reasons possible. Could be memory. Could be overheating. So we'll see if using IE helps at all.
We are still shopping. And will be leaving for Costco shortly.....
I'm frugal. I wasn't born frugal. But I've acquired the desire to save, save, save. So if there's any way I can limp along on this PC, I'd rather.
But we'll see.....'cuz Mama's got to have her PC in tip-top working order at all times - or Mama's not very happy. And you know what they say. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
J. is working on backing up all our tax returns and financial records onto his desk top as a precaution. By tonight, I will hopefully be back to humming along with no issues. As I type, I'm terrified it's going to completely crash.....
We've put $360 into 'repairs' in the past couple months - for nothing. I'm starting to think computer geeks really don't know anything - they just try what they think will work and hope for the best.
Wish I had that $360 to put towards my new computer but oh well. Water under the bridge....
I've got to backup TurboTax files - later, friends. My life is on this PC and therefore, my life is moving to a new residence as soon as humanly possible.
See you on the flip side -
Switching to Internet Explorer (instead of Firefox). There are a zillion postings re: 'blue screen of death when using Firefox'. Many different reasons possible. Could be memory. Could be overheating. So we'll see if using IE helps at all.
We are still shopping. And will be leaving for Costco shortly.....
I'm frugal. I wasn't born frugal. But I've acquired the desire to save, save, save. So if there's any way I can limp along on this PC, I'd rather.
But we'll see.....'cuz Mama's got to have her PC in tip-top working order at all times - or Mama's not very happy. And you know what they say. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Friday, November 26, 2010
All Things British
Law & Order: UK on BBC America! It's two of my favorite things - Law & Order ([insert anything here] 'cuz I love them all) AND British accents! It doesn't get any better than this! Season after season and I've never watched any of them!! I'm so excited.
It even has the same 'du duh' chime as all the other Law & Orders!
It is a little odd to see the barristers (lawyers) and the judge wearing wigs in the court room. And the judge (who is a female in the current episode I'm watching) is referred to as 'my lady'. And the prosecution refers to themselves as 'the crown'. They all wear robes....and only the male barristers and the judge wear wigs. Wow - living in a monarchy a lot different, huh? But it's Law & Order episodes I've never seen! This is going to be fun!
We bought a new TV for the family room. Didn't really make sense to repair the old one when we could purchase a new flat screen of the same size for not much more than the repair bill. Hopefully, J. and the boys will wrestle the old one down out of the built in nook (which worries me 'cuz we barely were able to get it up in there and that was before J. developed shoulder problems) and put the new one up. I watched Gilmore Girls while cooking yesterday and it's just not the same with a bunch of red streaks going up and down the screen.
It even has the same 'du duh' chime as all the other Law & Orders!
It is a little odd to see the barristers (lawyers) and the judge wearing wigs in the court room. And the judge (who is a female in the current episode I'm watching) is referred to as 'my lady'. And the prosecution refers to themselves as 'the crown'. They all wear robes....and only the male barristers and the judge wear wigs. Wow - living in a monarchy a lot different, huh? But it's Law & Order episodes I've never seen! This is going to be fun!
We bought a new TV for the family room. Didn't really make sense to repair the old one when we could purchase a new flat screen of the same size for not much more than the repair bill. Hopefully, J. and the boys will wrestle the old one down out of the built in nook (which worries me 'cuz we barely were able to get it up in there and that was before J. developed shoulder problems) and put the new one up. I watched Gilmore Girls while cooking yesterday and it's just not the same with a bunch of red streaks going up and down the screen.
Am pleased to say that Thanksgiving was as it should be - a day of over eating and indulgence. The morning started with home made (from scratch, folks!) caramel rolls - one with nuts, one without. They were beautiful coming out of the oven and were even better then imagined. I am loving trying new recipes that involve yeast - and I sure never thought I'd EVER say that. Made a double batch of the dough and used the other 1/2 for dinner rolls - they were good though the dough was a bit 'stiff'. Thankfully, B. assisted with the kneading and rolling out of the 2nd batch 'cuz my arms were sore from the morning's work. The dinner rolls were great - not 'pretty' but tasted good.
Dinner was delicious and everyone pitched in. H. was my 'sous chef' and assisted with chopping, etc. for the stuffing. B. helped as my 'pastry chef's assistant', kneading and rolling. J. helped with EVERYTHING - including a last minute trip to the store - and of course, he's the turkey master. This year's bird was pronounced 'the best ever' and s/he really was. We didn't stuff the bird this year - we used the Bobby Flay method of having broth and veggies down below and the turkey on the roasting pan rack above. S/he was a most tender, juicy bird and absolutely delicious! Was also a Butterball - so that's what we'll buy next year, too.
I'm also pleased to report that I've done my fair share of Black Friday shopping - and even more pleased 'cuz I did it all in the comfort of my warm, cozy house. Coffee mug in hand, I've made a start on presents for all. Still a couple left to ponder - but for the most part, am close to 'done'. Though I'm never 'done'. But this year, I'm sure going to try to be. We've been getting the kids ready for 'remember, the Disneyland trip was partly Christmas' - hope they don't forget 'cuz there really will be slim pickings under the tree. They'll get some cash-moola, which is their favorite thing anyway - and then the annual trek to San Francisco for some post-holiday shopping. We always love that day and it's tradition!
J. and the boys are heading out soon to visit J.'s brother. I will hang here, possibly working on some work stuff and running the dishwasher a zillion (more) times to return the kitchen to it's pre-Thanksgiving state.
J. is also working on an outside project that like all projects starts out small and grows. He's scraping paint off of trim and priming and repainting a piece under the sliding glass door. It's been looking miserable for years - and we want to get the wood repainted and protected before the rains start (again). So it's scraped and awaiting a coat of primer. Then two coats of paint and that should see us through another decade, I hope. The primer was my outdoor wood more 'longevity' I think. Though J. required some convincing.
I'd love to work outside tidying up but it's freezing. Maybe later today when it warms up a bit.
Monday looms larger than life....returning to work is a bummer. This week (like every holiday week) is jam packed with 'stuff' but it's still a nice break from the daily grind. The best part is no alarm - so returning to waking early on Monday will be hard. And the work that awaits even harder. Time off goes so quickly. Time working does not. Sad, isn't it?
Dinner was delicious and everyone pitched in. H. was my 'sous chef' and assisted with chopping, etc. for the stuffing. B. helped as my 'pastry chef's assistant', kneading and rolling. J. helped with EVERYTHING - including a last minute trip to the store - and of course, he's the turkey master. This year's bird was pronounced 'the best ever' and s/he really was. We didn't stuff the bird this year - we used the Bobby Flay method of having broth and veggies down below and the turkey on the roasting pan rack above. S/he was a most tender, juicy bird and absolutely delicious! Was also a Butterball - so that's what we'll buy next year, too.
I'm also pleased to report that I've done my fair share of Black Friday shopping - and even more pleased 'cuz I did it all in the comfort of my warm, cozy house. Coffee mug in hand, I've made a start on presents for all. Still a couple left to ponder - but for the most part, am close to 'done'. Though I'm never 'done'. But this year, I'm sure going to try to be. We've been getting the kids ready for 'remember, the Disneyland trip was partly Christmas' - hope they don't forget 'cuz there really will be slim pickings under the tree. They'll get some cash-moola, which is their favorite thing anyway - and then the annual trek to San Francisco for some post-holiday shopping. We always love that day and it's tradition!
J. and the boys are heading out soon to visit J.'s brother. I will hang here, possibly working on some work stuff and running the dishwasher a zillion (more) times to return the kitchen to it's pre-Thanksgiving state.
J. is also working on an outside project that like all projects starts out small and grows. He's scraping paint off of trim and priming and repainting a piece under the sliding glass door. It's been looking miserable for years - and we want to get the wood repainted and protected before the rains start (again). So it's scraped and awaiting a coat of primer. Then two coats of paint and that should see us through another decade, I hope. The primer was my outdoor wood more 'longevity' I think. Though J. required some convincing.
I'd love to work outside tidying up but it's freezing. Maybe later today when it warms up a bit.
Monday looms larger than life....returning to work is a bummer. This week (like every holiday week) is jam packed with 'stuff' but it's still a nice break from the daily grind. The best part is no alarm - so returning to waking early on Monday will be hard. And the work that awaits even harder. Time off goes so quickly. Time working does not. Sad, isn't it?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is absolutely brilliant. Stunning. Phenomenal. Loved, loved, LOVED it and can't wait to see it again with the kids. I went alone 'cuz attempting to get them to commit at the same time is impossible. So if/when they decide they'd like to go, I'll happily see it again. It was so awesome that I had J. help me locate the book (it's been here in the study for a long time but of course, when I'm ready to read it, we couldn't find it - but J. located it in the guest room) so I can read it again, this time more slowly and without skipping to the end to see how it turns out.
The movie was 2 1/2 hours that flew by. Never even glanced at my time keeping device once. It was just action packed from the start and wonderfully done. 8 months will be a long time to wait for the final installment.
Today's agenda includes some last minute shopping - heading to the grocery store B. works at to purchase a few items for dinner - then he can turn in his receipt and attempt to win some prizes. Including the privilege of writing your own schedule the week of Christmas. Probably a bad thing for B. 'cuz he will most likely just not work - and he needs the $$.
I'll start some of the cooking today - get the pies done. Made cranberry sauce yesterday. Can brown the sausage for the stuffing today. Get some of the vegetables chopped. Roasting pan down from the rafters of the garage. Bread dough made for home made rolls (and cinnamon rolls or monkey bread for breakfast tomorrow, too).
My laptop is still in the shop. Holy crap! This is day four and I'm really suffering. My neck is killing me - seriously. It's like my entire spine is shifted into a weird configuration that is not compatible with the rest of me. My neck is so sore that turning over in bed was painful. Wow. I need my lap top back pronto! That must be some virus - it's taken the guy over 48 hours to clean it. And he is incredibly rude and once he's done fixing it this time, we'll be finding another shop to use.
Must go read more HP. Then shop and cook.
The movie was 2 1/2 hours that flew by. Never even glanced at my time keeping device once. It was just action packed from the start and wonderfully done. 8 months will be a long time to wait for the final installment.
Today's agenda includes some last minute shopping - heading to the grocery store B. works at to purchase a few items for dinner - then he can turn in his receipt and attempt to win some prizes. Including the privilege of writing your own schedule the week of Christmas. Probably a bad thing for B. 'cuz he will most likely just not work - and he needs the $$.
I'll start some of the cooking today - get the pies done. Made cranberry sauce yesterday. Can brown the sausage for the stuffing today. Get some of the vegetables chopped. Roasting pan down from the rafters of the garage. Bread dough made for home made rolls (and cinnamon rolls or monkey bread for breakfast tomorrow, too).
My laptop is still in the shop. Holy crap! This is day four and I'm really suffering. My neck is killing me - seriously. It's like my entire spine is shifted into a weird configuration that is not compatible with the rest of me. My neck is so sore that turning over in bed was painful. Wow. I need my lap top back pronto! That must be some virus - it's taken the guy over 48 hours to clean it. And he is incredibly rude and once he's done fixing it this time, we'll be finding another shop to use.
Must go read more HP. Then shop and cook.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Today would have been my mom's 86th birthday.
I know the number because my aunt just turned 86 - she is my dad's sister. She and my mom were close over the years. When I saw my aunt was 86 this year, I was momentarily stunned....
My mom is forever frozen at 75. And I guess my head/heart has frozen all of her similarly aged friends and family at the same.
But time has kept moving forward....11 years ago this week, we were celebrating my mom's 75th birthday with a massive surprise party. Family from all over the country flew in to surprise her. It was a great day.
And it was her last birthday, though of course, we didn't know that at the time. Thought it might possibly be - but really didn't know for sure. Cancer is an insidious disease....she was seriously unwell....but we still hoped. It was not to be.
Still miss her everyday. Even miss all of her idiosyncrasies and quirks.
And the other day, I looked at my hand - the hand with her engagement ring on it - and saw her hands. My mother's hands...staring back at me.
I miss you, Mom. I really do.
I know the number because my aunt just turned 86 - she is my dad's sister. She and my mom were close over the years. When I saw my aunt was 86 this year, I was momentarily stunned....
My mom is forever frozen at 75. And I guess my head/heart has frozen all of her similarly aged friends and family at the same.
But time has kept moving forward....11 years ago this week, we were celebrating my mom's 75th birthday with a massive surprise party. Family from all over the country flew in to surprise her. It was a great day.
And it was her last birthday, though of course, we didn't know that at the time. Thought it might possibly be - but really didn't know for sure. Cancer is an insidious disease....she was seriously unwell....but we still hoped. It was not to be.
Still miss her everyday. Even miss all of her idiosyncrasies and quirks.
And the other day, I looked at my hand - the hand with her engagement ring on it - and saw her hands. My mother's hands...staring back at me.
I miss you, Mom. I really do.
April 29th
Wedding date is set - William and Kate's wedding date. No one in this family getting married for at least a decade. I hope.
It's on a FRIDAY! Guess because it's a national holiday in Great Britain, they had to choose a weekday so everyone will get a three day weekend. But what about those of us watching from afar?
Oh well - since it will likely be on TV in the wee hours of the morning - and I'm usually up by 4 most days anyway, it should be OK. Though I might take that day off my self - just to fully immerse myself in the occasion.
I need an appropriate hat.
It's on a FRIDAY! Guess because it's a national holiday in Great Britain, they had to choose a weekday so everyone will get a three day weekend. But what about those of us watching from afar?
Oh well - since it will likely be on TV in the wee hours of the morning - and I'm usually up by 4 most days anyway, it should be OK. Though I might take that day off my self - just to fully immerse myself in the occasion.
I need an appropriate hat.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Brown Butter
H. and I are making Brown Butter Pumpkin Mac 'n Cheese for dinner. It will be yummy. We're doubling the recipe so it will also be a good exercise in math.
Lunch was fun. We caught up in just over an hour - which means my life is pretty mundane, even with all the drama this past year. Really - gave me pause to think 'so little makes up your existence that you can totally catch someone up in just over an hour'. Such is the mundane life of a working mom. Hoping our next lunch won't be so far from this one - we'll see. J., ball's in your court - so call or email. I know you are reading and I'm glad....
My laptop has a virus...which will be named at some point. I did have a bad experience downloading something awhile back - but Norton caught it and isolated it so I thought all was 'well'. Apparently not. Little gremlins have been wreaking havoc ever since, most likely. Thankfully, it's repairable....which is good and bad. Good 'cuz the laptop I want/need is not inexpensive and I really don't want to spend the $$ right now. Bad 'cuz....well, I'd absolutely love a new laptop.
The tech guy told J. 'her computer is really slow'. That's what they always say. There's a ton of 'stuff' on it - that's why.
Work was fine - and quick. In and out in just over three hours. Got done what I needed to get done and couldn't get out of there fast enough. Didn't want to be there, really - but glad I was. Haven't seen my boss since he was 39 (last Wednesday) and now that he's 40, it was good to check in....age takes it's toll, you know. (I can say that 'cuz I will always be a decade older than he is, no matter how mercilessly he gets teased about turning the big four-zero). We transacted the things we needed to transact - and I headed to run some errands and get to Pleasanton in time lunch.
Stopped at the HUGE Smart & Final in P-town and picked up the rest of the groceries needed for Thanksgiving. Other than pies (which I will get tomorrow to bake Wednesday), we're pretty good to go.
Off to the kitchen. Dog-a-rini is ready for her first course.
Lunch was fun. We caught up in just over an hour - which means my life is pretty mundane, even with all the drama this past year. Really - gave me pause to think 'so little makes up your existence that you can totally catch someone up in just over an hour'. Such is the mundane life of a working mom. Hoping our next lunch won't be so far from this one - we'll see. J., ball's in your court - so call or email. I know you are reading and I'm glad....
My laptop has a virus...which will be named at some point. I did have a bad experience downloading something awhile back - but Norton caught it and isolated it so I thought all was 'well'. Apparently not. Little gremlins have been wreaking havoc ever since, most likely. Thankfully, it's repairable....which is good and bad. Good 'cuz the laptop I want/need is not inexpensive and I really don't want to spend the $$ right now. Bad 'cuz....well, I'd absolutely love a new laptop.
The tech guy told J. 'her computer is really slow'. That's what they always say. There's a ton of 'stuff' on it - that's why.
Work was fine - and quick. In and out in just over three hours. Got done what I needed to get done and couldn't get out of there fast enough. Didn't want to be there, really - but glad I was. Haven't seen my boss since he was 39 (last Wednesday) and now that he's 40, it was good to check in....age takes it's toll, you know. (I can say that 'cuz I will always be a decade older than he is, no matter how mercilessly he gets teased about turning the big four-zero). We transacted the things we needed to transact - and I headed to run some errands and get to Pleasanton in time lunch.
Stopped at the HUGE Smart & Final in P-town and picked up the rest of the groceries needed for Thanksgiving. Other than pies (which I will get tomorrow to bake Wednesday), we're pretty good to go.
Off to the kitchen. Dog-a-rini is ready for her first course.
Ace of Cakes
It's not bad enough that I am up at the crack of dawn on a day that was supposed to be a day off. It's Monday. It's freezing in here. My laptop is still dead so I'm typing on J.'s keyboard with a crick in my neck. No, all that isn't enough....
Today is the day I found out that Ace of Cakes has been canceled. Say what you will about the show itself - or reality TV in general - it is a great, fun show that makes Thursday nights something to look forward to.
And in January, it will start it's last season - and it's only six episodes.
Darn it all -
Cake Boss is entertaining but not nearly as much as Ace of Cakes.
I already miss fondant.
Today is the day I found out that Ace of Cakes has been canceled. Say what you will about the show itself - or reality TV in general - it is a great, fun show that makes Thursday nights something to look forward to.
And in January, it will start it's last season - and it's only six episodes.
Darn it all -
Cake Boss is entertaining but not nearly as much as Ace of Cakes.
I already miss fondant.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Pain in the Neck
I'm using J.'s computer - convenient that he's at church and can't defend his turf. As if....he's good at sharing.
I dislike his computer for a variety of reasons - many previously documented here when my computer died the last time at the end of June.
But the thing that is the hardest for me is when I'm on 'his side' of the office, for some reason, I always get a 'crick' in my neck. I'm always feeling like I'm 'looking up' - which compared to my lap top, I guess is true - but I must position my neck in some weird way. It's only been an hour and my neck is killing me.
Showered, dressed, teeth brushed. Laptop ready to go to the repair shop. Heading out shortly. Son #2 is up and confirmed no visit from his Alameda friend. Apparently, she took issue with her mom making plans for her - which was pretty much H's reaction as well. So we were invited to a birthday party for her as well on Tuesday - we'll see if that invite actually materializes. Maybe I just need to plan with the mom for us adults to get together and forget the kids. Who needs them? Her parents are a lot of fun and they're from England - a constant stream of fun. The only thing (absolutely the ONLY THING) we have in common is having kids in rehab at the same the same place. Still, they are interesting people and we can use all the 'adult' interaction we can find. So we'll see.
I'm sort of relieved.....not really 'in the mood' for company today.
OH - H. is taking a culinary class. His counselor decided it would be great - and 'your mom can help'. That's what I get for being too busy to attend his most recent status conference. I'd be absolutely fine with the plan - but wow, the syllabus is awe-inspiring. And getting a reluctant teen BOY to prepare appetizers, main courses, salad, vegetable side dishes AND watch cooking shows and write reviews AND read food articles and critique.....I just don't see that happening.
I'm making lists and he can hopefully get a lot done with me this week. Does teaching him to make hot dogs with cheese wrapped in crescent rolls count? That was one of my college year staples. Will that do?
I dislike his computer for a variety of reasons - many previously documented here when my computer died the last time at the end of June.
But the thing that is the hardest for me is when I'm on 'his side' of the office, for some reason, I always get a 'crick' in my neck. I'm always feeling like I'm 'looking up' - which compared to my lap top, I guess is true - but I must position my neck in some weird way. It's only been an hour and my neck is killing me.
Showered, dressed, teeth brushed. Laptop ready to go to the repair shop. Heading out shortly. Son #2 is up and confirmed no visit from his Alameda friend. Apparently, she took issue with her mom making plans for her - which was pretty much H's reaction as well. So we were invited to a birthday party for her as well on Tuesday - we'll see if that invite actually materializes. Maybe I just need to plan with the mom for us adults to get together and forget the kids. Who needs them? Her parents are a lot of fun and they're from England - a constant stream of fun. The only thing (absolutely the ONLY THING) we have in common is having kids in rehab at the same the same place. Still, they are interesting people and we can use all the 'adult' interaction we can find. So we'll see.
I'm sort of relieved.....not really 'in the mood' for company today.
OH - H. is taking a culinary class. His counselor decided it would be great - and 'your mom can help'. That's what I get for being too busy to attend his most recent status conference. I'd be absolutely fine with the plan - but wow, the syllabus is awe-inspiring. And getting a reluctant teen BOY to prepare appetizers, main courses, salad, vegetable side dishes AND watch cooking shows and write reviews AND read food articles and critique.....I just don't see that happening.
I'm making lists and he can hopefully get a lot done with me this week. Does teaching him to make hot dogs with cheese wrapped in crescent rolls count? That was one of my college year staples. Will that do?
Blue Screen (Again!)
Perhaps the blue screen of death on my laptop is God's way of saying 'get thyself busy, Woman!'. Darn it. I will be schlepping the PC to the repair shop at 10AM once again and begging and pleading with them to at least salvage documents and Quicken....and we might be adding 'need a new PC' to the list of electronics currently 'necessary' in this house.
It poured rain a good chunk of yesterday but there's sunshine now - and the post-rain freshness that is so great! Love the rain, though at first, all I could think about were the new sounds that weren't there last winter. Some suspicious drips.....drip....drip drip......ddddrrrrriiiipppp.....that weren't there last year. J.'s sure it's just various gutter 'issues'. I suggested getting up there and 'fixing' them. He said 'and how would we do that'? HIRE SOMEONE, MY GOOD MAN! Gutters are the lifeblood of avoiding roofing issues....(wow, being responsible for school facilities has really changed me).
I am technically 'off' this week but will be working part of tomorrow. I was out sick on Thursday - bad cold....shocked my boss that I was 'out ill' 'cuz I haven't been 'out ill' in a very long time. Anyhoo....we are doing a series of site budget meetings that start the day we get back from the Thanksgiving break, so we have some final prep to work on. It's fine 'cuz I'm also meeting my friend J. (Hi J.!) in Pleasanton for a long overdue lunch. It's been FOREVER....
So I'll work 1/2 day and then start the official 'break'.
Made a trip to the new WinCo on Friday - massive amount of shopping. I do love the prices - definitely very low. But I'm not a big fan of unloading (onto the belt) AND bagging your own groceries anymore (oh Raley's, how you've spoiled me) so while I might shop there for big occasions, I don't think we'll be making WinCo our regular store. B.'s Savemart attached a notice to their employees paychecks practically begging them to shop at their store. They are even having employees turn in receipts to win prizes - that's how much their business is down since WinCo opened. People look for bargains - I know we do. I do a good deal of my 'staple' shopping now at WalMart - you can't beat the prices. I never thought I'd say that - now I prefer WalMart over WinCo. Wow, this economy sucks.
Intended to go see Harry Potter this weekend but haven't made it there so far. Hopefully sometime this week. It's probably good to get the opening weekend out of the way and let the crowds simmer down a bit - my Eclipse opening weekend experience left a memorable impression. Though HP and the gang don't have the same screaming teenage girl component, you never know.
J. is at church playing music this morning. Yes, I could join him. No, I don't think I will. Instead, I will work on tidying up around here and then get my work laptop out to prepare some things for tomorrow. Trying to avoid having to go (physically) into the office today - 'cuz I'd just rather not.
We may be having H.'s friend from Alameda over later today - signals are unclear. Had a nice conversation with her mom on Friday evening - and it sure sounded like she was planning to come over. But she didn't yesterday. Honestly, H. would prefer to go there - he says 'you guys don't give me enough freedom'. Uh, what? Freedom? Hmmm....maybe I have some questions for the mom next time we chat. Two kids who met in rehab should not be given a TON of freedom.....I know.....they want to 'make out'. I'm good with that - but in this house, remember: we can and will enter without notice. So think carefully....and while H. has never relapsed, she has - twice, that we know of....which happens. But I'm cautious and protective of H. who can still cover his tracks too well and too easily.
OK - off to the kitchen. Second cup of coffee and tidying shall commence. It's cold and I need to go put on warmer clothes.
Happy Sunday - may your gutters stay clear and sunshine prevail!
It poured rain a good chunk of yesterday but there's sunshine now - and the post-rain freshness that is so great! Love the rain, though at first, all I could think about were the new sounds that weren't there last winter. Some suspicious drips.....drip....drip drip......ddddrrrrriiiipppp.....that weren't there last year. J.'s sure it's just various gutter 'issues'. I suggested getting up there and 'fixing' them. He said 'and how would we do that'? HIRE SOMEONE, MY GOOD MAN! Gutters are the lifeblood of avoiding roofing issues....(wow, being responsible for school facilities has really changed me).
I am technically 'off' this week but will be working part of tomorrow. I was out sick on Thursday - bad cold....shocked my boss that I was 'out ill' 'cuz I haven't been 'out ill' in a very long time. Anyhoo....we are doing a series of site budget meetings that start the day we get back from the Thanksgiving break, so we have some final prep to work on. It's fine 'cuz I'm also meeting my friend J. (Hi J.!) in Pleasanton for a long overdue lunch. It's been FOREVER....
So I'll work 1/2 day and then start the official 'break'.
Made a trip to the new WinCo on Friday - massive amount of shopping. I do love the prices - definitely very low. But I'm not a big fan of unloading (onto the belt) AND bagging your own groceries anymore (oh Raley's, how you've spoiled me) so while I might shop there for big occasions, I don't think we'll be making WinCo our regular store. B.'s Savemart attached a notice to their employees paychecks practically begging them to shop at their store. They are even having employees turn in receipts to win prizes - that's how much their business is down since WinCo opened. People look for bargains - I know we do. I do a good deal of my 'staple' shopping now at WalMart - you can't beat the prices. I never thought I'd say that - now I prefer WalMart over WinCo. Wow, this economy sucks.
Intended to go see Harry Potter this weekend but haven't made it there so far. Hopefully sometime this week. It's probably good to get the opening weekend out of the way and let the crowds simmer down a bit - my Eclipse opening weekend experience left a memorable impression. Though HP and the gang don't have the same screaming teenage girl component, you never know.
J. is at church playing music this morning. Yes, I could join him. No, I don't think I will. Instead, I will work on tidying up around here and then get my work laptop out to prepare some things for tomorrow. Trying to avoid having to go (physically) into the office today - 'cuz I'd just rather not.
We may be having H.'s friend from Alameda over later today - signals are unclear. Had a nice conversation with her mom on Friday evening - and it sure sounded like she was planning to come over. But she didn't yesterday. Honestly, H. would prefer to go there - he says 'you guys don't give me enough freedom'. Uh, what? Freedom? Hmmm....maybe I have some questions for the mom next time we chat. Two kids who met in rehab should not be given a TON of freedom.....I know.....they want to 'make out'. I'm good with that - but in this house, remember: we can and will enter without notice. So think carefully....and while H. has never relapsed, she has - twice, that we know of....which happens. But I'm cautious and protective of H. who can still cover his tracks too well and too easily.
OK - off to the kitchen. Second cup of coffee and tidying shall commence. It's cold and I need to go put on warmer clothes.
Happy Sunday - may your gutters stay clear and sunshine prevail!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
William & Kate
It was a great day yesterday - for Kate and Prince William to finally make it official. I have a slight obsession with The Royal Family and can't wait for their wedding.
I watched William's parents wedding on a teeny TV at 3 in the morning in 1980. I had only lived alone - in my very first apartment which was abysmal, as most first apartments are - for a month or so. It was a beautiful thing to be a 'part' of - and to know the whole world was watching. And I'll get to do that again someday soon - watching from a much nicer venue these days.
I loved Princess Diana and still remember the night we learned she had died. We had come in from dinner out and the TV news was all abuzz. I remember vividly one major newscast anchor stating there were indications Diana was OK - that she was awake and talking. Only minutes later, we learned she died - and I cried right there on the couch. So shocked. So incredibly sad. I knew it was irrational to feel a loss so deeply for a monarch in another country - but, well, if you loved Princess Diana, you understand. She really was 'the people's princess' and she really had a heart for serving her country. And she was a great mother who deeply loved her children and that came through in every interview. I cried for did most of Britain.
For William to give Kate his mother's sapphire engagement ring was the icing on the cake - and even more so if you watch the video of their 'press conference'. He says the ring is very special to him, and Kate is very special to him - and it seems right to bring the two together. And he also says 'and it lets my mother be a part of this very special day'. How sweet is that? Whatever I used to think about Prince Charles, I have to say he's obviously done a great job raising his sons. They are kind and good hearted - at least we certainly see that in William - and that says a lot.
It also says a lot about their late mother - she intended for her boys to have as 'normal' a childhood as possible and I think she's done that. For a future King, William seems as sweet and normal as they come.
Kate is a lucky lady -
This is going to be so much fun!! I know, I know - it's silly. But royal weddings are a once or twice in a lifetime thing. He will be the king of England someday - and while I personally don't think monarchy is a 'great' form of government, it's certainly provided pomp and pageantry to behold - and sometimes, that's nice.
I watched William's parents wedding on a teeny TV at 3 in the morning in 1980. I had only lived alone - in my very first apartment which was abysmal, as most first apartments are - for a month or so. It was a beautiful thing to be a 'part' of - and to know the whole world was watching. And I'll get to do that again someday soon - watching from a much nicer venue these days.
I loved Princess Diana and still remember the night we learned she had died. We had come in from dinner out and the TV news was all abuzz. I remember vividly one major newscast anchor stating there were indications Diana was OK - that she was awake and talking. Only minutes later, we learned she died - and I cried right there on the couch. So shocked. So incredibly sad. I knew it was irrational to feel a loss so deeply for a monarch in another country - but, well, if you loved Princess Diana, you understand. She really was 'the people's princess' and she really had a heart for serving her country. And she was a great mother who deeply loved her children and that came through in every interview. I cried for did most of Britain.
For William to give Kate his mother's sapphire engagement ring was the icing on the cake - and even more so if you watch the video of their 'press conference'. He says the ring is very special to him, and Kate is very special to him - and it seems right to bring the two together. And he also says 'and it lets my mother be a part of this very special day'. How sweet is that? Whatever I used to think about Prince Charles, I have to say he's obviously done a great job raising his sons. They are kind and good hearted - at least we certainly see that in William - and that says a lot.
It also says a lot about their late mother - she intended for her boys to have as 'normal' a childhood as possible and I think she's done that. For a future King, William seems as sweet and normal as they come.
Kate is a lucky lady -
This is going to be so much fun!! I know, I know - it's silly. But royal weddings are a once or twice in a lifetime thing. He will be the king of England someday - and while I personally don't think monarchy is a 'great' form of government, it's certainly provided pomp and pageantry to behold - and sometimes, that's nice.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
World of Color
We FINALLY made it to WOC last night. I know ya'll thought we'd gone on Friday night - since Drill Sargent J. got the fast passes that morning. But we actually came back to our room late Friday and fell asleep and slept through the Fast Pass time - so we skipped it. Did the entire 'must get fast passes' drill again yesterday - which was OK 'cuz then we also rode Soaring Over California again, too - and we love that ride.
WOC was great. Really enjoyed it. What I did not enjoy about it was standing from 7:30PM until the show started at 9 - and then standing through the 28 minute show. There has to be a better way. No seats of any kind. You just stand there and wait. Our feet were killing us! And knees, hips, etc. It was a great show - but personally, I don't think I'd do the fast pass again. I'd rather go find a bench on the pier somewhere and just watch what you can watch and skip to entire 'body torture' session. But that's just me. I know you're thinking 'well, just sit down on the ground'. And I really wanted to - but there's a risk that once I'm down (and that's IF I'm able to sit on the ground without my knees doing something funky on the way to the ground), I won't be able to get I just stayed vertical.
I have new respect for my mom - who in her role as grandmother accompanied us on many trips. She never complained. Never wavered in her willingness to schlep and be schlepped. She'd watch little ones all day. Walk a million miles to wherever we were dragging her. Never once uttered a word of angst. She was a trooper extraordinaire. I'm not sure I'll be that great of a grandma - I already told J. 'when we're here with our grand kids, you and the boys and the wives and the kids can do WOC. I'll be happily waiting elsewhere, hopefully tending a new born or wee baby who won't care about WOC either'.
In WOC's defense, it is quite an amazing production and it makes you wonder 'how do they do that?' Water, light and occasional bursts of fire - and you're watching projections onto fine water mist. It is amazing!
We had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant at Grand Californian before heading to see WOC. It was a good meal and we all enjoyed it. The boys headed out to do Tower of Terror, California Screaming, etc. as many times as they could before heading back to the hotel room at midnight. H. wasn't ready to sleep - but the rest of us were and we were all zonked out shortly after. It's a Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family so we've been enjoying watching those movies - in preparation for next week's big movie event! We can't wait!!
It's been a magical trip - this place just plain makes me happy. Even with blisters on my feet, sore joints - I still love it and can't wait to come back. No idea when that will be - this will likely be the last trip with the four of us for some time. In fact, B. told me at lunch yesterday that he's actually not sure he will be able to go to Cancun with us this summer - he's not sure his enlistment can be delayed that long. Glad to know this before I purchase non-refundable tickets. Now I don't know what to do with H. - in Cancun with his aging parents for a week. Not sure that's quite the high school graduation celebration he was hoping for. We'll see. I'll buy tix for the three of us and we'll see what happens with B. You never know. He signs his enlistment contract this week and J. is planning to go with him - which I'm glad about.
So we say farewell to Disneyland....and also farewell to being a family of four. One of us is moving on - and it's as it should be. Still, my heart feels a little sad today at the prospect of no B. And then, it feels a little excited at the thought of coming back here with grand kids someday. Or just me and J. We would be totally happy doing the 'old' rides and people watching. Oh, and the shopping. Don't forget the shopping. I had a lot of fun and used my $180 Disney Reward dollars well - added a purple Tinkerbell hoody to my Disney apparel collection.
Troops are getting moving so I'd better, too. We have a lot to pack up before hitting the road. Both boys have plans this evening so they want to be home by 4ish if at all possible. Should be do-able....
WOC was great. Really enjoyed it. What I did not enjoy about it was standing from 7:30PM until the show started at 9 - and then standing through the 28 minute show. There has to be a better way. No seats of any kind. You just stand there and wait. Our feet were killing us! And knees, hips, etc. It was a great show - but personally, I don't think I'd do the fast pass again. I'd rather go find a bench on the pier somewhere and just watch what you can watch and skip to entire 'body torture' session. But that's just me. I know you're thinking 'well, just sit down on the ground'. And I really wanted to - but there's a risk that once I'm down (and that's IF I'm able to sit on the ground without my knees doing something funky on the way to the ground), I won't be able to get I just stayed vertical.
I have new respect for my mom - who in her role as grandmother accompanied us on many trips. She never complained. Never wavered in her willingness to schlep and be schlepped. She'd watch little ones all day. Walk a million miles to wherever we were dragging her. Never once uttered a word of angst. She was a trooper extraordinaire. I'm not sure I'll be that great of a grandma - I already told J. 'when we're here with our grand kids, you and the boys and the wives and the kids can do WOC. I'll be happily waiting elsewhere, hopefully tending a new born or wee baby who won't care about WOC either'.
In WOC's defense, it is quite an amazing production and it makes you wonder 'how do they do that?' Water, light and occasional bursts of fire - and you're watching projections onto fine water mist. It is amazing!
We had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant at Grand Californian before heading to see WOC. It was a good meal and we all enjoyed it. The boys headed out to do Tower of Terror, California Screaming, etc. as many times as they could before heading back to the hotel room at midnight. H. wasn't ready to sleep - but the rest of us were and we were all zonked out shortly after. It's a Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family so we've been enjoying watching those movies - in preparation for next week's big movie event! We can't wait!!
It's been a magical trip - this place just plain makes me happy. Even with blisters on my feet, sore joints - I still love it and can't wait to come back. No idea when that will be - this will likely be the last trip with the four of us for some time. In fact, B. told me at lunch yesterday that he's actually not sure he will be able to go to Cancun with us this summer - he's not sure his enlistment can be delayed that long. Glad to know this before I purchase non-refundable tickets. Now I don't know what to do with H. - in Cancun with his aging parents for a week. Not sure that's quite the high school graduation celebration he was hoping for. We'll see. I'll buy tix for the three of us and we'll see what happens with B. You never know. He signs his enlistment contract this week and J. is planning to go with him - which I'm glad about.
So we say farewell to Disneyland....and also farewell to being a family of four. One of us is moving on - and it's as it should be. Still, my heart feels a little sad today at the prospect of no B. And then, it feels a little excited at the thought of coming back here with grand kids someday. Or just me and J. We would be totally happy doing the 'old' rides and people watching. Oh, and the shopping. Don't forget the shopping. I had a lot of fun and used my $180 Disney Reward dollars well - added a purple Tinkerbell hoody to my Disney apparel collection.
Troops are getting moving so I'd better, too. We have a lot to pack up before hitting the road. Both boys have plans this evening so they want to be home by 4ish if at all possible. Should be do-able....
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pooh Corner
I made my way through the park - massively filled with zillions of people. Holiday weekends are so not the time to visit here but like others, we have to visit when we can wedge it in, I guess.
Used to be the Pooh Corner store was filled with all things Pooh. So many unique, special things and I've loved trekking there to find a treasure. Watches, pins, etc. Now, it's full of some things Pooh and other things Disney and some times you hit the jackpot and sometimes you don't. Today, I found a fuzzy dark brown jacket with Pooh and Piglet (very small) in the corner (over my heart). It's just what I wanted and was hoping to find - my Pooh sweatshirt is getting older and while I still wear it all the time, it's seen better days. Now there's something new to stay warm in. Also got a Pooh key chain with my actual name on it - which is rare 'cuz if you know me, my name is not that popular.
My pedometer logged a couple miles this morning. J. doesn't believe it - but I do.
I headed back to the hotel to drop off my packages. Decided to sneak in a teeny, tiny nap - and shortly after beginning to drift off, heard the boys coming in. They are both now snoring away - feet sore, tired bodies. Made me feel a teeny bit less 'old' to have them come back to the room and crash also. They waited in line for Star Tours for over an hour - only to have the ride be closed for 'technical difficulties'. Bummer.
We have reservations for a country all-you-can eat BBQ in Disneyland and then our 9PM World of Color show. We were in the first group to get fast passes - so while J.'s 'dead-set on a plan and executing said plan' is irritating at times, it does have it's perks. We had a wonderful breakfast at the Grand Californian restaurant at 10:30 - so we're holding out for dinner at 4:30. H. was so hungry, he ate a packet of nuts and dried fruit - and he detests nuts of any kind. I reminded him there is fresh bread and PB&J for a quick snack - he said 'too much work' and went to sleep. Hmmm. He's lazy about some things, I think. More on that theory later.
I'd better try to get them awake and vertical so we can trek to the Monorail in Downtown Disney and make our way back to the park. J. will be waiting -
We're having a great time -
Used to be the Pooh Corner store was filled with all things Pooh. So many unique, special things and I've loved trekking there to find a treasure. Watches, pins, etc. Now, it's full of some things Pooh and other things Disney and some times you hit the jackpot and sometimes you don't. Today, I found a fuzzy dark brown jacket with Pooh and Piglet (very small) in the corner (over my heart). It's just what I wanted and was hoping to find - my Pooh sweatshirt is getting older and while I still wear it all the time, it's seen better days. Now there's something new to stay warm in. Also got a Pooh key chain with my actual name on it - which is rare 'cuz if you know me, my name is not that popular.
My pedometer logged a couple miles this morning. J. doesn't believe it - but I do.
I headed back to the hotel to drop off my packages. Decided to sneak in a teeny, tiny nap - and shortly after beginning to drift off, heard the boys coming in. They are both now snoring away - feet sore, tired bodies. Made me feel a teeny bit less 'old' to have them come back to the room and crash also. They waited in line for Star Tours for over an hour - only to have the ride be closed for 'technical difficulties'. Bummer.
We have reservations for a country all-you-can eat BBQ in Disneyland and then our 9PM World of Color show. We were in the first group to get fast passes - so while J.'s 'dead-set on a plan and executing said plan' is irritating at times, it does have it's perks. We had a wonderful breakfast at the Grand Californian restaurant at 10:30 - so we're holding out for dinner at 4:30. H. was so hungry, he ate a packet of nuts and dried fruit - and he detests nuts of any kind. I reminded him there is fresh bread and PB&J for a quick snack - he said 'too much work' and went to sleep. Hmmm. He's lazy about some things, I think. More on that theory later.
I'd better try to get them awake and vertical so we can trek to the Monorail in Downtown Disney and make our way back to the park. J. will be waiting -
We're having a great time -
Toy Story
We're here at The Happiest Place on Earth! Well....really....we're at the place across the street from The Happiest Place on Earth....California Adventure! We're staying at the Paradise Pier Hotel. Not bad. Not The Grand Californian which is our absolute favorite place to stay - but this is a good second option that saved some $$.
We hit the rode around 8:30AM yesterday and were at the park by 4. Not bad. The drive was OK though more traffic-y than I'd hoped. Guess we weren't the only people wedging in a 4 day weekend. Still, we only stopped once and made good time and thankfully, hit I-5 in LA mid-day so the traffic was bearable. Still stop and go but oh well. That's LA.
The boys headed straight for California Screaming and picked up Fast Passes. We all rode the giant ferris wheel - which terrifies me until we're moving consistently. And then you're only moving one or two times around and it's time to be terrified again while everyone gets unloaded. Of course, we were at the very top when the unloading started...I don't know why I get so scared hanging up in the air. We absolutely did not get into a swinging car - those put me over the edge. Even the 'stable' car swung more than I'd like and J. said 'honey, it has to swing a bit or we'd be upside down at the top'. Oh, yeah....Mr. Practical.....
It's just after 8AM and the room is full of the sounds and smells from a mass of people sleeping in one room. The boys are still snoring away. J. is showered. I'm getting showered next. We're having a sit-down breakfast this morning, heading straight to get our Fast Passes for the World of Color show tonight and then rides, etc. all day. I'm hoping to get to Disneyland today - and the Pooh store specifically.
We head home on Sunday and it's back to work Monday. Usually allow a 'recuperation' day in my schedule but Monday filled up with meetings that need to happen so I'll be heading in - undoubtedly suffering from a post-Mickey fog.
I do love this place. OH - and it's looking like I might be returning for a work related conference in the spring - and if that happens, I'm going to spend a couple days here ALONE....which will be lovely. It's the hardest part of any vacation - trying to get four people to agree what to do, when. The staging and scheduling is a nightmare. The boys are old enough to do their own thing and honestly, I'm sure if you ask them, they'd prefer to just be left alone. But armed with cards that allowing 'charging privileges' at any store, restaurant, kiosk, etc. - I'm a little less inclined to allow them to 'roam free'.
The water slide is right outside our window and it's fun to hear smaller kids having so much fun. This place is magical for all - but watching little kids light up at the sight of Buzz Lightyear brings back so many great memories of when our boys were those little people. Magic. That's the only word that describes it.
We're off. J. is on a mission to get those World of Color fast passes FIRST THING. We have access to them 1/2 hour before the general public and he is ON A MISSION.
Bye for now -
We hit the rode around 8:30AM yesterday and were at the park by 4. Not bad. The drive was OK though more traffic-y than I'd hoped. Guess we weren't the only people wedging in a 4 day weekend. Still, we only stopped once and made good time and thankfully, hit I-5 in LA mid-day so the traffic was bearable. Still stop and go but oh well. That's LA.
The boys headed straight for California Screaming and picked up Fast Passes. We all rode the giant ferris wheel - which terrifies me until we're moving consistently. And then you're only moving one or two times around and it's time to be terrified again while everyone gets unloaded. Of course, we were at the very top when the unloading started...I don't know why I get so scared hanging up in the air. We absolutely did not get into a swinging car - those put me over the edge. Even the 'stable' car swung more than I'd like and J. said 'honey, it has to swing a bit or we'd be upside down at the top'. Oh, yeah....Mr. Practical.....
It's just after 8AM and the room is full of the sounds and smells from a mass of people sleeping in one room. The boys are still snoring away. J. is showered. I'm getting showered next. We're having a sit-down breakfast this morning, heading straight to get our Fast Passes for the World of Color show tonight and then rides, etc. all day. I'm hoping to get to Disneyland today - and the Pooh store specifically.
We head home on Sunday and it's back to work Monday. Usually allow a 'recuperation' day in my schedule but Monday filled up with meetings that need to happen so I'll be heading in - undoubtedly suffering from a post-Mickey fog.
I do love this place. OH - and it's looking like I might be returning for a work related conference in the spring - and if that happens, I'm going to spend a couple days here ALONE....which will be lovely. It's the hardest part of any vacation - trying to get four people to agree what to do, when. The staging and scheduling is a nightmare. The boys are old enough to do their own thing and honestly, I'm sure if you ask them, they'd prefer to just be left alone. But armed with cards that allowing 'charging privileges' at any store, restaurant, kiosk, etc. - I'm a little less inclined to allow them to 'roam free'.
The water slide is right outside our window and it's fun to hear smaller kids having so much fun. This place is magical for all - but watching little kids light up at the sight of Buzz Lightyear brings back so many great memories of when our boys were those little people. Magic. That's the only word that describes it.
We're off. J. is on a mission to get those World of Color fast passes FIRST THING. We have access to them 1/2 hour before the general public and he is ON A MISSION.
Bye for now -
Sunday, November 07, 2010
It feels like a day that was an hour longer than usual....and it's Sunday. Rainy, dreary and getting cold. Signs of official autumn - trees with red, yellow and orange leaves all around (yes, even in California). Drizzly rain off and on all day.
It was a busy week - the bond measure passed with flying colors and just like that, my already swamped work load became a lot deeper than a swamp. Ocean-like, even. We're all very excited and very thankful to our voters - the initial results right after 8PM had us with a comfortable winning margin and it stayed that way all night. It was a long night but fun - spent with a lot of hard working parents who deserved to celebrate. Now the work begins in earnest - planning for modernizing one school and significant building projects at the three others adds a lot to my day. But we'll manage. I know I will. Though the dark circles under my eyes may not ever abate again. Good problem to have, I think - we are blessed with home owners who know that we would never ask them to fund these projects unless there was no other way for us to do them - and unless we would continue our history of being good stewards of the money.
This week is only a three day work week - we're off to Disneyland on Thursday for four days. Originally scheduled off next Monday as well as a 'recuperation' day - but now the day is full of meetings so it's looking like I'll be working. We're excited about the trip - and hoping for improved weather.
It's 7:43 and I'm falling asleep sitting up. Bed matter what the clock says. Night!
It was a busy week - the bond measure passed with flying colors and just like that, my already swamped work load became a lot deeper than a swamp. Ocean-like, even. We're all very excited and very thankful to our voters - the initial results right after 8PM had us with a comfortable winning margin and it stayed that way all night. It was a long night but fun - spent with a lot of hard working parents who deserved to celebrate. Now the work begins in earnest - planning for modernizing one school and significant building projects at the three others adds a lot to my day. But we'll manage. I know I will. Though the dark circles under my eyes may not ever abate again. Good problem to have, I think - we are blessed with home owners who know that we would never ask them to fund these projects unless there was no other way for us to do them - and unless we would continue our history of being good stewards of the money.
This week is only a three day work week - we're off to Disneyland on Thursday for four days. Originally scheduled off next Monday as well as a 'recuperation' day - but now the day is full of meetings so it's looking like I'll be working. We're excited about the trip - and hoping for improved weather.
It's 7:43 and I'm falling asleep sitting up. Bed matter what the clock says. Night!
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Of Night and Day
I came downstairs admittedly early this morning - even for me. 3:30AM. Yikes.... I have a full morning of meetings and still have to prep for those meetings. And I have massive things to accomplish this week and a full day meeting on Friday that shortens my week a bit. So there's much to do.
B. was on the couch in the family room watching TV - on the broken TV that needs $400 or so in repairs. It works but has the entire left side of the picture distorted with red vertical lines running through it. Some really expensive part required. It's only 6 years old. We're still debating. Probably buying a new TV. Or moving the one year old TV from upstairs down here and the kids can use their uncle's old TV for their video games. That's my preferred option because it doesn't involve any cash outflow. We'll see. So - back to the point of my story - B. was watching TV. He said 'what are you doing?'. I replied 'getting up - it's morning'. He finally got up and went to bed. I reminded him that when he's in the army this whole day is night and night is day thing won't work all that well - he'll be forced to sleep during the night like the rest of us. Which will be an adjustment for him since 3-4AM is his 'normal' bed time, especially on nights when he has no classes or work in the morning the next day. That won't always be the case.
It's election day and we're having a celebration tonight (hopefully). At the very least, we'll celebrate our considerable hard work in getting the measure on the ballot and campaigning for it the past few months. We're hopeful - but you never know. My boss confirmed I was planning to attend and I said I was - but I wasn't going to show up at 6....I'll wait and show up when the results start coming in around 8. So at this point, I'm seriously hoping to come home around 4ish and try to sleep an hour or so. I'll need it if I'm attempting to stay awake until 10 or 11 while the results come in.
The San Francisco Giants are the 2010 World Series Champions!! What an exciting, fun series. I really enjoyed it and admittedly, am not that big of a fan. But a Bay Area team being in the series ups the excitement factor considerably and it was fun getting insanely excited and happy when they won last night. It was really great....and from the postings on Facebook of friends in the city, apparently a tad noisy most of the night. Can't blame them - I was whooping it up pretty loudly - J. was impressed. I think next season, we'll try to attend a couple games. I still love the Oakland A's, but obviously, I'm a fair weather fan and rooting for any Bay Area team is always more fun than not rooting at all.
It's pitch black and cold outside. The dog is making 'yapping' noises in her sleep. Glad it's just a dream 'cuz I don't want to deal with her just yet. Too early for her 'routine'. Hoping I can get out of the house before getting her up is a 'must do'.
J. has one final day off today - cleaning out his closet is on his list. Wishing we had been able to be off together. Next weekend, we have a four day weekend and we're traipsing to Disneyland! I'm looking forward to it - except the part about sleeping in a hotel room with 3 guys. I will nap for sure just to keep my sleep deficit to a minimum.
B. was on the couch in the family room watching TV - on the broken TV that needs $400 or so in repairs. It works but has the entire left side of the picture distorted with red vertical lines running through it. Some really expensive part required. It's only 6 years old. We're still debating. Probably buying a new TV. Or moving the one year old TV from upstairs down here and the kids can use their uncle's old TV for their video games. That's my preferred option because it doesn't involve any cash outflow. We'll see. So - back to the point of my story - B. was watching TV. He said 'what are you doing?'. I replied 'getting up - it's morning'. He finally got up and went to bed. I reminded him that when he's in the army this whole day is night and night is day thing won't work all that well - he'll be forced to sleep during the night like the rest of us. Which will be an adjustment for him since 3-4AM is his 'normal' bed time, especially on nights when he has no classes or work in the morning the next day. That won't always be the case.
It's election day and we're having a celebration tonight (hopefully). At the very least, we'll celebrate our considerable hard work in getting the measure on the ballot and campaigning for it the past few months. We're hopeful - but you never know. My boss confirmed I was planning to attend and I said I was - but I wasn't going to show up at 6....I'll wait and show up when the results start coming in around 8. So at this point, I'm seriously hoping to come home around 4ish and try to sleep an hour or so. I'll need it if I'm attempting to stay awake until 10 or 11 while the results come in.
The San Francisco Giants are the 2010 World Series Champions!! What an exciting, fun series. I really enjoyed it and admittedly, am not that big of a fan. But a Bay Area team being in the series ups the excitement factor considerably and it was fun getting insanely excited and happy when they won last night. It was really great....and from the postings on Facebook of friends in the city, apparently a tad noisy most of the night. Can't blame them - I was whooping it up pretty loudly - J. was impressed. I think next season, we'll try to attend a couple games. I still love the Oakland A's, but obviously, I'm a fair weather fan and rooting for any Bay Area team is always more fun than not rooting at all.
It's pitch black and cold outside. The dog is making 'yapping' noises in her sleep. Glad it's just a dream 'cuz I don't want to deal with her just yet. Too early for her 'routine'. Hoping I can get out of the house before getting her up is a 'must do'.
J. has one final day off today - cleaning out his closet is on his list. Wishing we had been able to be off together. Next weekend, we have a four day weekend and we're traipsing to Disneyland! I'm looking forward to it - except the part about sleeping in a hotel room with 3 guys. I will nap for sure just to keep my sleep deficit to a minimum.
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...