Still practicing my Spanish....
Lived through the went by in a blur. Spurred along by missing two days of work for the flu episode. I am so far behind from THIS week that I haven't even gotten to how far behind I am from LAST I plan to 'dig in' and work this weekend. I will feel infinitely better if I just buckle down and get some stuff DONE over the weekend. Things are moving fast and furious these days there and it's all I can do to keep up. I don't feel badly about working this weekend - I feel kind of excited. Work is a high energy place these days and it's getting more and more 'fun' everyday. So I'm ok with working. I'll still manage to wedge in some free time - I need a hair cut and have to grocery shop, at the very least. Does that count as free time? It must...'cuz that's about all I'll be able to do.
I finally went to the Dr. last night - I was 'wedged in'. No firm diagnosis - but the bites on my leg still look bad (one week after they happened) and there is a 'new' rash that is now on BOTH feet and BOTH legs - and one leg doesn't have any bites, so it can't be the bites causing the weird rash. He sent me to the lab first thing this morning....8 tubes of blood later. When you travel to a foreign country, you get double the blood work for the same low price! (Sorry, I just can't resist a little sarcasm). I don't feel 'good'. I don't feel 'horrifically bad' anymore - but I don't feel we'll see if the blood work reveals any mysteries. I love my Dr. He's nice and he's thorough and he knows me and trusts me when I say 'I just don't feel right'. He believes me. That's a great trait for a Dr. to have.
School starts for H. in two weeks. And as expected, the 'no summer reading assignment' crap he's been feeding us all summer was dead wrong. Not sure when/how he found out - but there is indeed a summer reading assignment (which we were positive there was because that's part of the program he's in - every summer, except the summer after his Senior year) - and he has once again put it off to the bitter end. We are now 'torturing' him. Well, I'm torturing him. J. is going for the 'father congeniality award' and trying to 'work with him' on setting reasonable time frames, goals, etc. I say 'screw all that crap - the time for all that was IF he had known the assignment existed IN JUNE, not two weeks before school starts'. I'm doing what I typically do in these situations...I silently fume while I watch J. set H. up for a major implosion from his mother shortly. And it will happen. Until we totally put the screws to him and prohibit any and all social activities of any kind and restrict him to the house until it's done, he won't do it.... Two years of this crap with H. - and four years of this crap with his brother - has trained me well.....
I told H. yesterday 'you'd better cut the attitude buddy, 'cuz your dad is trying the 'setting reasonable goals approach. I think the best approach is to tell you that you are not leaving this house again until it's quit giving us attitude about it, read the directions and FOLLOW THEM and get with the program and do the work'. That shut him up.
I love (both) my job(s). The one I do for pay and the one I do for the sheer joy of being a mom.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The queasy stomach of yesterday was not 'post vacation stress syndrome' noon, I was in the bathroom more than at my desk. By 8PM, I was a disaster - aches, headache, and more running to the bathroom. That continued into the night - around midnight, I dosed myself with Imodium, taking the maximum dose in about an hour. Finally, sleep. And fever. And more trips to the bathroom.
Suffice it to say that we brought more home with us from Mexico than wonderful memories. B. has been sick since Monday morning and I followed shortly after. Perhaps what H. was sick with IN Mexico our last night there was more than just food poisoning....sure seems that way.
In recovery mode. I called in sick today (thus canceling three important meetings) that will now be rescheduled tomorrow - and I have a mandatory meeting at our county office of ed first thing in the am, too - that I really, truly should not miss.
Trying to eat something and then we'll see how that goes.....
Suffice it to say that we brought more home with us from Mexico than wonderful memories. B. has been sick since Monday morning and I followed shortly after. Perhaps what H. was sick with IN Mexico our last night there was more than just food poisoning....sure seems that way.
In recovery mode. I called in sick today (thus canceling three important meetings) that will now be rescheduled tomorrow - and I have a mandatory meeting at our county office of ed first thing in the am, too - that I really, truly should not miss.
Trying to eat something and then we'll see how that goes.....
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The only thing better than a vacation is coming home from a vacation.....sinking into bed last night - the soft, warm, luxurious bed - was the best thing ever! There's nothing like getting back into your own bed after a week of sleeping elsewhere!
It's a Sunday morning and we are commencing the typical long list of things to do after vacation, including grocery shopping, visit the bank, get my car washed, a haircut (I hope), etc. Wishing I had planned to take a few more days off to recover from my recovery - but alas, it is a busy week approaching and being out longer would not be advisable.
The cats have been scolding us since we got home - they were awaiting our arrival on the upstairs landing like they'd been sitting there for a week! The house sitter said she never saw Snow - and yet, there he was, sitting primly and properly awaiting our return. We obliged them with ear scratches and lots of petting. We pick up Chloe this afternoon -
J. is making pancakes and hash for breakfast! We're all starving since dinner was some kind of sandwich wrap on the airplane and it wasn't that great nor very filling.
It's great to be home.....but I'm missing the beach already. If it weren't for the 8 nasty looking mosquito bites on my right let (I'd post pictures of them but you would seriously think I've contracted some deadly disease - I have a strong allergic reaction to mosquitoes. It's bad....and poor B. has inherited that from me as well only he's bitten everywhere!), I wouldn't know I'd been anywhere....well, I am more tan than I've been in a long that counts for something.
It's a Sunday morning and we are commencing the typical long list of things to do after vacation, including grocery shopping, visit the bank, get my car washed, a haircut (I hope), etc. Wishing I had planned to take a few more days off to recover from my recovery - but alas, it is a busy week approaching and being out longer would not be advisable.
The cats have been scolding us since we got home - they were awaiting our arrival on the upstairs landing like they'd been sitting there for a week! The house sitter said she never saw Snow - and yet, there he was, sitting primly and properly awaiting our return. We obliged them with ear scratches and lots of petting. We pick up Chloe this afternoon -
J. is making pancakes and hash for breakfast! We're all starving since dinner was some kind of sandwich wrap on the airplane and it wasn't that great nor very filling.
It's great to be home.....but I'm missing the beach already. If it weren't for the 8 nasty looking mosquito bites on my right let (I'd post pictures of them but you would seriously think I've contracted some deadly disease - I have a strong allergic reaction to mosquitoes. It's bad....and poor B. has inherited that from me as well only he's bitten everywhere!), I wouldn't know I'd been anywhere....well, I am more tan than I've been in a long that counts for something.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Cafe au Lait
My one lone souvenir is a Starbucks mug with scenes of Playa del Carmen on it....cheezy, I know - but I do love my Starbucks mug.
My one teensy, weensy lone 'complaint' about this place is the coffee cups here are horrifically small. They are around 3-4 swallows each and that's just not enough! I've been missing my big mugs at home.
This morning, J. fixed coffee (as he's done every morning - it was brewing while he put a load of laundry in the washer....I know, I know. He's the best, isn't he??) and came over and reached into my Starbucks handle bag and pulled out my brand new giant mug and said 'you want coffee in your new mug this morning, right?' YOWZA - the thought had never occurred to me to take it out of the bag and unwrap the tissue and USE IT NOW!
So now I'm starting our last full day here with an appropriate serving of strong Mexican coffee!
It's going to be a beautiful day.....
My one teensy, weensy lone 'complaint' about this place is the coffee cups here are horrifically small. They are around 3-4 swallows each and that's just not enough! I've been missing my big mugs at home.
This morning, J. fixed coffee (as he's done every morning - it was brewing while he put a load of laundry in the washer....I know, I know. He's the best, isn't he??) and came over and reached into my Starbucks handle bag and pulled out my brand new giant mug and said 'you want coffee in your new mug this morning, right?' YOWZA - the thought had never occurred to me to take it out of the bag and unwrap the tissue and USE IT NOW!
So now I'm starting our last full day here with an appropriate serving of strong Mexican coffee!
It's going to be a beautiful day.....
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Miami Vice
This trip has been - by far - the best, most relaxing vacation we've had in a long, long time. It far exceeds either of our Hawaii trips. I've been trying to really understand why it feels that way - a beach is a beach is a beach, right? I don't know if it's being out of the country? It definitely feels more 'vacation-like' here since it is so obvious we are far from home. So many different languages being spoken; conversion rates for cash; finding the best 'deal' on ATM machines; having no rental car which makes exploring on foot mandatory and part of the fun. It's been so great - and we are having the best time. For me, this will be my favorite beach spot.
Partly, it's the accommodations. The condo is stunningly beautiful - one entire wall is glass and it looks out at the ocean. The floors are all travertine tile, as are all the bathroom walls. Two baths and 3 bedrooms give us plenty of room. This rental also has maid service - every other day, they change the beds, sweep and mop the floors, do the dishes, etc. They also make the most amazing 'sculptures' from the towels - and I know that's cheesy, but it's so much fun to see what they create from towels. Pictures coming soon. It feels so luxurious - and the maid service is terrific. Fresh towels and sheets every couple of days is such a luxury. We never had that at the Hawaii condos. The decor is beautiful but understated. In Hawaii, every condo had a surplus of palm-tree prints and/or fish themes. Here, it's just classic white with a touch of green. It's beautiful. Dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer and wireless internet. A doorman 24/7 who opens the gate for you as you enter or leave the complex. It just FEELS like this is supposed to be a break - and Hawaii never really felt like that for me....though I enjoyed our trips there.
We have splurged for some incredible dinners - and we had a full breakfast this morning...we try to eat one big meal per day and have stuff at home for the other two, typically. Today we had a nice breakfast out - and then a wonderful dinner. We spent $100 on food/drinks/supplies the first full day here and that has lasted us so far...for snacks and drinks and breakfast supplies. We had hot dogs yesterday for lunch and they were delicious - from the Mega Store deli in town.
Everything is an adventure here - we take cabs if we're going somewhere that's too far to walk. Technically, everything is within walking distance - but if we're going to the market for drinks, we take a cab 'cuz it's too much to carry home. If we had a 'shopping cart' with wheels (like we had in our days of condo living), we could manage - but we needed a cab to get us home after our initial trip. The Mega Mart was like a Walmart (and there's also a Walmart in town) but it's less expensive. And tons of fun - just to walk around and explore. Finding grated cheese for nachos was an adventure. The bakery is self-serve - like most panderia's, you select what you want with tongs and put them on a tray you carry around with you. When you're done, you go to the counter and they bag them and put the price on for you. Delicious! It was loads of fun....
I think this trip has given us a new perspective on 'beach-front' property as well. Sure, we'd love to own this condo - with it's spaciousness and beautiful view. But it probably sells for around $1.3 million and is way out of our price range. We've realized we'd love the view - but we don't need it. We could buy any condo here in town - and when the mood struck us to head to the beach, we'd head to the Kool Beach Club down the way - we found this club a couple days ago and it far surpasses the one right here. The chaises are more comfortable and the beach is white sand entirely - no rock. The food was excellent and they waited on us hand and foot. It was a lot of when we want to go to the beach, if we don't live ON the beach - we would just head to the beach club. It was 70 pesos each, for the day. It was worth every penny!
Tonight, we REALLY splurged and had the best dinner yet - they made the Caesar salad at our table - with 'raw' ingredients, including anchovies. H. and I each had the salad and it was divine. Then steak and lobster for me and H., a Maya chicken dish for J. and cheese enchiladas for B. And drinks. Lots of drinks. And we now have a new favorite cocktail - Miami Vice. 1/2 Strawberry Margarita and 1/2 Pina Colada. Heaven. Our two favorite drinks in the same glass!
Tomorrow is our last full day and we plan to spend it at the Kool Beach club. The boys want to do jet skis again - and I just want to enjoy the sun and surf and being waited on. We also have 1/2 day Saturday - I think if we 'play' until noon, we should be able to get packed up and ready for our shuttle by 2PM. And then it's off to the airport and the five hour flight home. I miss home. But I'll be sorry to leave here. It's been a wonderful week. I can't wait to come back....
Partly, it's the accommodations. The condo is stunningly beautiful - one entire wall is glass and it looks out at the ocean. The floors are all travertine tile, as are all the bathroom walls. Two baths and 3 bedrooms give us plenty of room. This rental also has maid service - every other day, they change the beds, sweep and mop the floors, do the dishes, etc. They also make the most amazing 'sculptures' from the towels - and I know that's cheesy, but it's so much fun to see what they create from towels. Pictures coming soon. It feels so luxurious - and the maid service is terrific. Fresh towels and sheets every couple of days is such a luxury. We never had that at the Hawaii condos. The decor is beautiful but understated. In Hawaii, every condo had a surplus of palm-tree prints and/or fish themes. Here, it's just classic white with a touch of green. It's beautiful. Dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer and wireless internet. A doorman 24/7 who opens the gate for you as you enter or leave the complex. It just FEELS like this is supposed to be a break - and Hawaii never really felt like that for me....though I enjoyed our trips there.
We have splurged for some incredible dinners - and we had a full breakfast this morning...we try to eat one big meal per day and have stuff at home for the other two, typically. Today we had a nice breakfast out - and then a wonderful dinner. We spent $100 on food/drinks/supplies the first full day here and that has lasted us so far...for snacks and drinks and breakfast supplies. We had hot dogs yesterday for lunch and they were delicious - from the Mega Store deli in town.
Everything is an adventure here - we take cabs if we're going somewhere that's too far to walk. Technically, everything is within walking distance - but if we're going to the market for drinks, we take a cab 'cuz it's too much to carry home. If we had a 'shopping cart' with wheels (like we had in our days of condo living), we could manage - but we needed a cab to get us home after our initial trip. The Mega Mart was like a Walmart (and there's also a Walmart in town) but it's less expensive. And tons of fun - just to walk around and explore. Finding grated cheese for nachos was an adventure. The bakery is self-serve - like most panderia's, you select what you want with tongs and put them on a tray you carry around with you. When you're done, you go to the counter and they bag them and put the price on for you. Delicious! It was loads of fun....
I think this trip has given us a new perspective on 'beach-front' property as well. Sure, we'd love to own this condo - with it's spaciousness and beautiful view. But it probably sells for around $1.3 million and is way out of our price range. We've realized we'd love the view - but we don't need it. We could buy any condo here in town - and when the mood struck us to head to the beach, we'd head to the Kool Beach Club down the way - we found this club a couple days ago and it far surpasses the one right here. The chaises are more comfortable and the beach is white sand entirely - no rock. The food was excellent and they waited on us hand and foot. It was a lot of when we want to go to the beach, if we don't live ON the beach - we would just head to the beach club. It was 70 pesos each, for the day. It was worth every penny!
Tonight, we REALLY splurged and had the best dinner yet - they made the Caesar salad at our table - with 'raw' ingredients, including anchovies. H. and I each had the salad and it was divine. Then steak and lobster for me and H., a Maya chicken dish for J. and cheese enchiladas for B. And drinks. Lots of drinks. And we now have a new favorite cocktail - Miami Vice. 1/2 Strawberry Margarita and 1/2 Pina Colada. Heaven. Our two favorite drinks in the same glass!
Tomorrow is our last full day and we plan to spend it at the Kool Beach club. The boys want to do jet skis again - and I just want to enjoy the sun and surf and being waited on. We also have 1/2 day Saturday - I think if we 'play' until noon, we should be able to get packed up and ready for our shuttle by 2PM. And then it's off to the airport and the five hour flight home. I miss home. But I'll be sorry to leave here. It's been a wonderful week. I can't wait to come back....
Monday, July 20, 2009
We are here and getting into an easy pattern....
J. and I get up between 7 and 8. Have coffee. Read....check the internet. Tidy up the place. Head down to the beach where we rent these incredible 'beach beds'. They're supposed to be $9 US each day but we've made friends with Jose who only charges us 50 pesos per day - so we get three beds for the day for around $10 US. We hang out under the shady umbrella, getting up and heading into the ocean when we need to cool off. We buy the occasional soda ....well, OK - I'll confess. I had a beer before 10AM this morning. It was good. J. had a virgin Bloody Mary. THEN we ordered sodas. And then a pina colada and a margarita - the margarita was for B. who thinks ordering drinks on the beach as an 'adult' is pretty cool. So are the topless girls sunning within 5 feet of us.
The boys awaken whenever - yesterday, they slept until 1PM but in their defense, they did not sleep much on Friday night at all, nor on the plane en route. So they were truly 'over-tired'. Today, they were up and down at the beach by noonish - B. wanted to go shopping. H. and I hung at the beach together - time with him alone is fun. He's a nice young man when he's not under the influence of his sibling, his friends or parents who are feeling the need to quiz him about his comings and goings constantly.
I finished Book 3 of the Twilight Series on the plane and am now very close to finishing Book 4 and it is FANTASTIC. I don't want it to ever end, but we found Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on the bookshelf here and I'd like to read it more closely to recall/compare the book to the movie.
We're having a great time. It is 90% humidity most of the time, with the temp in the high 90's as well - but we seem to be adapting. The first day we were pretty miserable but now we're all managing fine. I think staying wet when possible is a big help.
Tonight, we'll meander into 'town' (2 blocks from the condo) and find a place to eat.
And just to make this truly a 'perfect' vacation, this little town has not one, but TWO Starbucks. Yes, it's possible this is heaven.
We have no firm plans, no need for any and after 5+ hours in the sun today, I'm ready for a long nap....
Hasta pronto.
PS - since I'm in Mexico, spell check isn't working. Google, Blogger, etc. are all in Spanish - and apparently it doesn't know what language I'm typing so it won't spell check. So apologies in advance for mis-spellings. Blame it on the heat - not on the pina colada.
J. and I get up between 7 and 8. Have coffee. Read....check the internet. Tidy up the place. Head down to the beach where we rent these incredible 'beach beds'. They're supposed to be $9 US each day but we've made friends with Jose who only charges us 50 pesos per day - so we get three beds for the day for around $10 US. We hang out under the shady umbrella, getting up and heading into the ocean when we need to cool off. We buy the occasional soda ....well, OK - I'll confess. I had a beer before 10AM this morning. It was good. J. had a virgin Bloody Mary. THEN we ordered sodas. And then a pina colada and a margarita - the margarita was for B. who thinks ordering drinks on the beach as an 'adult' is pretty cool. So are the topless girls sunning within 5 feet of us.
The boys awaken whenever - yesterday, they slept until 1PM but in their defense, they did not sleep much on Friday night at all, nor on the plane en route. So they were truly 'over-tired'. Today, they were up and down at the beach by noonish - B. wanted to go shopping. H. and I hung at the beach together - time with him alone is fun. He's a nice young man when he's not under the influence of his sibling, his friends or parents who are feeling the need to quiz him about his comings and goings constantly.
I finished Book 3 of the Twilight Series on the plane and am now very close to finishing Book 4 and it is FANTASTIC. I don't want it to ever end, but we found Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on the bookshelf here and I'd like to read it more closely to recall/compare the book to the movie.
We're having a great time. It is 90% humidity most of the time, with the temp in the high 90's as well - but we seem to be adapting. The first day we were pretty miserable but now we're all managing fine. I think staying wet when possible is a big help.
Tonight, we'll meander into 'town' (2 blocks from the condo) and find a place to eat.
And just to make this truly a 'perfect' vacation, this little town has not one, but TWO Starbucks. Yes, it's possible this is heaven.
We have no firm plans, no need for any and after 5+ hours in the sun today, I'm ready for a long nap....
Hasta pronto.
PS - since I'm in Mexico, spell check isn't working. Google, Blogger, etc. are all in Spanish - and apparently it doesn't know what language I'm typing so it won't spell check. So apologies in advance for mis-spellings. Blame it on the heat - not on the pina colada.
Friday, July 17, 2009
One of the games I'm playing these days is called 'Virtual Family''s like Virtual Villagers, only it's just one family. It's amusing, though not very fast paced...
When the mom and dad 'try to make a baby', it cracks me up every time. The guy quickly walks to the foot of the bed and does a 'dance of joy' while the woman goes to the nightstand and retrieves a rose. He then moves to the side of the bed - she moves to the foot of the bed. She tosses rose petals on the bed, creating a mood. Sometimes, they actually jump up on the bed together - but usually, he's there first. In fact, he's often on the bed before she's anywhere close to being on the bed And he usually finishes - standing there with his arms wrapped around nothing ('cuz she's not there yet) and then he finishes and gets off the bed. She finally gets on the bed and you hear a kissing sound - and she stands there. He often finishes before she's even begun. The reality of that - since that's how men and women are often wired - is not something I think the creators of the game planned, but it sure is 'virtual reality', now, isn't it? Speaking as a woman, of course. It's just so 'accurate' in it's portrayal - the guy dances for joy at the thought of sex and the woman works hard at creating the mood. And they are not always at the same place at the same time. It's funny.
This is my 10th family - and I had twins the very first time I played. And today, finally - I had triplets!! All boys.
We are packing frantically and attempting to get stuff wrapped up. B. is in vacation mode and was THRILLED to find out today that he is being paid for his week off - he picked up two checks this week. That's terrific and completely unexpected! For a part time job, it's not bad.
We are looking forward to being there and starting to enjoy the beach. It's just the getting there that's hard.
And in between doing 'stuff', I keep checking on my family. With three little boys running around, that mom is going to need all the help she can get!
When the mom and dad 'try to make a baby', it cracks me up every time. The guy quickly walks to the foot of the bed and does a 'dance of joy' while the woman goes to the nightstand and retrieves a rose. He then moves to the side of the bed - she moves to the foot of the bed. She tosses rose petals on the bed, creating a mood. Sometimes, they actually jump up on the bed together - but usually, he's there first. In fact, he's often on the bed before she's anywhere close to being on the bed And he usually finishes - standing there with his arms wrapped around nothing ('cuz she's not there yet) and then he finishes and gets off the bed. She finally gets on the bed and you hear a kissing sound - and she stands there. He often finishes before she's even begun. The reality of that - since that's how men and women are often wired - is not something I think the creators of the game planned, but it sure is 'virtual reality', now, isn't it? Speaking as a woman, of course. It's just so 'accurate' in it's portrayal - the guy dances for joy at the thought of sex and the woman works hard at creating the mood. And they are not always at the same place at the same time. It's funny.
This is my 10th family - and I had twins the very first time I played. And today, finally - I had triplets!! All boys.
We are packing frantically and attempting to get stuff wrapped up. B. is in vacation mode and was THRILLED to find out today that he is being paid for his week off - he picked up two checks this week. That's terrific and completely unexpected! For a part time job, it's not bad.
We are looking forward to being there and starting to enjoy the beach. It's just the getting there that's hard.
And in between doing 'stuff', I keep checking on my family. With three little boys running around, that mom is going to need all the help she can get!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tape Over
This cracks me up....not because it's at all funny, but because I've been there.
NASA taped over the original moon landing.....they have 'restored' a video of the event by using outside sources to secure the video. So they have 'something' but not the original event on tape.
I can relate.
I was a Catholic when J. and I met. And one of my most prized possessions was a VCR tape of the visit the Pope (sorry - I don't know which Pope and I'm too lazy to look it up right now - it was in the mid-80's). I actually had the opportunity to go to the mass in San Francisco when he visited here - but I was a new Catholic and sort of said 'well, thanks - but I'll just go the next time he comes'. Yes, I gave up the chance to go to mass being given by THE Pope. I was naive. And brainwashed...sort of. Anyway, I passed up the chance to attend but I taped the event. I carefully labeled the tape 'Pope [insert Pope's name here] Visit' and kept it with my other tapes.
Fast forward to moving in with my future husband - I know, you're gasping at the thought thinking 'what good Catholic girl would live in sin before marriage' - I did.....though I was moving toward the 'lapsed Catholic'.
He used my Pope tape to tape something. Probably golf. I don't really remember what was taped over it. But I know that I was really upset about it. We had just had a discussion (issue) about how 'if tapes were labeled, we'd know what we have and wouldn't tape over them' - I think that conversation centered around him taping over a soap opera or something. But then, he went and grabbed another tape - a clearly labeled 'The Pope' tape - and taped over it. Oh, the discussions that ensued. 'What good does it do for me to try to label things if you're not going to pay any attention anyway? It was THE POPE, for crying out loud!' or 'you get on me about labeling things. And then YOU REACH INTO THE STACK OF TAPES, PULL OUT A CLEARLY LABELED TAPE AND USE IT. What is wrong with you?' It was a 'bad' day or two in our happy home.
It's one of our family legends. So tonight, J. turned to me and said 'hey, honey, NASA pulled a J. - they taped over the first walk on the moon. Like when I taped over The Pope'.
And close to 20 years later, it's funny. Sort of. Though it still sort of bugs me.....slightly. Thankfully, my loyalty to the Catholic Church went out the window shortly after the Pope's it's less significant than it was at the time.
NASA taped over the original moon landing.....they have 'restored' a video of the event by using outside sources to secure the video. So they have 'something' but not the original event on tape.
I can relate.
I was a Catholic when J. and I met. And one of my most prized possessions was a VCR tape of the visit the Pope (sorry - I don't know which Pope and I'm too lazy to look it up right now - it was in the mid-80's). I actually had the opportunity to go to the mass in San Francisco when he visited here - but I was a new Catholic and sort of said 'well, thanks - but I'll just go the next time he comes'. Yes, I gave up the chance to go to mass being given by THE Pope. I was naive. And brainwashed...sort of. Anyway, I passed up the chance to attend but I taped the event. I carefully labeled the tape 'Pope [insert Pope's name here] Visit' and kept it with my other tapes.
Fast forward to moving in with my future husband - I know, you're gasping at the thought thinking 'what good Catholic girl would live in sin before marriage' - I did.....though I was moving toward the 'lapsed Catholic'.
He used my Pope tape to tape something. Probably golf. I don't really remember what was taped over it. But I know that I was really upset about it. We had just had a discussion (issue) about how 'if tapes were labeled, we'd know what we have and wouldn't tape over them' - I think that conversation centered around him taping over a soap opera or something. But then, he went and grabbed another tape - a clearly labeled 'The Pope' tape - and taped over it. Oh, the discussions that ensued. 'What good does it do for me to try to label things if you're not going to pay any attention anyway? It was THE POPE, for crying out loud!' or 'you get on me about labeling things. And then YOU REACH INTO THE STACK OF TAPES, PULL OUT A CLEARLY LABELED TAPE AND USE IT. What is wrong with you?' It was a 'bad' day or two in our happy home.
It's one of our family legends. So tonight, J. turned to me and said 'hey, honey, NASA pulled a J. - they taped over the first walk on the moon. Like when I taped over The Pope'.
And close to 20 years later, it's funny. Sort of. Though it still sort of bugs me.....slightly. Thankfully, my loyalty to the Catholic Church went out the window shortly after the Pope's it's less significant than it was at the time.
The Half Blood Prince
I was to work only a half day today. Just half. I knew going in that would be a challenge, since I was in before everyone else and should have left around 11ish (to be at a 4 hour point)...but I had an 11AM meeting and then we all decided to have take out Chinese for lunch. It was a fun lunch and it's been so great to have a sup who just initiates these casual, informal get togethers. He invited me and my co-worker to lunch with him on Tuesday - again, totally impromptu and unexpected....and a great mid-day break. We had another great lunch together - with all district staff there. It was a lot of fun.
I finally got home after 3 and decided to take the boys to the movies. Thankfully, they were up for it and available - yet another convergence in a week of convergences. We saw Harry Potter - and now know why my niece (in Los Angeles) had posted on her Facebook page 'it is the best and the worst HP movie yet'. She was exactly right about that. I will see it again - at least a couple times, I hope - in the theatres. It was brilliant. Absolutely a blast from start to finish and never dragged. It was funny.....and sad.....and powerful. Loved it. Go see it. You won't regret it. Unless you've never seen any of them OR read the books, in which case, rent the first five movies first and then go see it.
I ran a couple errands and am home now - approaching 9PM. Thinking I'll head up to bed and then get up 'late' - let myself sleep in for an extra hour or so. I was supposed to attend a 1/2 day meeting tomorrow but it was (thankfully) cancelled - which is why I didn't feel badly about working a full day today. And I'm done and feel 'ok' about what I left undone. Nothing earth shattering and it will all keep for another week. That's a good feeling. My office was tidy, and clean and in order. I could get used to that.
Now, to accomplish the same for the house. I have gotten the boys 'on board' with helping tomorrow and J. is off as well - so we will spend the day preparing for the
In 48 hours, we'll be on the beach, sipping something cold and refreshing. Enjoying fish tacos and good tortillas, etc. Can't wait....
I finally got home after 3 and decided to take the boys to the movies. Thankfully, they were up for it and available - yet another convergence in a week of convergences. We saw Harry Potter - and now know why my niece (in Los Angeles) had posted on her Facebook page 'it is the best and the worst HP movie yet'. She was exactly right about that. I will see it again - at least a couple times, I hope - in the theatres. It was brilliant. Absolutely a blast from start to finish and never dragged. It was funny.....and sad.....and powerful. Loved it. Go see it. You won't regret it. Unless you've never seen any of them OR read the books, in which case, rent the first five movies first and then go see it.
I ran a couple errands and am home now - approaching 9PM. Thinking I'll head up to bed and then get up 'late' - let myself sleep in for an extra hour or so. I was supposed to attend a 1/2 day meeting tomorrow but it was (thankfully) cancelled - which is why I didn't feel badly about working a full day today. And I'm done and feel 'ok' about what I left undone. Nothing earth shattering and it will all keep for another week. That's a good feeling. My office was tidy, and clean and in order. I could get used to that.
Now, to accomplish the same for the house. I have gotten the boys 'on board' with helping tomorrow and J. is off as well - so we will spend the day preparing for the
In 48 hours, we'll be on the beach, sipping something cold and refreshing. Enjoying fish tacos and good tortillas, etc. Can't wait....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Status thus far today:
- No Harry Potter. Decided a good night's sleep trumped my obsession with all things wizardly. He will have to wait for our first weekend at home.
- Our freezer started a strange 'dripping' sound last night - we resolved it by shutting off the ice maker. No time for repair at this point. I don't think dripping water (since it's got a water and ice dispenser in the door and is 'plumbed' in the wall to provide the water) is something to ignore. Nervous about it but we will check on it tonight and hope it's OK.
- My computer is freezing. It has been hugely slow lately and the warning that's popping up says my 'C' drive is full. That is an understatement. Once again the 'oh, this computer has all the space you will ever need' is biting me in the butt. Will attempt to remove/compress as much as possible - but did I mention how that 'task' is so NOT on my 'list of zillions of things to do before getting on an airplane and leaving the country for a week'??
- The person we had planned to take care of the cats and bird while we are gone has not responded to multiple messages we have left on their phone. Freaking out is where I'm at. I'm fine with all the outdoor plants dying if that's what has to happen - but dead animals is not OK. I don't know what we're going to do but I will be calling someone shortly and begging for them to be my 'backup' plan. I don't know what else to do....I'm desperate.
- Have not packed, tidied or any of the other zillions of things I should be doing.
- I have been 'nesting' at work like crazy - cleaning out files, binders, etc. Like home, I'm doing something that needs to be done - but shouldn't really be my highest priority. I can't help it. Something about 'leaving' for a week makes me want to tidy and organize more than 'do' things. I've been there 11 hours each day all week and will be again today and tomorrow - and what's even MORE wrong with that is that I'm supposed to be off tomorrow! We'll see. On a good note, my office is looking pretty darn good, all things considered.....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I am absolutely dying to go to Harry Potter at 12:05AM tomorrow morning (just under 3 hours from now) but the odds of getting a ticket at this point are slim. It's probably better to just wait until we get home from Cancun and go in a couple weeks. The crowds will be tapering off a bit by then....
But I so can't wait to see the's hard to resist. Who planned this trip the week the movie's in theaters after waiting TWO YEARS?
Oh...yeah...that was me. Guess at the time it didn't seem bad that we would be waiting at least two weeks to see it...but now that the debut is upon me, it sucks. I can't wait to see it!! It's making me wish I had tried to extend my vacation by a day or two so I could spend a day going to see it a couple times in a row!
I'm obsessed. Don't say I didn't warn you 'cuz there will be a repeat when New Moon comes out in the fall.
I'm not that into movies, but when I'm into a movie, I am REALLY into it.
But I so can't wait to see the's hard to resist. Who planned this trip the week the movie's in theaters after waiting TWO YEARS?
Oh...yeah...that was me. Guess at the time it didn't seem bad that we would be waiting at least two weeks to see it...but now that the debut is upon me, it sucks. I can't wait to see it!! It's making me wish I had tried to extend my vacation by a day or two so I could spend a day going to see it a couple times in a row!
I'm obsessed. Don't say I didn't warn you 'cuz there will be a repeat when New Moon comes out in the fall.
I'm not that into movies, but when I'm into a movie, I am REALLY into it.
It is 6:45AM and the TV is on and we (and I use the term 'we' loosely in this context) are watching the Sotomayor hearings.
It's going to be a long day......
It's going to be a long day......
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Two carloads of cousins arrived around 5:45 last night - 10 in all. Two sets of parents (one single) and 7 kids combined, ranging in age from 25 to 3 [kids only - not disclosing the parent's ages though they are 'close' to my age for the most part] led to a fun evening. Swimming, warming up in the hot tub, eating, laughing, playing Wii, etc. It was a fun-filled evening and I ended up feeling really glad we decided to have them here instead of meeting at a restaurant. We had a lot of fun and it made us wish (as it always does) that we lived closer. We're going to try to plan a trip down their way (So. Cal) next Spring/Summer. It was a fun time. Chloe especially enjoyed herself....we opened her 'gate' as soon as we heard the cars arrive and she greeted everyone with just a couple quick barks - and after that, she enjoyed herself immensely. Hung out with all of us outside, shadowing me and J. when needed. She had a blast. She especially enjoyed cleaning up after people and probably got a total of two hot dogs and various other 'crumbs' and treats by sniffing around all evening. The only thing she didn't particularly care for was being pursued by the 3 year old - and I couldn't blame her for that. She did very well and was completely and totally exhausted. We didn't get to bed until close to midnight and J. and I both slept in until 9ish! We were pooped! Good thing J. woke up a bit ahead of me, 'cuz we'd taken the pool sweep out (the 3 year old cousin kept insisting it was a snake and wouldn't go anywhere near the pool if the sweep was still in there) and had forgotten to put the sweep back in. The propulsion hose was spewing water all over the patio - good thing we don't have a drainage problem.
We're starting to get prepared for our trip. Finding rash guards; locating water shoes; rinsing off fins/snorkels/masks and getting them dried off and ready to pack. Attempting to avoid last minute frantic-ness as best we can. We're getting pretty good at beach vacations - and I already know what I'm taking re: clothes (minimal) and bought travel laundry detergent to know that I can wash anything I need. I'm determined to not over pack, especially since the airline we are on now charges for EVERY bag checked. No free baggage. Thankfully, J. is leaving golf clubs at home this time. Why haul them? There is a golf course near our rented condo and they will rent clubs if he decides to play.
It's approaching 1PM already - and I'm truly needing a nap today. Walking all four school campuses yesterday in the heat of the morning (it was HOT) pretty much zapped me, it seems. Hopefully, a nap will help. I have been productive this morning, while watching the Harry Potter movie marathon on ABC Family channel. Can't wait for Wednesday's release of the new movie and hoping to get out to see it Wednesday evening - though it may need to wait until we return from Mexico. Probably that's the most likely scenario....but I sure would love to see it Weds. or Thurs. before we leave.
We're starting to get prepared for our trip. Finding rash guards; locating water shoes; rinsing off fins/snorkels/masks and getting them dried off and ready to pack. Attempting to avoid last minute frantic-ness as best we can. We're getting pretty good at beach vacations - and I already know what I'm taking re: clothes (minimal) and bought travel laundry detergent to know that I can wash anything I need. I'm determined to not over pack, especially since the airline we are on now charges for EVERY bag checked. No free baggage. Thankfully, J. is leaving golf clubs at home this time. Why haul them? There is a golf course near our rented condo and they will rent clubs if he decides to play.
It's approaching 1PM already - and I'm truly needing a nap today. Walking all four school campuses yesterday in the heat of the morning (it was HOT) pretty much zapped me, it seems. Hopefully, a nap will help. I have been productive this morning, while watching the Harry Potter movie marathon on ABC Family channel. Can't wait for Wednesday's release of the new movie and hoping to get out to see it Wednesday evening - though it may need to wait until we return from Mexico. Probably that's the most likely scenario....but I sure would love to see it Weds. or Thurs. before we leave.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Jon & Sherry
There is an update on Jon & Sherry Rivers on the KLove website - link on the right side of the home page. Jon has been addicted to prescription pain medication and apparently, the 'abrupt' departure was Sherry's method of getting Jon to a treatment facility. I am so grateful they updated, since the departure left many loyal KLove listeners stunned and saddened and disappointed. Jon is on the road to recovery and while there is no mention of a return to KLove, who knows what God has in store for the family. At least the truth is out and all the crazy rumors can stop. I will feel better when I mail off our monthly donation - I now 'see' why it was sudden but I still have felt 'resentful' towards KLove since they left. My mistake and while I didn't let those feelings stop me from sticking with our monthly financial pledge to their ministry, I scold myself today for thinking badly of KLove. It all makes 'sense' now and thankfully, Jon is in recovery and their family is doing well. Thank you, God.
No updates this week 'cuz it's been a busy week. New boss = lots to do. My 'to do' list grows everyday with things he wants more info about; things he wants to talk about; things he wants to change. Today, we're walking all of our sites and listing all the things he wants done in the facilities area. It will be a fun morning. Hoping for reasonably cool temperatures, so I don't wilt into a puddle in front of him. We've been blessed by reasonably mild temps (all things considered) and hoping that holds true this morning as well.
We have family stopping by on their way home from Oregon to So. California - we will meet them for dinner somewhere close by and visit a bit. It is always lots of fun to see them and we look forward to their vacation stopovers.
No plans this weekend - though I might decide to go into the office for a bit to do some organizational things - leaving the county next weekend has thrown me into my frantic 'cleaning the baseboards' mode and that is true at work as well. I told my assistant yesterday 'before I leave on Wednesday (or it may actually be Thursday now depending on what I get done at work between now and then), I will point to the 'critical pile' on my desk so you'll know where to start in the unlikely event I don't return from Mexico'. She laughed....since I've been sharing with her my 'worries' regarding international travel by air. The tragedy with the French plane lost in the ocean certainly didn't help that phobia, now did it? All will be well....and my stacks will be in order. Relatively speaking.
I'm ready to head out the door. Meetings all morning (including one BEFORE the marathon walk around our campuses) and plenty to do.
More updates later (including a couple pictures, possibly)....I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seats!
Thanks for checking in -
No updates this week 'cuz it's been a busy week. New boss = lots to do. My 'to do' list grows everyday with things he wants more info about; things he wants to talk about; things he wants to change. Today, we're walking all of our sites and listing all the things he wants done in the facilities area. It will be a fun morning. Hoping for reasonably cool temperatures, so I don't wilt into a puddle in front of him. We've been blessed by reasonably mild temps (all things considered) and hoping that holds true this morning as well.
We have family stopping by on their way home from Oregon to So. California - we will meet them for dinner somewhere close by and visit a bit. It is always lots of fun to see them and we look forward to their vacation stopovers.
No plans this weekend - though I might decide to go into the office for a bit to do some organizational things - leaving the county next weekend has thrown me into my frantic 'cleaning the baseboards' mode and that is true at work as well. I told my assistant yesterday 'before I leave on Wednesday (or it may actually be Thursday now depending on what I get done at work between now and then), I will point to the 'critical pile' on my desk so you'll know where to start in the unlikely event I don't return from Mexico'. She laughed....since I've been sharing with her my 'worries' regarding international travel by air. The tragedy with the French plane lost in the ocean certainly didn't help that phobia, now did it? All will be well....and my stacks will be in order. Relatively speaking.
I'm ready to head out the door. Meetings all morning (including one BEFORE the marathon walk around our campuses) and plenty to do.
More updates later (including a couple pictures, possibly)....I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seats!
Thanks for checking in -
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Big Fish Games has been down all weekend - a fire in the building in Seattle where their servers are located caused a two day outage. Withdrawal started early yesterday morning when I had to have my morning coffee without my usual dose of Riddle of the Day and Farm 51. By mid-morning, I found additional info explaining that while we were all hoping the outage was because they were getting ready to roll out their new game site (including a new Farm 52 game which I cannot wait for!), the outage was due to the fire and there was no ETA on when the site would be back up.
So, I got busy. Yesterday, J. and I did a healthy dose of 'gardening in the pool' - pulling weeds, etc. while taking frequent dips in the pool to stay cool. I also made Monkey Bread for breakfast and a triple batch of brownies. It was a fun day and I felt like I got a lot done - and had sore muscles today to prove it!
The site was down again today so I cooked some more. Made home-made tomato sauce using our garden tomatoes. Turned out pretty good - simmered chopped tomatoes with some spices and a bit of garlic. Only thing was: I used a lot of tomatoes (about 10, I think - though our tomatoes are pretty small) and ended up with about a cup of sauce. So it will take A LOT of tomatoes to make enough sauce for a meal for four. Still, it was fun to try it and I will use the sauce on some pasta for lunch or dinner tomorrow for me and J. - which will be fine 'cuz it's usually just us these days anyway. Then, I went to the store to pick up 'supplies' for our 4th of July BBQ - hamburgers, baked beans, home made vanilla ice cream and home made blackberry cobbler. All was delicious and we have plenty of ice cream and cobbler for tomorrow.
I also pulled out all the family room furniture, etc. away from the walls and cleaned and vacuumed. Cleaned out the track of the sliding doors and then re-lubed the tracks. Did several loads of dishes ('cuz cooking from scratch uses a lot of bowls, etc.).
J. and H. used the 14 foot ladder and cleaned the cobwebs and window sills off on the upper floor windows in the living room - finally!
There are fireworks going off in the house behind us and it really pisses me off, since they're illegal. Makes me worry about fire.... [J. just said 'you're tired, honey'. Because this sentence was originally written as 'their our'. Yikes. I'd like to think it's 'cuz I'm tired but I'm pretty sure it's 'cuz I'm getting old].
B. had a really hard day at work yesterday - but he held it together and talked to his bosses today about another employee that's been hassling him. His instinct was to quit but J. did a good job talking him through the initial reaction part and B. held it together....he had a much better day today and is showering now to head out for some time with friends. On a good note, he worked a full 8 hour shift today and it's holiday pay! And he's getting around 20-24 hours per week these days which is good. Allowing him to have his spending money (the kid has a hefty discretionary budget these days) and still put some money in savings for future expenses.
I'm looking forward to Monday - our new superintendent's first official day. We are welcoming him with a breakfast - I'm bringing the latte machine and making lattes. It will be a nice way to start the week - and I'm really looking forward to him being here officially, full time! He's going to be terrific! and we are all really excited to have this change. It's the right time for it.
Cancun is two weeks from today! I'm starting to make our packing lists and shopping lists...and lists of things to get done around the house.
J. is really excited about the trip to Vegas - we are already really looking forward to it. He's promised that we can do something for my 50th - which would be great if we can afford it. He suggested Vegas again and I said 'well, maybe Disneyland?'. We'll see. Anywhere the two of us go is fun so I'm up for anything.
I think the weekend of 'no games' was good for me. I feel like I accomplished a lot - and I still have tomorrow 'left'. It's been a nice, relaxing week off. I feel ready to dig back into work. And ready to work around here more tomorrow. The weather is perfect for more 'in the pool' gardening! And there's more tomatoes ready for sauce making.
So, I got busy. Yesterday, J. and I did a healthy dose of 'gardening in the pool' - pulling weeds, etc. while taking frequent dips in the pool to stay cool. I also made Monkey Bread for breakfast and a triple batch of brownies. It was a fun day and I felt like I got a lot done - and had sore muscles today to prove it!
The site was down again today so I cooked some more. Made home-made tomato sauce using our garden tomatoes. Turned out pretty good - simmered chopped tomatoes with some spices and a bit of garlic. Only thing was: I used a lot of tomatoes (about 10, I think - though our tomatoes are pretty small) and ended up with about a cup of sauce. So it will take A LOT of tomatoes to make enough sauce for a meal for four. Still, it was fun to try it and I will use the sauce on some pasta for lunch or dinner tomorrow for me and J. - which will be fine 'cuz it's usually just us these days anyway. Then, I went to the store to pick up 'supplies' for our 4th of July BBQ - hamburgers, baked beans, home made vanilla ice cream and home made blackberry cobbler. All was delicious and we have plenty of ice cream and cobbler for tomorrow.
I also pulled out all the family room furniture, etc. away from the walls and cleaned and vacuumed. Cleaned out the track of the sliding doors and then re-lubed the tracks. Did several loads of dishes ('cuz cooking from scratch uses a lot of bowls, etc.).
J. and H. used the 14 foot ladder and cleaned the cobwebs and window sills off on the upper floor windows in the living room - finally!
There are fireworks going off in the house behind us and it really pisses me off, since they're illegal. Makes me worry about fire.... [J. just said 'you're tired, honey'. Because this sentence was originally written as 'their our'. Yikes. I'd like to think it's 'cuz I'm tired but I'm pretty sure it's 'cuz I'm getting old].
B. had a really hard day at work yesterday - but he held it together and talked to his bosses today about another employee that's been hassling him. His instinct was to quit but J. did a good job talking him through the initial reaction part and B. held it together....he had a much better day today and is showering now to head out for some time with friends. On a good note, he worked a full 8 hour shift today and it's holiday pay! And he's getting around 20-24 hours per week these days which is good. Allowing him to have his spending money (the kid has a hefty discretionary budget these days) and still put some money in savings for future expenses.
I'm looking forward to Monday - our new superintendent's first official day. We are welcoming him with a breakfast - I'm bringing the latte machine and making lattes. It will be a nice way to start the week - and I'm really looking forward to him being here officially, full time! He's going to be terrific! and we are all really excited to have this change. It's the right time for it.
Cancun is two weeks from today! I'm starting to make our packing lists and shopping lists...and lists of things to get done around the house.
J. is really excited about the trip to Vegas - we are already really looking forward to it. He's promised that we can do something for my 50th - which would be great if we can afford it. He suggested Vegas again and I said 'well, maybe Disneyland?'. We'll see. Anywhere the two of us go is fun so I'm up for anything.
I think the weekend of 'no games' was good for me. I feel like I accomplished a lot - and I still have tomorrow 'left'. It's been a nice, relaxing week off. I feel ready to dig back into work. And ready to work around here more tomorrow. The weather is perfect for more 'in the pool' gardening! And there's more tomatoes ready for sauce making.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Vegas, Baby!
My husband is turning the big six-zero in September. Seemed like it would be 'time' to hold some sort of 'special' celebration.
I asked him to choose: a party with friends and family OR being kidnapped by his wife for a weekend in Vegas.
He chose Vegas, baby! So happy about that 'cuz I'd much rather spend more than we should on a weekend ALONE in a luxurious hotel (Bellagio!) than on food/beverages, etc. We're truly just not 'party people'.
So three nights in will be a birthday to remember! And the first time we will have ever left the kids at home alone overnight. EVER. It's there's still time to beef up security and arrange for 'house checks' periodically. Pays to have good neighbors and lots of friends nearby.
H. already asked if he could have a party. That's a no. Big no.
I asked him to choose: a party with friends and family OR being kidnapped by his wife for a weekend in Vegas.
He chose Vegas, baby! So happy about that 'cuz I'd much rather spend more than we should on a weekend ALONE in a luxurious hotel (Bellagio!) than on food/beverages, etc. We're truly just not 'party people'.
So three nights in will be a birthday to remember! And the first time we will have ever left the kids at home alone overnight. EVER. It's there's still time to beef up security and arrange for 'house checks' periodically. Pays to have good neighbors and lots of friends nearby.
H. already asked if he could have a party. That's a no. Big no.
Yin and Yang
The pool guy showed up early this 'uh oh' reminder that it was past 10AM (I didn't say it WAS early - I said the pool guy WAS early, compared to when he usually shows up) and I was still in my PJ's. Bolted upstairs and showered ultra quickly just in case he knocked on the door. He didn't. Phew! The pool is was sparkling clean.
About 1/2 hour later, the gardener arrived. The pool is now a mess again. Hopefully the filter will do it's job. And the darn gardener and his 'crew' tracked dog poop up and down the patio. Gosh darn it! I hate it when they do that....and we never know when they are arriving so it's hard to predict and prepare and scoop the poop in time. It was ONE poop...that is now all over our patio. That'll be a fun chore later in the heat of the day for some lucky son. Or husband.
I am supposedly accompanying son #1 to Las Po (that's what he calls it) to procure books and parking pass and financial aid packet (available starting today since it's officially the 2009-10 school year). There has been no sound from him and it's approaching 11:30. He was advised last night that I wanted to leave for LPC between 10 and 11....and that has clearly not happened. And no, I'm not waking him up to get him moving. He's so insistent that he should be 'on his own' about schedule, I'm letting him be. And I will likely not be available tomorrow - just to make a point. I had blocked today as the 'schlep to LPC day with B.' and I'm 'busy' tomorrow. Busy doing nothing but what I want to do when I want to do it. So there.
He is hosting ANOTHER band practice all afternoon - and that is bugging me also, since they are rehearsing HERE for a gig that B. won't even be at since it's the week we are in Cancun. He spent most of the FOUR HOUR rehearsal yesterday upstairs in his room on his laptop while the rest of the band - and his substitute drummer - practiced away. Oh well. We are also no longer buying food to feed all these people....I want to be a good hostess but I want to be solvent more...and feeding 4-8 people 3-4 times per week is NOT in our food budget. So I don't buy stuff anymore. They still go through cases and cases of Propel and water and whatever other beverages are in the garage - but it's hot in there so I'm fine with that. Wish they wouldn't leave 1/2 used bottles of those beverages everywhere...but what can you do about that? Waste happens.
We have no plans for the weekend other than hanging out around the house and in the pool. B. is working all day Saturday which is great for him since it's holiday pay!
Lunch yesterday was fun and delicious. I ran a couple errands on the way home and finally spent the $25 gift card from Bed, Bath and Beyond that I've had for over a year - got parchment paper and a jar with an insert you re-freeze...thinking I could make iced tea everyday and schlep it to work - has a handle and everything! And some 'beads' that you run through the garbage disposer to clean/deodorize. Just spent money 'cuz it was 'gift money' to just buy things I would normally never buy.
I also bought flex binders that I use at home and work - setting up our Cancun trip binder. Making lists of things we need to get and/or pack. I'm determined to pack lightly - we can do laundry while we're there and I'm not going to pack a bunch of clothes that I know I won't wear. Just a couple pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, a pair of 'slacks', bathing suits, tank tops/t-shirts and underwear. Will wash as needed.
Dishwasher is done so time to empty all the pooled water off glasses, etc. while they dry. Then move laundry and start another load. Still, it feels like a vacation 'cuz I am so rarely around to do these mundane things. I could get used to this....
About 1/2 hour later, the gardener arrived. The pool is now a mess again. Hopefully the filter will do it's job. And the darn gardener and his 'crew' tracked dog poop up and down the patio. Gosh darn it! I hate it when they do that....and we never know when they are arriving so it's hard to predict and prepare and scoop the poop in time. It was ONE poop...that is now all over our patio. That'll be a fun chore later in the heat of the day for some lucky son. Or husband.
I am supposedly accompanying son #1 to Las Po (that's what he calls it) to procure books and parking pass and financial aid packet (available starting today since it's officially the 2009-10 school year). There has been no sound from him and it's approaching 11:30. He was advised last night that I wanted to leave for LPC between 10 and 11....and that has clearly not happened. And no, I'm not waking him up to get him moving. He's so insistent that he should be 'on his own' about schedule, I'm letting him be. And I will likely not be available tomorrow - just to make a point. I had blocked today as the 'schlep to LPC day with B.' and I'm 'busy' tomorrow. Busy doing nothing but what I want to do when I want to do it. So there.
He is hosting ANOTHER band practice all afternoon - and that is bugging me also, since they are rehearsing HERE for a gig that B. won't even be at since it's the week we are in Cancun. He spent most of the FOUR HOUR rehearsal yesterday upstairs in his room on his laptop while the rest of the band - and his substitute drummer - practiced away. Oh well. We are also no longer buying food to feed all these people....I want to be a good hostess but I want to be solvent more...and feeding 4-8 people 3-4 times per week is NOT in our food budget. So I don't buy stuff anymore. They still go through cases and cases of Propel and water and whatever other beverages are in the garage - but it's hot in there so I'm fine with that. Wish they wouldn't leave 1/2 used bottles of those beverages everywhere...but what can you do about that? Waste happens.
We have no plans for the weekend other than hanging out around the house and in the pool. B. is working all day Saturday which is great for him since it's holiday pay!
Lunch yesterday was fun and delicious. I ran a couple errands on the way home and finally spent the $25 gift card from Bed, Bath and Beyond that I've had for over a year - got parchment paper and a jar with an insert you re-freeze...thinking I could make iced tea everyday and schlep it to work - has a handle and everything! And some 'beads' that you run through the garbage disposer to clean/deodorize. Just spent money 'cuz it was 'gift money' to just buy things I would normally never buy.
I also bought flex binders that I use at home and work - setting up our Cancun trip binder. Making lists of things we need to get and/or pack. I'm determined to pack lightly - we can do laundry while we're there and I'm not going to pack a bunch of clothes that I know I won't wear. Just a couple pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, a pair of 'slacks', bathing suits, tank tops/t-shirts and underwear. Will wash as needed.
Dishwasher is done so time to empty all the pooled water off glasses, etc. while they dry. Then move laundry and start another load. Still, it feels like a vacation 'cuz I am so rarely around to do these mundane things. I could get used to this....
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Tales of Helpers
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...

So far this month, we're doing a good job of consuming the food we bring home from our casino treks. One place is giving me $75 (one ti...
I'm starting to think maybe I will just do a monthly post and call it what it is - whatever month we're in. Here we are winding dow...
Our cleaning lady D. is here today - she wears earbuds and chats on the phone while she works. She is the third cleaning 'person(s)...